
Job description of a legal adviser. Professional Standard of Legal Counsel

The leading legal adviser is an employee of the organization, which ensures compliance with the legality of its activities. These workers are required both in state bodies and in private organizations. The employee holding this position is obliged to ensure that the company complies with the laws of the country while carrying out its professional activities, and also ensures that the law is not violated in relation to the company in which it is employed. The main task of the leading legal adviser is to issue opinions relating to private legal issues and to represent the company in court as an attorney.


The employee hired for this position is a specialist. His direct management is responsible for his employment, namely the general director of the company or the head of the legal department. In order to count on this work, the applicant must receive a law degree. Employers also require at least two years of experience in a similar position. In his activities, the employee must take into account the laws of the country, the charter and rules of the company, orders from superiors and the job description of the legal adviser.


Before fulfilling his immediate duties, the employee must familiarize himself with all the legislative acts governing the production, financial and economic activities of the organization where he is employed. To study all regulatory and legal acts, materials and other documents affecting the legal activities of the company.

legal adviser job description

The professional standard of a legal adviser assumes that he knows well the financial, labor, administrative and civil legislation. He should also be well acquainted with the procedure for maintaining records and reporting regarding the financial and economic activities of the company where he works.

Other knowledge

The employee must know in what order economic contracts, tariff agreements and collective contracts are concluded and executed. He must study in what order the systematization, accounting and maintenance of legal documents is carried out, be able to do this using modern information technologies. Also, the professional standard of a legal adviser suggests that he should learn the basics of economics, management and labor organization, company norms and rules.


The functional responsibilities of the employee holding this position include keeping records and maintaining arbitration and court cases that are currently in progress and have already been completed. He should develop and carry out activities aimed at strengthening discipline (financial, labor, contractual).

professional standard of legal counsel

This also applies to the preservation of property of the company. The duties of a legal adviser include the study, analysis and generalization of the results of claims, arbitration and court cases. This also includes the practice of concluding and executing business contracts for the company. He does these procedures in order to develop proposals based on them to address deficiencies and improve the financial and economic activities of the enterprise.


This employee is involved in paperwork, which reflects the involvement of company employees in disciplinary and material liability for violation of company rules and poorly performed tasks.He can be charged with various matters, participation in the preparation of reasonable answers if the company rejects the claim.

legal adviser responsibilities

Also, the duties of a legal adviser include the preparation of materials on embezzlement, theft, the release of low-quality products, shortages, violations and so on. In preparation, he can attract heads of various departments of the company. After that, the employee must transfer these materials to the judicial and investigative authorities for further proceedings.

Other functions

The employee takes part in the conclusion of business contracts and conducts their legal expertise. The General Counsel develops collective bargaining terms and other industry agreements, considers issues with receivables and payables overdue loans. He must make sure that all calculations, certificates, explanatory and other materials necessary for drawing up answers to claims are submitted in a timely manner.

legal adviser job description

Together with the heads of other departments, the employee prepares proposals aimed at changing existing or canceling orders that have lost their relevance and other management documentation of the enterprise. The legal adviser of the enterprise is engaged in the preparation of opinions, helps other employees to draw up and execute documentation and acts relating to issues of property and law.

Other duties

The employee is entrusted with the development of legal documentation, the implementation of a methodological guide to legal work and the provision of assistance to company heads in organizing and preparing legal documents. It is this employee who monitors the safety and systematization of the accounting of existing regulatory and legislative acts of the company, notes their cancellation, makes changes and additions.

legal adviser education

He must do all this using modern technologies and equipment located on the territory of the enterprise. As indicated in the job description of the legal adviser, he is obliged to participate in the preparation of opinions regarding legal issues that arise in the activities of the company. He also informs company employees about changes in the laws of the country, introduces them to the acts, norms and rules of the company, advises them on organizational, legal and other legal issues.

The rights

According to the job description of the legal adviser, this employee has the right to demand assistance from the authorities in fulfilling their rights and obligations. He has the right to notify the management of deficiencies identified during the performance of tasks assigned to him. And also he can offer his own ways to solve the problem.

General Counsel

He has the right to request information and documents from the heads of departments if he needs them for work. Having a higher education, the legal adviser has the right to improve their qualifications. He can attract other employees of the company to carry out the tasks assigned to him. He also has the right to get acquainted with the decisions of his superiors, if they affect his activities, to make suggestions on improving the efficiency of the company.

A responsibility

The employee is responsible for the untimely performance of his work, as well as for poor-quality implementation of the tasks assigned to him. He can be held accountable for offenses committed during working hours, for causing material damage to the company. In addition, he is responsible for disclosing confidential information, violating trade secrets and exceeding his official authority.


The job description of the legal adviser can be supplemented if necessary. Obligations and rights of an employee depend on the direction of the company where it is employed, its scope and management needs. Moreover, each of its items must comply with the norms and standards of the current labor legislation.

legal adviser

In general, this is a very popular profession, and a good specialist is unlikely to be left without work. Professionals for this position are required both in private firms and in public institutions. Accordingly, the employee's salary varies depending on the number of functions assigned to him and the scope of the enterprise. To work in a team, you need to get an appropriate education, have work experience and personal qualities relevant to this position.

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