
Job description of the site master (sample)

A fairly common profession in our time is the master of the site. This employee is a specialist whose main activity is the management of the production site. Since the position of a site foreman implies mental work, a person who wants to receive it must have good attention, memory, and be distinguished by an abstract and logical level of thinking. Most often, erudite, inquisitive, rational people with an analytical mind are employed.

General Provisions

The specialist hired for this position is the manager and can only be hired or dismissed by the general director of the company. To get this job, the master of the production site needs a diploma of higher professional or technical education. In addition, employers usually require at least one year of work experience. There is an option that they will accept an employee with secondary specialized education, but then he must first work in production for more than three years.job description of the site master In the absence of a diploma, a requirement of five years or more is presented to the experience. Also, the employee must be guided by regulations and laws related to the economic and production activities of the site where he works. He should also rely on methodological information related to relevant issues and on the company's charter. In addition, the job description of the site foreman assumes that he will take into account the orders of senior management and the clauses of this regulatory document in his activities.


The employee must, before starting to fulfill his duties, gain certain knowledge and become familiar with all regulatory legal acts and other methodological and guidance information that is directly related to the activities of the site entrusted to him. In addition, he must know all the requirements and technical specifications, standards of products manufactured by the company, and by what technology it is made. The master of the production site must know what equipment is on the site and how to operate it.

Other knowledge

He should be familiar with the methods of planning production, technical and economic areas. In addition, it is important that he knows all the methods and forms of the economic and production activities of his site, according to what rules the work is charged, what are the labor costs of the workers and in what cases these amounts can be reviewed.production site master The master of the workshop should be well acquainted with the current labor legislation, know the methods of material incentives for employees, and monitor the best foreign and domestic experience in the management sphere. Also, a specialist needs to know the organization of production, economics and management. In addition, knowledge of OT, BP and TR is required from him.


The main function of the employee hired for this position is to manage the site. In addition, the specialist must ensure high-quality and timely execution of production tasks by the site entrusted to him. The functions of the senior master of the site include ensuring the proper conditions for improving the qualifications of the team leaders and employees.job responsibilities He must also provide normal working conditions for his employees in accordance with all standards and legal requirements.It is this employee who must monitor the observance by his subordinates of all the rules of the organization and legislation of the country during their working day.


In order to fully and timely fulfill his duties, an employee accepted for this position is obliged to rely on and take into account current legislation, all regulatory acts aimed at regulating the production and business activities of the company and the management of this section. It should ensure its work, namely the timely execution of all the tasks assigned to it, including the creation of products, work or services, depending on the direction of the company.construction site master In addition, it is he who monitors the quality, nomenclature, assortment, level of increase in labor productivity. His job responsibilities include carrying out activities aimed at reducing the complexity of products, rationalizing the workload of the technical equipment of the workshop, maximizing the use of the capabilities of units, calculating how to use raw materials, materials, fuel and other costs more economically.

Other duties

The master must prepare the production on time, he is engaged in the arrangement of teams and workplaces, monitors compliance with all processes and, when violations are detected, quickly responds to problems and fixes them. He is engaged in the development of new technological processes, works on improving the old ones, and also builds production schedules.senior foreman The master of the construction site is obliged to check the quality of the work carried out by his subordinates and the products, if any. It is he who must carry out activities aimed at preventing marriage and improving the quality of services, work or products, depending on the direction of the company. The employee takes part in the inspection of the site after reconstruction, equipment repair, process automation, mechanization, etc.

Additional functions

The master of the road section should organize the implementation of advanced labor methods, rationalize jobs, monitor the timely completion of production, the rational use of production space, equipment and more. He forms brigades according to the qualifications of employees, their professional experience and the number of employees. Supervises the implementation of plans and schedules by individual workers and teams of the site entrusted to him.workshop foreman He instructs his staff on all regulatory issues important to the company, makes his suggestions on how to improve pricing and development, assigns categories to employees in accordance with their skills and responsibilities. Engaged in the analysis of production results, monitors the timely issuance of payment to employees, draws up all the necessary planning and annual documentation. Also, the job description of the site master implies that he is developing methods for encouraging and punishing employees for their work. Monitors and disciplines them, imposes penalties in case of violation of the rules and norms of labor discipline. In addition, his duties include carrying out activities to improve the skills of staff, training his additional professions and the like.

The rights

An employee who has received this position has a number of rights, including he can familiarize himself with any decision of senior management if it directly relates to his activities or the work of a site entrusted to him. He can offer his own methods for improving the work of the company if they do not go beyond his competence.The job description of the site master implies that he has the right to familiarize the management with the shortcomings identified by him during the performance of his work, and to offer his own methods for solving the problems encountered.road foreman He may put his signature on documents within his competence. An employee has the right to interact with the management team of the company’s departments, to request from them the documentation or information necessary for work. If necessary, require assistance from your immediate supervisor in fulfilling his direct duties.

A responsibility

An employee who has received the position of master is responsible for the improper fulfillment of the duties assigned to him, and he can be attracted according to the current legislation of the country. In addition, the job description of the site foreman assumes that he can be held accountable for any violations of administrative, criminal or labor law. In addition, he is responsible for causing the company material damage through his illegal actions in the course of the work.


Since this position is leading, the main quality of the employee who wants to get it is the analytical mind and figurative technical thinking. Before embarking on his duties, he must familiarize himself with the activities of the company, understand what kind of duties he will have to fulfill, with which team to work. It is very important to have management skills, to be able to make decisions, take responsibility and interact with subordinates and other managers. The job itself is very complex, so it’s important to work out at this or a similar enterprise in order to find out its structure from the inside. In addition, the specialist has a great responsibility not only for his actions, but also for the quality of work of his subordinates.

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