
Job description of a transport logistician: rights and obligations

Logistics is a fairly large area, which combines many companies with different profiles. There is a logistics position in almost all transport, information and production companies. A competent specialist will be taken with a good salary, but at the same time he has a serious responsibility.

After all, such a specialist should organize and coordinate the delivery of goods from the place of their production to the points where they will be sold. An experienced employee always has a couple of cargo delivery options. In addition, he knows how to calculate the route so that the products arrive to the client on time with minimal cost to the company. More information can be obtained by studying the job descriptions of the logistician.


The employee hired for this position is a specialist. Only the general director can appoint or relieve him of duties in the company. To get this job, an employee must have a university degree in logistics. Also, employers often require at least one year of experience in the field of logistics.

job description logistician

The employee is subordinate to the Director General, at the time of absence he is replaced by the appointed official. In his activities, the employee must take into account the orders of superiors, the job descriptions of the logistician, regulatory and guidance documents and the charter of the company.


Before starting work, an employee must learn the basics of designing supply chains and establishing logistic ties. He is obliged to familiarize himself with regulatory legal acts relating to the activities of the organization. Know how the deliveries of goods, etiquette and the norm of business communication, the basics of customs and transport legislation are forecasted and planned.

job description transport logistician

The job description of the logistician indicates that he must be able to develop contracts and business plans in accordance with all the rules, learn the basics of pricing and know how to plan and manage the company's resources. His knowledge should also include the rules and procedures at the company, the requirements for the preparation of documents and how the organization of the delivery of goods by all known methods and types of vehicles is carried out.

Main functions

The work of this employee includes the implementation and debugging of logistic schemes, drawing up plans and forecasting the supply of products. He must conduct an analysis of the conditions of supply contracts, draw up and place orders in a timely manner, monitor cooperation with transport companies, including the quality and timeliness of their fulfillment of contract clauses.

Main responsibilities

According to the job description of the logistician, he is obliged to monitor the technical and material supply, prepare a budget for the implementation of logistics operations and monitor compliance with the planned expenses. To conduct an inventory, check the size and condition of stocks of the company. This employee makes plans for the size of resources, taking into account the conditions of their storage and maintenance, which will help ensure continuous production.

Additional functions

The employee must take part in the planning of production, as well as the management of its processes. He is engaged in calculating the costs of creating stocks, their storage, purchase, as well as the use of warehouses and other places where they will be stored.

job descriptions of the transport logistician

He must organize the work of the warehouse, including establishing what types and how much warehouse equipment will be used and how this will affect the company's budget. The job description of the logistician of the transport department suggests that he develops supply plans, coordinates the reception and storage of resources. It implements the improvement of supply processes and goods within the company.

Additional Responsibilities

The employee is engaged in debugging customs clearance, the choice of carrier, draws up and concludes contracts related to transport and forwarding services, as well as the delivery of goods. Engaged in the preparation of transportation plans and debugging the technological process of transportation with the provision of their documentary support.

logistic manager job description

Job descriptions of the transport logistic officer include a point - a study of the quality of transportation and checking the timeliness of cargo delivery. The employee must interact with company personnel, establish logistics risks, monitor the safety of goods, materials, equipment and deal with their insurance and storage.

Basic rights

The employee holding this position has the right to receive the information and documents that he needs to carry out the work assigned to him. He can independently make decisions within his competence according to the job description of the transport logistician. Visize and sign the documentation, as well as he has the right to require management to assist in the performance of duties, if such a need arises.

job description logistics transport department

He has the right to demand the creation of normal conditions that meet the standards for storing tangible assets and documents. He can represent the interests of the company and turn to other specialists for advice if the task goes beyond the scope of his professional activity.

Additional rights

The job description of a freight logistician assumes that he has the right to offer management the implementation of activities affecting the company’s activities, inform him of the identified shortcomings and put forward proposals to eliminate problems and prevent the occurrence of such situations in the future. He has the right to receive information, if it concerns his work, to enter into communication with other employees on issues of a working nature. He can also refuse the tasks assigned to him if they pose a threat to his life or health.

A responsibility

There are a number of provisions for the violation of which the employee is responsible, and these items must contain the job description. The dispatcher-logistician is responsible for violations of fire protection, company routines, enterprise discipline and safety. He can be held accountable for misuse of the budget of the company, for providing false information to contractors, superiors or customers of the company, as well as for poor quality documentation.

job description logistician

He is responsible for the incomplete or improper performance of his work, as well as for its timeliness. He is responsible for violating trade secrets, as well as for disclosing personal data of employees subordinate to him or any other confidential information. The employee is responsible for causing damage to the counterparties, company, employees or the state. For violation of etiquette or business communication standards, abuse of their official authority or unauthorized use of them for personal purposes.

He can be held accountable if his actions or decisions led to damage to the company, as well as for the fact that he violated the provisions of the guidelines. Before starting to perform his duties, the employee must carefully read the instructions and coordinate it with the management.The paragraphs of this document may vary depending on the needs of the organization, but should not go beyond the scope of existing labor legislation.

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