
Job description of the head of the kindergarten. Rights and obligations of the kindergarten manager

A large team works in any kindergarten. Each employee has a specific range of responsibilities. Sometimes it’s not entirely clear to parents exactly whom to contact if a child has any problems in kindergarten. In preschool education, there is its own leadership, which not only arranges work, but also holds consultations, talks with parents of pupils.

Kindergarten Guide

vacation of the kindergarten manager

The administration of pre-school institutions includes the head, his deputy and senior educator. Everyone has their own specific job responsibilities. The position of the kindergarten manager is decisive in the management. Its activities are based on the law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the model regulation on a preschool educational institution, and the charter of that institution.

The duties of the head of the kindergarten include picking groups of children according to their age, state of health, individual characteristics and requests of parents. He is also engaged in the selection of personnel, supervises teachers, and all maintenance personnel. In addition, this specialist is responsible for the rational competent distribution of budgetary allocations and funds that come from various sources.

Parents have the right to contact the head of the kindergarten on all issues related to their own proposals. They have the opportunity to demand from the leadership of preschool education the provision of appropriate care, education, training, protection and promotion of health for the child.

Job Description Structure

This document makes it possible to effectively determine the obligations of the worker, his responsibility and rights, and also prescribes what level of education, qualifications and experience he should possess.

In organizations that conduct activities based on instructions, data should be prepared for each employee who is on the staff list. Management is no exception. The job description of the kindergarten manager is a fundamental document in work activities.

There is no approved template for this document in the legislation. However, practice shows that in most cases the instruction is compiled according to the following pattern:

  1. The first chapter describes the general information about the position, as well as the requirements for work experience and qualifications.
  2. The second chapter describes the responsibilities that are assigned to the manager.
  3. The third chapter spells out the rights of the worker.
  4. In the fourth - types and grounds of responsibility, which is assigned to the manager.

Job responsibilities

job description of the kindergarten manager

Often, the job description of the kindergarten manager includes the following duties:

  • Management of the overall work in the organization.
  • Competent provision of pedagogical and economic activities.
  • Monitoring the strict implementation of regional, federal requirements that are established for pre-school institutions.
  • Carrying out certain work with children, creating suitable conditions for their harmonious development.
  • Consultations with parents or their legal representatives regarding parenting issues.
  • Work on the organization of rehabilitation and nutrition of pupils.
  • Maintaining control over the work of kindergarten employees, conducting personnel work.
  • The manager represents the kindergarten in contacts with various organizations and authorities.
  • Monitoring compliance with safety standards.

The specific list will depend on the specifics of the preschool institution, therefore, other responsibilities may be assigned to this head.

Who is eligible to occupy this position?

How to become the head of a kindergarten? A leader of this level should have a number of qualities and meet qualification requirements. The education of the head of the kindergarten should be higher in economics, pedagogy or management. Experience in the field of pedagogy should be at least 5 years. Sometimes the head simultaneously carries out pedagogical activities. In this case, the worker must comply with professional standards for teachers.

The legislation provides for groups of persons who do not have the right to occupy this position. These include people who have had a criminal record, suffering from certain diseases, etc. The job description of the kindergarten manager must describe these limitations. This employee must have knowledge of the list of necessary regulations, laws, and the charter of the kindergarten.

Rights of the head of the preschool educational institution

how to become a kindergarten manager

Legislation has established the fundamental rights of institution managers. It is not necessary to register them again in internal documents. In the section of the rights of the head of the kindergarten, it makes sense to register the following rights:

  • Requirement of assistance in the performance of duties.
  • Appeal to the senior management with amendments and suggestions on working issues, etc.

The head of the kindergarten has the right:

  • To give instructions of a working nature, which are binding on both heads of structural units and a specific specialist.
  • Independently make decisions regarding the imposition of penalties (material and disciplinary) on subordinates who do not or do not properly perform their work duties. Also, this employee can encourage specialists who have distinguished themselves by good work.
  • Fully dispose of the property and funds of the preschool institution, while observing the requirements of the charter, regulatory acts.
  • Require everything necessary to create the proper professional conditions: equipment, inventory, a comfortable workplace that comply with sanitary, hygienic norms and rules, etc.
  • Visa and sign documentation that falls within the competence of this employee.

The legislation provides for annual paid extended leave of the head of the kindergarten. This employee has the right to early retirement pension, as well as to receive free medical, social and professional assistance in cases where health damage occurred due to an accident at work or upon receipt of an occupational disease.

Responsibility of the head of DOU

preschool education

The legislation also defines the responsibility of executives.

The profession of a kindergarten manager implies the following types of responsibility:

  • Material (civil law).
  • Administrative
  • Disciplinary (according to labor law).
  • Criminal

The procedure for issuing instructions

This document is executed both separately and as an appendix to the labor contract of the worker. The job description of the head of the kindergarten in some cases must be agreed with the relevant departments of the institution:

  • Legal department.
  • HR service.
  • Municipality etc.

The instructions should contain information about its developer. After reading this document, the head of the kindergarten puts his signature and receives a second certified copy for signature.

Work plan

post of head of kindergarten

In the DOW, the manager’s work plan is one of the main documents.This document is necessary for setting specific tasks for the teaching staff, which must be completed on time. The head of the preschool institution is required to draw up a monthly plan, as well as an annual plan.

You can highlight the most common tasks that are included in the work plan:

  • Events whose purpose is to work with the teaching staff.
  • Carrying out work with parents or legal representatives of pupils, the purpose of which is pedagogical education.
  • Activities carried out in the process of training and educational programs.
  • The work that needs to be done with the nursing staff and medical staff.

This document can be issued in any form: cyclical, schematic block, monthly, calendar, etc. A work plan for the year should be drawn up, taking into account the professional level of the teaching staff and the particulars of a particular institution. This document should be aimed at the entire teaching staff, it should improve the joint activities of employees. Accordingly, an important point is that each employee must clearly understand his role in the organization of the work process. This is directly related to the effectiveness of the implementation of the tasks prescribed in the plan.

Workflow manager

The purpose of the cyclogram is to regulate the activities of the manager in time and in a strictly defined sequence. The advantage of this document is that it graphically reflects the managerial processes, their cyclical nature, and the balance of all the manager’s work activities. Scheme-cyclogram is compiled in accordance with the requirements of GEF DO.

On these principles, a cyclogram of the activities of the deputy and all teachers is compiled. In fact, this is a very useful document. If you do not take its compilation only as a duty, then it can subsequently be used as a rather effective tool in improving the work of the DOW. Each time during the compilation of the cyclogram, experience appears in the planning and coordination of the regime and training blocks, which are tied to time.

Self education plan

It is compiled on the basis of the key problem of the DOE. In the heading of the document, it is necessary to indicate goals, topics, tasks, expected results, a list of questions. It also provides for a form of a report on the work done over the year - speeches at meetings, pedagogical councils.

When compiling this document, it is necessary to fix the following stages in an individual form: prognostic, diagnostic, generalizing, practical, implementation. The self-education plan also includes the content of the work carried out on self-education, practical activities and deadlines.

Salary of the head of the kindergarten

responsibilities of the kindergarten manager

The average income of this employee in Russia is 45 thousand rubles. It should be understood that the average value is taken, taking into account both municipal and private kindergartens. The work of kindergarten managers in municipal institutions is paid at fairly low rates.

In a private institution, the manager's salary can reach 130 thousand rubles. Here the income depends directly on:

  • The number of pupils.
  • Participation d / s in various events, contests.
  • Specialized focus.
  • Employee experience.
  • The region.

The largest salaries are fixed at managers in St. Petersburg and Moscow - from 60 to 120 thousand rubles. Given that the minimum wage is growing, then the payment of specialists should soon be recounted. It should increase.

A large number of vacancies in this specialty in the following regions:

  • Moscow region - 53%.
  • Rostov region - 12%.
  • Leningrad region - 14%.
  • Republic of Tatarstan - 5%.


kindergarten education

Future workers in this area should realize that the work of the head of a preschool educational institution has a number of difficulties that not everyone can handle.Firstly, often anonymous complaints are received by the staff and the institution. Secondly, constant checks, starting from the sanitary-epidemiological services, ending with higher authorities. Thirdly, if a foster child is injured or food poisoning in an institution, then the kindergarten is subjected to intensive testing, and the director of the institution is absolutely responsible for everything.

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