
Job description of the deputy director for AChP: features, requirements and sample

In almost every enterprise there is a person responsible for administrative activities. Such specialists are called upon to maintain the company’s performance and timely solve current production issues. This article will analyze the job description that defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the deputy director for administrative part. Attention is also drawn to the nuances in the duties of such specialists in organizations of various kinds.

Job Description of the Deputy Director for AChH: General Provisions

A person with higher education and work experience in the specialty for at least three years can take the post of deputy director for AHC The employee is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the organization. The director, in turn, is the direct supervisor of such a specialist. If the deputy director for AHC is temporarily removed from his post, the head of the enterprise will appoint his other deputies in his place. At the disposal of the employee for AHC is all the technical and maintenance personnel of the organization.

In accordance with the job description of the Deputy Director for AHC, the employee is required to have a higher education in the specialty "Personnel Management", "State Medical University" or "Management".

Legal base of professional activity

In the job description of the employee, legal sources are fixed, which should guide the specialist in question during work. Here are some highlights:

  • The Russian Constitution (in particular, Chapter 2 - on fundamental freedoms and human rights);
  • Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On Accounting";
  • an employment contract concluded with management;
  • labor and economic legislation;
  • local acts of the institution where the specialist works.

job description of the deputy director for ahch

The number of legal sources that a specialist should be guided by depends on the place of work. For example, the job description of the deputy director of the school for administrative part (AHC) requires the employee to know the basics of the Federal Law "On Education". This also includes the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since an AHC employee at a school deals with minors, he should remember the famous ten principles enshrined in a well-known document. If we are talking about working in a medical institution, then other additional documentation will be added to the necessary legal base.

Knowledge required for work

The specialist must receive all the information necessary for work at a higher educational institution. The job description of the deputy director for AHC requires the employee to have the following knowledge in the following areas:

  • ways of organizing financial and economic activities;
  • basics of management and employee management;
  • foundations of sociological and economic scientific disciplines;
  • technology for diagnosing conflict situations, as well as successfully resolving them;
  • rules of operation of premises;
  • Russian labor law;
  • ways of mechanization of labor;
  • basics of computer science and ICT;
  • labor psychology and hygiene;
  • basic sanitation;
  • methods of persuasion and argumentation (rhetoric);
  • basis of medical knowledge.

Thus, in the job description of the deputy director for AHC only the most basic scientific disciplines are described. In universities where they teach the specialty under consideration, they give a much greater amount of information.

The place of work of a specialist in AChP will depend on the availability of special skills and knowledge. For example, an employee may work at school. In this case, he is subordinate to the director of the educational organization. If we are talking about large companies, then the employee, the head of the household, reports to the General Director of the enterprise. It is the gene. the director appoints a specialist for the position and signs a document on his dismissal. In accordance with the provisions of the job description, the Deputy General Director for AHC belongs to the management team and is obliged to have a number of professional skills, knowledge and skills.

What does the deputy director for AHCh do?

The main function assigned to the employee holding this position is the organization of economic activity. The specialist must constantly monitor this area.

Deputy Director for Administrative Business

The job descriptions of the deputy director for AHC list the duties of the indicated specialist in the technical and material support of the labor or educational process at the enterprise. People cannot work in an environment that is uncomfortable for them. The duties of a specialist include supporting quality working conditions. To do this, you need to monitor the safety of the institution, the monitoring of household services, the proper condition of buildings, etc.

General duties of an employee

The professional duties of a specialist in the field of AHC are so many that they will have to be divided into four groups. The first part of the powers recorded in the job description of the deputy director for AHC (supply manager) is called the general. It describes the implementation of activities of an administrative nature.

The specialist in question is obliged to monitor the work of maintenance and technical personnel. According to the job description, the deputy general director for AChH must control the activities of his subordinates in the economic sphere. These are cleaners, janitors, electricians, plumbers and other technical workers.

job description of the deputy director of the school for the administrative part of the ahch

It should also highlight the functions related to the development of the technical program of the institution, as well as participation in the selection of personnel, the adoption of material values ​​and the organization of workrooms. In the latter case, we are talking about providing premises with furniture, electricity, working equipment, work clothes, etc.

Work with inventory and documentation

Each working organization has a document on labor protection. To control the implementation of this document (in the absence of an occupational safety engineer at the enterprise) is the Deputy Director for AHCh. He draws up evacuation plans, prepares anti-terrorism protection methods, and also forms various labor instructions. The employee must keep all rooms in a safe and comfortable working condition.

According to professional instructions, the employee is obliged to conduct timely certification of premises. Moreover, he should do this together with the leadership. The same applies to inventory of property, organization of warehouses, as well as supervision of the sanitary condition of the premises.

Work with supply systems

Checking lighting, heating systems, ventilation, water supply and other important elements, equipment and ensuring their functioning is part of the responsibilities of an AHC specialist. The leader in this area must timely identify deficiencies in the operation of these systems and ensure their repair - independently or through intermediaries.

the job description defines the duties of the law and the responsibility of the deputy director for administrative part

In accordance with the job description of the deputy director for administrative part, the specialist must monitor the level of dust, dirt, gas or harmful fumes in the premises. To do this, annually measure the resistance level of insulation systems.

The issuance of special clothing, safety shoes and appropriate equipment to workers in the field of AEC is also the responsibility of the specialist in question. It is necessary to organize the accounting of the wardrobe, as well as to ensure timely washing, drying and disinfection of the material. Moreover, all shoes and clothing should be purchased in specialized stores. To ensure their acquisition should, again, the deputy director for frequency response.

Work on the modernization of its own activities

It is necessary to indicate the final powers and duties of the specialist in question. This organization of landscaping and landscaping, coordination of activities subordinate to the institution of services, technical incentives for workers and many other types of work.

A sample job description of the Deputy Director for AHC at an educational institution is presented below.

 job description of the deputy director for ahch dyush

The employee himself must timely confirm or improve his qualification level. Once every five years, he must develop a job instruction with the director. It is also necessary to politely communicate with staff, management and other persons. It is important to comply with professional ethics.

Thus, the job description of the deputy director for AHC regulates a huge amount of labor duties. Moreover, they depend on the enterprise in which the specialist works. For example, the provisions of the job description of the deputy director for AChH at the Children's and Youth Sports School (children and youth sports school) differ markedly from the positions of the instructions in a private association of entrepreneurs. In the first case, the specialist is required to monitor sports equipment, maintain an optimal indoor climate, work with heating systems, etc. If it is a small office, the employee will have a much smaller range of responsibilities.

The work of a specialist is not easy, and therefore involves many professional rights. It is about the employee’s authority that will be described below.

About the rights of an AChM employee

According to the general provisions of the job description of the deputy director for AChH, the employee has a number of professional rights and powers. The following points should be highlighted here:

  • the opportunity to receive from the management information and documentation necessary for the implementation of their activities;
  • timely professional development;
  • the ability to monitor the labor activity of employees who are under the deputy director for AChH subordinate;
  • familiarization with the necessary documentation, as well as its signing;
  • introducing distinguished subordinates to superiors;
  • direct participation in the selection of personnel, as well as their placement;
  • making suggestions regarding the modernization of the institution, etc.

Thus, the employee, the head of the household, has an extensive package of rights and powers. This is due to the fact that the specialist in question has several workers in his subordination. That is why the group of his powers is slightly expanded.

Employee responsibility

AHC employee is responsible for violation of the organizational charter, failure to comply with the lawful orders of the management, incorrect execution or complete failure to fulfill his duties. The penalties applicable to an employee may be disciplinary, administrative or even criminal.

job description of the deputy director for administrative part

The most common type of sanction applied is reprimand. It is issued to an employee for violation of official functions. Dismissal is also possible - another common form of punishment.Dismissal is applied for violation of duties, non-observance of safety rules, damage to property, as well as for rude attitude towards employees. For example, an employee who has responsibilities in an educational institution may be punished for using unacceptable methods of raising children. This is stated in the job description of the deputy director of the school for AHC (supply manager). Moreover, the employee is not at all encouraged to communicate with minors during their work. This is due to the probability of accidental mental or physical harm to the child.

The deputy director for administrative work reports directly to the head of the organization. Consequently, responsibility should be assigned according to a strictly hierarchical principle. The organization has built a complex leadership system, which is forbidden to violate.

Relationship with Management

The specialist in question is obliged to independently form a plan of his activity. The work is built on an irregular schedule drawn up on the basis of a working week of 40 hours. The work plan is reviewed by the director of the organization, after which it is rejected or approved.

deputy general director for ahch job description

From the direct manager, to whom the deputy director for administrative and economic work reports, you need to get legal documentation. All received papers will regulate the work of a specialist. The most important document here is the job description.

The deputy director for AHC is prohibited from hiding information about his work from his superiors. All reports must be submitted in a timely manner to the director of the organization.

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