
Job description of a joiner. Profession carpenter

Wood is one of the oldest building materials. From it people built houses, churches, performed furniture, utensils, household items. Although at first glance the work seems simple, the profession of a carpenter is complex. These employees have their rights and obligations, fixed in the job description. Read more about this in the article.

General information

The carpenter is a highly skilled employee, craftsman and artisan who creates and grinds wood products. In his work, he uses lamination, veneering and veneering. In the 18th century, specialists made only furniture, although the profession arose much earlier.

joiner's job description

Now in the carpentry shops they carry out complex furniture, doors, windows, stairs, cornices, baseboards, arches. In their work, experts use a variety of techniques to create original gizmos. The duties of a carpenter include a variety of work. Usually it does:

  1. Wood processing.
  2. Creation and restoration of furniture.
  3. Installation and installation of window openings, doors.
  4. Insert locks.
  5. Repair of wooden elements.
  6. Furniture installation.
  7. Grinding and polishing.
  8. Making small parts.
  9. Work with fixtures.

The joiner's job description may include additional duties. This is a specialist in a wide profile, who himself performs all the objects: from workpiece to finishing.

Instruction manual

The job description of a furniture joiner is the main document on the basis of which all work is performed. It indicates:

  1. Name of profession.
  2. Employee position in the enterprise.
  3. List of responsibilities.
  4. Requirements.
  5. A responsibility.
  6. The rights.

carpentry shop

Each section includes a certain amount of information. Typically, job descriptions are provided for review before employment.


Due to the expansion of the scope of labor, specializations arose:

  1. Cabinet makers - create and repair furniture.
  2. Joiners at a construction site - they finish the house inside, install windows, doors, furniture.
  3. Specialists in shipbuilding and aircraft manufacturing plants.
  4. Joiners creating musical instruments.

The job description of the joiner at each production is different, it all depends on the specialization of the enterprise. The duties are introduced to all employees applying for a job. All specializations are taught in colleges, technical schools, as well as in production.

Personal qualities

The employee spends most of the day on his feet. The carpenter’s workplace is located in the workshop where some wooden items are made. The important qualities are excellent health and stamina. Keep in mind that work is considered to be hazardous. The specialist uses planers, a saw, an ax in his activity.

joiner's responsibilities

Devices require a neat attitude and strictly follow safety precautions, so it is important for an employee to be responsible, attentive, accurate. Since this is a creative field, the master needs to possess:

  1. Accurate eye.
  2. Spatial thinking.
  3. A sense of beauty.
  4. The ability to distinguish colors and shades.
  5. Accuracy
  6. Creativity
  7. Patience.
  8. Responsibility
  9. Developed coordination of movements.

These qualities will allow you to correctly and timely perform the work. The job description of the joiner states that he must have professional knowledge. For example, it is important for him to understand the difference between the breeds, determine the quality of the workpieces and choose the ones suitable for each case. This is especially necessary for those who work with furniture or musical instruments.

Masters need knowledge of the chemical composition of glue and paints and varnishes. In addition to everything else, a joiner should be able to read blueprints, and a high-class craftsman should be able to create them. A variety of skills makes specialists even more in demand.


The main advantage of the work is the demand. These specialists are needed everywhere: at a construction site, furniture factory, in the field of shipbuilding. Thanks to the specialist’s diploma, simple employment in the specialty is ensured. The average monthly income in the country is 40-50 thousand rubles.

profession carpenter

The advantage of the profession is the possibility of additional income. If the master has his own tools, he will be able to take orders for a house or a carpentry workshop. To search for clients, you should place ads in the newspaper, on the Internet. Usually, masters quickly have customers.


The disadvantages of the profession are related to working conditions. The master works with tools that, if handled with care, can result in personal injury. Dangerous are varnishes, paints, glue, the fumes of which cause poisoning, allergies, respiratory diseases.

In a carpentry workshop there is constant noise, vibrations that reduce hearing, and nervous system diseases can also appear. The master works not only in special clothes, but also in goggles, earplugs.

Getting a profession

According to the job description of the joiner, the master must have a profession. To do this, you can become a student at the factory, learn the basics of the specialty. There is the possibility of entering a specialized technical school or college, where masters are trained.

job description of a furniture joiner

To obtain the profession of a high-class cabinetmaker, you need to combine 2 methods of mastering the profession. It turns out that it is necessary to graduate from a professional educational institution, and then go to production to an experienced master for practical training.

The rights

In the job description there is a section of rights, in addition, they are fixed by law. The main ones include:

  1. Requirement from managers to assist in the performance of duties: providing a workplace, tools, necessary information.
  2. Address to the management with suggestions for improvement.
  3. Report abuse.

If other rights necessary for a given workplace are introduced for an employee at an enterprise, then they must be included in the job description.

A responsibility

Masters in production are responsible, which can be of the following types:

  1. Disciplinary. It involves violation of the routine, failure to fulfill obligations and orders of the authorities.
  2. Material. Usually occurs with damage to property, other employees or customers.
  3. Administrative and criminal. It follows the commission of offenses and crimes, if they are identified at the enterprise.

joiner's workplace

Another option for describing responsibility is to indicate situations in which the master will respond. This applies to violation of safety rules, quality of work. Which approach is better, the employer decides.

Thus, joiners are required in many enterprises. Their main activity is working with wood. And what exactly they perform depends on the specialization of production.

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