
Job title of procurement specialist: sample

This article will examine in detail such a position as a procurement specialist, in particular, his job description. This is a document that is provided to the employee by the company itself and which clearly spells out all of its rights and obligations, the rules of the labor activity, the definition of the boundaries of responsibility in cases of violation of the working order, and other local regulatory things that are necessary to study before taking on the job. You need to know how to write this instruction correctly and what it consists of, as well as consider all the functions of the person performing this work. Also, this article will present the job description of a procurement specialist in a sample, so the reader will be able to not only learn about the specifics of this employee’s work, but also look at how important the internal (as well as any other) position is for this position legal document.

the federal law

All information about the positions and instructions corresponding to them discussed in this article is based on the Federal Law of the Russian Federation on the system of contracts in the field of trade, procurement, implementation of works and services that meet the needs of the state and municipal structures. The number of this law is 44, and it was adopted on April 5, 2013. Accordingly, the job description of the procurement specialist with 44 Federal Laws is directly related, as well as the same instruction for the procurement manager.

Procurement Specialist and Procurement Manager

In some places, we will compare the procurement specialist in this article with a similar position, which is called the “procurement manager,” due to the fact that they have significant intersection points and to fully cover the topic. The job descriptions of the procurement specialist and supply manager are also very similar.

Warehouse manager

A procurement specialist, like the manager responsible for procurement within his company, is a practically new profession: at least, she is much younger than many other specialties from this labor commercial sphere. However, this does not mean at all that before their appearance there was absolutely no need for specialists of this kind: it existed, and people performed the same tasks before in various organizations and enterprises (usually associated with industrial production), only the title of the post was different. The employees, who are now called procurement specialists, were then called engineers who are responsible for the material and technical support of their enterprise with everything necessary for the successful implementation of its activities.

Occupation of these specialists

Before going through the job descriptions of the procurement specialist and his colleagues in the person of the manager who provides the organization, as well as all aspects of their work, we should briefly describe what they both do.

If we reduce to a common denominator all the functions of the work activities of these specialists, without performing an in-depth analysis (as it will be presented below) of all the subtleties of their work within a particular enterprise with a certain material condition, we can single out the main, primary task that they face.As already could be guessed, this task consists in timely and systematically constant provision of the head enterprise with the material values ​​necessary for it to maintain the labor system. Simply put, these specialists are engaged in the continuous supply of raw materials required by the specifics of the production of his organization.

Work outside the warehouse

This is not such a simple task as it might seem at first glance. The provision of the enterprise with various goods and other tangible products is worth serious work, which includes a huge number of related responsibilities, such as: analyzing the price and quality advantages of a particular supplier, their direct search and establishment and maintenance of the contract, tracking all current ongoing transactions and their support in order to ensure a high level of security and productivity in terms of obtaining the declared profit by the company, as well as much more.

The difference between a specialist and a manager


Very often, that is, in most cases, the employers of any organizations do not perceive the positions of a procurement specialist and a procurement manager as having any differences between themselves. In fact, most employers perceive this pair as a synonymous tandem, although there are those who do not think so. If we operate with a more business-like approach to the official perception of the labor differentiation of these workers, then we get the following:

  • A procurement specialist is an employee of a company who is directly involved in providing the company with those materials and goods that correspond to the nature of its productive activity (for example, if such an employee works in a furniture factory, he must monitor the supply of wood to the warehouses of his company, varnish and other materials necessary specifically in this case).
  • The procurement manager is an employee of the company who is directly involved in all matters arising from the delivery of other material assets not related to the organization’s activity itself (for example, these may be stationery for the office work of managing managers, food supplies for daily catering in the dining room and etc.).

Job title of a procurement specialist

Being the same paramount and dominant internal legal document of the organization regarding the employees of the position in question, as well as the employment contract drawn up between the employee and his employer, the job description of any employee is the main list of all the rules, rights, obligations and other things necessary for familiarization and study and details regarding the specific post that this document describes. This is important to take into account, because if you refer to the legislation currently in force in our country regarding labor activities, it turns out that no employee without personal desire (legally secured by official consent) has an obligation to carry out work activities that were not directly stated in the employment contract itself. Therefore, due to the close interaction of this document with the job description of a procurement specialist (or any other working person), it is the job description that determines the final efficiency and productivity of the employee. That is why it is very important for the employer to know how to correctly draw up such an instruction, just as the employee should be aware of whether this process was carried out correctly and whether the contents of the instruction comply with all legal regulations and other regulatory factors.

Procurement Specialist Job Sections

In terms of both form and content, this document must be implemented in accordance with all standards adopted in the business circulation of legal documents that determine the quality and accuracy of the submission of basic information about a future position to an applicant for it.

Procurement Specialist Job Sample

This is what the sample looks like. In the job description of the procurement specialist according to the professional standard, this specialist (or only an applicant for this title) will see the following sections:

  1. The upper left column of this document contains information about the organization that issues it to the person applying for the position. The right one reflects to the reader information about how and by whom the job description of the procurement specialist was approved, and its text was agreed in accordance with all required standards. The word “Approved” is followed by the following data: the date on which the document was directly approved and information about the manager of the organization that carried out this approval. This is followed by his personal signature. The word “Agreed” also includes the date on which the approval was made, and data on the employees of those departments who were directly involved in the preparation of the job description. They, in turn, also need to leave their paintings in the right line, coming after the above data. Departments and institutions with which the organization cooperates in the preparation of the job description for an employee in his position: a service that provides appropriate legal advice and direct assistance, a human resources department and a company department, which will subsequently end up with an employee applying for a position.
  2. The section of the job description of a specialist in procurement of a budgetary institution, containing general information, includes: a list of all the requirements that a candidate for a position must meet (such as the right age, the degree you have received, your previous work experience, all the makings necessary to carry out work) and skills, etc.), as well as a list of documents that include various legal acts of both the legislation of the Russian Federation and the organization itself, in which arrester - with this list, he is obliged to be aware at the time of the official introduction to the working position. Among other things, this section highlights various technical issues that an employee may encounter during the performance of his duties: the place of this employee in the entire enterprise system (in terms of responsibility, relationships, work schedule and schedule, etc.), the procedure for registration to work or dismissal from the post, the procedure for the replacement by an employee of another employee of the enterprise or the replacement of the employee by that person, all information about the person appointed to him by the head, etc.
  3. The main section of such a document as the job description of a procurement specialist (in school, in particular, this vacancy is relevant not only in manufacturing enterprises), is a clear list of all the rights and obligations of the employee. Of course, first, the employee is provided with an opportunity to familiarize himself with his duties, which should be as accurately and accurately as possible in order to avoid any misunderstanding on the part of the candidate and potential problems in the future during his work. Directly, rights are the result of duties and pursue the task of significantly facilitating the employee's process of fulfilling all the functions assigned to him by post. Such rights may be: a) the right to receive information in full regarding their work; b) the right to express proposals to the authorities that in one way or another affect the labor activity of the employee or the entire enterprise as a whole; c) the right to career growth within the organization, etc.
  4. The last section in the job description of the public procurement specialist contains information on the responsibility that the employee will be forced to assume if he does not fulfill his direct duties regarding the implementation of labor activities.

Procurement Manager Job Description

Supplier Collaboration

In its content and execution, the instructing document of the procurement manager is in all respects similar to the job description of the procurement specialist, but one should not forget about their significant differences. First of all, it is important for large enterprises, the staff of which provides places for both of these posts. Therefore, when compiling job descriptions, their compilers should pay special attention to more specific compilation and determination of the criteria by which candidates are selected for these vacancies, as well as seriously addressing the differentiation of duties and the specifics of the activities of a procurement specialist and procurement manager.

In the labor sphere, as a rule, there is an opinion that a procurement specialist is in a higher position than his colleague, who is responsible for supplying the organization with material values ​​of all profiles. The presence of this opinion among the masses is due, in particular, to the difference in the wages of the representatives of these two posts: the former has a much higher monetary incentive for labor activity than the latter. However, the requirements for it are presented, respectively, more stringent.

The job description of the chief procurement specialist and the job description of the procurement manager are two documents that are almost identical, but it is very important to understand that only a clear delineation of the duties of these employees will optimize the work process and lead to more effective labor results of the entire enterprise.

Candidate Requirements

Applicants for both professions due to the similarity of some of their powers and the specifics of their work responsibilities, and also because both the procurement manager and the procurement specialist have almost the same job descriptions in the DOW (management documentation), put forward about the same requirements. Both the procurement specialist and the procurement manager should:

  1. Have the ability to negotiate with customers and achieve high conversion from them.
  2. Be able to take responsibility for making difficult decisions.
  3. To be able to analyze the situation on the market or any other object required for analysis.
  4. To carry out work with an impressive amount of information and maintain no less extensive documentation.
  5. To have competencies in the field of cargo transportation and customs legislation on a theoretical basis.
  6. Confidently own a personal computer and use all the programs necessary for work.

However, this is not the entire list of requirements that are presented to candidates for one of the two posts considered in this article. To the senior procurement specialist, whose job descriptions we have already dealt with, just like the procurement manager, the employer has the right to present some other requirements, which may include, for example, fluency in a foreign language in case if the organization conducts its activities, including abroad, of the country in which it is located.

job descriptions of a procurement specialist

There are also differences. Thus, the job description for a specialist in the field of procurement provides for employment in the presence of only higher education (financial, economic, legal or otherwise in similar areas), while a procurement manager can become a person with a secondary specialized or even ordinary secondary education.Remuneration, as mentioned earlier, is different for these employees.

The difference in job responsibilities of specialist and manager

Here, the directivity of the company’s labor activity and the specifics of the work process inside it become a very important factor.

The job descriptions of the procurement specialist (sample you've already seen) and the procurement manager assume the following job responsibilities:

  1. A complete set of goods or a group of goods in the enterprise’s warehouse, organizational control over any processes relating to these goods.
  2. Commodity security on request without any delay in time.
  3. Search and negotiation with the most suitable supplier for the organization.
  4. Maintaining all legal documentation related to suppliers.
  5. Tracking the finances that accompany the goods.
  6. Monitoring the implementation of all deliveries on time.
  7. Tracking the movement of goods within the supply chain.
  8. Implementation of a quality check of goods arrived at the organization.
  9. Corresponding to personal competencies solutions to issues arising in the course of work with suppliers.
Make a deal

The differences between the procurement specialist and the procurement manager should be determined directly by the organizations that directly hire them, doing this as clearly as possible in order to avoid unproductive work that does not meet high production standards.

The employer also has the right to give his employee additional work functions in accordance with the specifics of his management.


44 Federal Law regulates the job description of a procurement specialist in sufficient detail. Having studied this document thoroughly, you can find answers to almost all questions regarding this position. For a procurement specialist, the job description is the most important legal document related to his job responsibilities.

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