
Job description of a dentist-surgeon of a polyclinic

A dentist is a very complex and demanding profession, which implies a serious responsibility, in-depth knowledge in the field of dentistry, as well as an extensive set of relevant skills. However, there is even more significant work, which involves surgical intervention and significant responsibility. Naturally, you already understood that we are talking about a dentist specializing in surgery. In this article, you can familiarize yourself with the job description of a dentist-surgeon, which will definitely come in handy if you want to choose such a career path for yourself. It’s worth mentioning right away that this specialist has a lot of responsibilities, and he should have the most diverse skills. So, what is the job description of a dentist surgeon?

General Provisions

job description of a dentist surgeon

The job description of a dentist-surgeon begins with general provisions that every specialist who plans to get a job in this specialty should know. From the very beginning it is indicated that this instruction is intended exclusively for those people who are going to work in the specified specialty. This is quite logical, but not very informative, so it’s worth moving on.

The second paragraph already gives more information, namely, it offers you to get acquainted with the requirements that are presented to a candidate for a similar position. Firstly, such a candidate must have a higher medical education. Secondly, he had to study at a higher educational institution with a degree in "surgical dentistry." If he studied in a different profile, then he definitely needs to undergo postgraduate training in this direction. Only then can he apply for this position.

The third paragraph describes in detail what knowledge a candidate for such a position should possess. This knowledge, as already mentioned, is very extensive: it begins with the foundations of the legislation of the Russian Federation on health care and ends with modern methods of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. There are a lot of these points, so a specialist in this area needs to have really extensive knowledge. However, the job description of the dentist surgeon does not end there.

Other general provisions

job description of a dentist surgeon at a clinic

The job description of the dentist-surgeon of the clinic or hospital includes several more points of the main provisions, which you should also familiarize yourself with. For example, this section says that a specialist in this place is appointed exclusively by the head physician of the institution. The same applies to the dismissal of an employee.

Well, the last point, which can be found among the general provisions. It concerns the person to whom the doctor working in this specialty reports. It is logical that the dental surgeon is at the disposal of the head of the department in which he works. If there is no such head, then he must be subordinate to the head of the whole hospital or his deputies. Any sample job description for a dentist surgeon will include these or similar items. However, the list is not limited to general provisions.

Job responsibilities

job description dentist surgeon sample

The job description of the dentist-surgeon-implantologist also includes a section that describes what responsibilities specialists in this field have under certain conditions.For example, the first part of this section is devoted to what kind of qualified medical care such a specialist should provide. This means that he must accept the patient, examine him, diagnose all diseases, develop a treatment plan, guide the patient according to this plan, performing all necessary operations. He must also make timely changes to the treatment plan of a particular patient in order to cure him as quickly and efficiently as possible. However, the duties and job description of the dentist-surgeon are not limited to the provision of medical care as planned.

Emergency care responsibilities

job description of a dentist surgeon implantologist

The form of the job description of a dentist-surgeon doctor may differ from institution to institution, but the essence is almost always preserved. For example, the duties of such a specialist include not only conducting routine treatment, but also providing emergency care. This means that such a doctor should help a person whose health problems threaten his well-being and even life. However, he can lead staff who can support him during the treatment process. He can also supervise the work of his assistants and conduct special training courses for them. The job description of the dentist surgeon of the hospital or clinic also includes two more very important sections, namely rights and responsibilities.

The rights

This is a very important point in the job description of a dentist-surgeon, because he must know not only his duties, but also his rights in the workplace. The most important points are the right of the doctor to independently diagnose his patients, prescribe treatment, draw up a plan and guide the patient according to this plan.

In addition, he has the right to attract other specialists to assist in treatment or to advise on certain issues.

The second paragraph reports that this doctor has every right to make certain suggestions for improving and improving the treatment process within the institution in which this specialist works.

In addition, the specialist also has the right to control the activities of subordinate employees, if any, at his disposal, and also require them to comply with his instructions. The doctor may also make suggestions to management on the promotion or punishment of its subordinate employees. In some sample job descriptions of surgeons and dentists, you can find other items, which will be discussed later.

Other rights

Duties and job description of a dentist surgeon

Naturally, this is far from all the rights that a doctor of this specialty has. At each workplace, the job description may indicate various rights, but some of them almost always remain unchanged. For example, he should always have the right to request the necessary documents, data, necessary information that can help him in the treatment of the patient or in the performance of any other official duties.

Also, the doctor has the right to participate in various conferences that will allow him to improve his qualifications. He can also take part in all events that address issues related to his activities.

In addition, he has the right to undergo appropriate certification in order to qualify for promotion and obtain a higher qualification category, which will allow him to achieve great success in his career. This may also include various continuing education courses, which are mandatory for every doctor. They are held once every five years and are designed to ensure that all specialists always have up-to-date information about the constantly evolving world of medicine and do not use long-outdated methods.

Compliance with the Labor Code

Well, of course, it is worth noting that this section is always summarized by indicating that the doctor’s labor rights must comply with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. This is not the most informative moment, but it is also worth mentioning if you intend to apply for this position.

A responsibility

job description dentist surgeon uniform

Well, the last section of the job description that needs to be considered is the responsibility of the dentist surgeon. Naturally, the most important responsibility of a specialist is the timely implementation of the duties assigned to him. As with any other job, this is a logical requirement.

Also, the doctor is responsible for the organization of his activities and the implementation of orders from higher authorities. In addition, he is responsible for observing the internal rules established in a particular institution, as well as for observing all important points, such as fire safety rules.

Other liability points

Naturally, the doctor’s responsibility does not end there. He is also responsible for the execution of all documentation depending on him, and the design of these materials must be timely and of high quality. Also, the specialist must provide all the necessary statistical information on their own activities. In addition, the doctor is responsible for the work performed by his subordinates. He should be responsible for the performance of not only his duties, but also the work of employees who are subordinate to him. Well, the last point is the responsibility for the prompt and timely adoption of all necessary measures in case of violation of certain rules, for informing management and so on.

Possible consequences of violations

doctor dentist surgeon hospital job description

The job description of the dentist surgeon ends with a clear indication of what the consequences of violations of the job descriptions clauses may be. Depending on the severity of the violation, a specialist can be held liable for various types of liability, from disciplinary to even criminal. Thus, you will be able to familiarize yourself with your duties, rights, and also, naturally, understand what consequences you may face if you violate one or another paragraph of the presented instruction.


Well, now you have a better idea of ​​what the job description of a doctor who plans to work in the specialty of "dentist-surgeon" is. Of course, you should understand that job descriptions at different places of work may be slightly different, but in general they will be similar to what is described in this article. All the main points of rights and obligations are described here; you have also become familiar with the responsibility that will be assigned to you in this position. And now you are completely ready to decide on a serious step.

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