
Caretaker Job Description: Sample

Each of the employees - only accepted or long-working - must be aware of the provisions of their job description for the current year. We suggest you familiarize yourself with such a document for working watchmen, as well as watchmen in schools, kindergartens, enterprises and other institutions. caretaker job description

General provisions of the document

The caretaker's job description, a sample of which is presented here, has the following items in the "General Provisions" section:

1. Watchman - a working profession.

2. Persons without special education, as well as without experience in similar work, but over 18 years of age, are accepted for this position.

3. The caretaker is hired and released from work ______ (by the head) upon presentation of ______ (position indication).

4. A person working as a caretaker is required to have special information on his position. Namely, to know:

    • organization requirements regarding access control;
    • samples of signatures of officials authorized to issue passes permitting entry / entry to the object, transport / transport of valuables;
    • the appearance of one-time and personal passes;
    • boundaries of the object under protection;
    • Phones of the administration of the facility, as well as duty police stations.

Caretaker job description also implies that the employee possesses the following knowledge:

    • about the features of the "panic button", the alarm system;
    • about the requirements for the quality of its activities, as well as the rational organization of labor functions;
    • on the rules of labor protection, fire safety, general industrial sanitation.

5. In his activities, the employee should be guided by:

    • this document;
    • orders and orders of the head ______ (name of organization);
    • Charter of the said organization;
    • current legislation of the state.

6. The immediate supervisor of the employee is _____ (a more highly qualified specialist, the head of the department / department, director).

7. For the period of absence of the employee (sick leave, business trip, vacation), his duties are temporarily transferred _____. This person fully assumes all the rights, duties and responsibilities of the watchman for a certain time. caretaker job description

Caretaker job responsibilities

The job descriptions of the kindergarten caretaker, school, enterprise, etc., require the following professional duties:

  • duty on a special post or checkpoint;
  • admission of visitors and vehicles to and from the territory upon presentation of certain documents, verification of the goods carried with the names indicated on the consignment note;
  • opening / closing gates;
  • checking the external integrity of the facility, the presence of seals, gratings, the health of locks, alarm systems, communications, lighting, and the suitability of fire fighting equipment;
  • in case of malfunctions - an immediate report to a higher manager;
  • when the “Alarm” signal sounds, there are no seals and seals, if hacked windows, entrances, walls, locks are detected - an immediate call to the police detachment and a report to their immediate leadership;
  • in case of fire - activation of the "Alarm" mode, immediate call of the firefighters team;
  • Reception / delivery of the shift must be recorded in a special book;
  • in case of non-arrival of the substitute by the time the duty begins - an urgent report on what happened to the management.

school caretaker job description

Also, the job description of the caretaker involves following the general duties:

  • strict observance of local requirements for internal regulations, labor protection standards, general sanitation and fire safety rules, safety measures;
  • fulfillment of orders of their immediate supervisors;
  • reception / delivery of the shift, maintenance of the workplace in proper condition - cleaning, disinfection, cleaning of both himself and the used devices and tools;
  • maintaining certain documentation.

Employee Rights

The job description of the caretaker dictates the following rights of the employee:

  • submit to the management's court proposals on holding workers accountable for violating labor and production discipline, as well as proposals on improving their activities;
  • request data necessary for work from the employees of the organization involved in them;
  • to get acquainted with the documentation regarding the requirements for the quality of his work, as well as his rights and obligations;
  • to get acquainted with the decisions of the management team regarding his labor activity;
  • require management to provide appropriate assistance to fulfill their legal duties;
  • other rights approved by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

caretaker job description sample

Employee responsibility

Also, the job description of the caretaker implies the fact that the employee is responsible:

  • for failure to fulfill or unsatisfactory performance of their duties - according to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation;
  • for offenses in the process of working activities - under the Code of Administrative Offenses, Criminal Code, Civil Code of the Russian Federation;
  • for causing material damage to the company - according to the Labor Code and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

School Caretaker Job Description

The instruction has the following features:

  1. The immediate supervisor is the deputy director of the school of AHR.
  2. The watchman is subordinate to the director of this school.
  3. The main duty: to protect the property of the school, its building and adjacent facilities during the extracurricular period by external and internal bypass (at least 3 times per shift).
  4. Normalized working day from __ to __ hours (without the right to sleep). The schedule is prepared taking into account the 40-hour working week and approved by the director.

garden caretaker job description

Garden watchman: job description

The document contains a number of features:

  1. The immediate head is the deputy head for AChH; the employee is subordinate to the head of the kindergarten.
  2. Prohibition of admission to the territory of strangers without the permission of the administration.
  3. Duties:
    • bypassing the territory;
    • turning on / checking / turning off outdoor lighting;
    • closing windows, doors, gates, entrance gates after leaving children and their parents, kindergarten workers;
    • ensuring the safety of property, the building itself, playgrounds;
    • switching on the necessary lighting, opening the gate, doors for the morning shift of cooks.

kindergarten caretaker job descriptions

Knowledge of their rights, duties, level of responsibility dictated by the job description is necessary for an employee of any profession. This document for the caretaker is almost the same as the job description for employees of any organization - the differences are only in the small features of the assigned duties.

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