
Surcharge is ... The concept and types of surcharges

Surcharge is a monetary amount of a compensatory nature. It is charged for activities in conditions that deviate from normal, as well as for high labor intensity.

Incentive systems, including surcharges and allowances of a compensatory and motivating nature, are established by collective agreements, agreements, local regulations in accordance with labor laws and other official legal documents containing legal norms.

surcharge is

For example, the amount of money is set for work on holidays and weekends (Articles 153, 149 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), for work at night (Article 154 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation), as well as in harmful, difficult, dangerous conditions (Article 147 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation).

Payment Procedure

Surcharge is a sum of money that has a different status. Some of them must be issued without fail, and in a strictly established amount in the legislation. However, there are those that the institution has the right to independently enter and determine at their discretion their size. Mandatory, as a rule, surcharges associated with adverse production factors and special working conditions.

According to the Labor Code, incentives are bonuses and allowances that are not established at the level of legislation. The employer determines them independently, taking into account the views of the representative body of employees (if any). For example, incentive surcharges as a percentage of salary can be fixed both in the local acts of an organization (in the provision on moral and material incentives), and in collective agreements.

Reflection in an employment contract

In addition, allowances in force in the organization should be reflected in the employment contract with the employee. The size of the salary is one of the prerequisites of the contract - it must be present at least in the form of a referral condition.

Thus, the procedure and conditions for calculating surcharges, the amount of which is determined as a percentage of the monthly salary (monthly tariff rate), should be recorded in the above documents. The value of this amount, set in percentage terms, changes in case of correction of the received remuneration.

The payment of such money is not suspended for the duration of holidays, business trips and in other cases when the average employee is saved for the employee of the institution.

federal surcharge

Surcharges when summing working hours

Summarized accounting is a special mode of working and resting hours, based on the shift schedule. He has his own characteristics. Accounting allows deviation of the working hours per day and during the week from that established for a specific category of workers. The conclusion is as follows. The implementation of labor standards is not ensured for the week, but for a longer period (year, quarter, month).

The introduction of summarized accounting involves the establishment of:

  • working hours for a certain period;
  • duration of the period;
  • schedule.

Who is entitled to the extra charge? Consider the details below.

Types of surcharges

The following types are provided for in the Labor Code of the Russian Federation:

  • surcharge in the amount of at least 4% of the tariff rate for work in dangerous and harmful conditions;
  • for work in the Far North and equivalent areas;
  • additional payment for experience;
  • for carrying out work activities at night (the amount is set by the Government of the Russian Federation);
  • overtime hours;
  • double payment on holidays and weekends;
  • additional money when working on a rotational basis.

Supplements in accordance with the cost of living

It must be remembered that in certain cases it is possible to receive surcharges up to the subsistence level, but not everyone has this right. Therefore, citizens of the Russian Federation need to familiarize themselves in detail with some important points that affect this issue:

  • basic definitions;
  • legal grounds;
  • who is eligible for a surcharge.

What is this all about? This is some amount of money that allows you to observe a normal lifestyle. It should be remembered that the size of the subsistence minimum varies in the regions. Its value can be more or less even by 50%. The main purpose of the cost of living is:

  • adequate assessment of the level of existence, as well as the implementation of various social and other programs;
  • calculation of the value of the necessary social. assistance for certain categories of citizens;
  • formation of a regional budget.

Moreover, this value varies not only in different subjects, but also in categories of people.

regional social supplement

Surcharge to a living wage is a social measure that is taken in relation to specific citizens. A full list of preferential categories is indicated in the current legislation. Bodies that deal with issues of supporting socially vulnerable groups of the population are guided by the rule of law.

Today, the following categories of people have the opportunity to receive a supplement to the official monthly income:

  • the poor;
  • unemployed pensioners;
  • disabled people.

Moreover, when determining the monthly income, which social services are called to focus on, all payments that an individual receives are subject to accounting. This applies to pensions, material assistance, bonuses, salaries, income from securities and deposits. Thus, if a pensioner takes a job or the size of his income changes for any other reason, it is mandatory to notify social authorities about this. This nuance is also enshrined in state law.

Poor families include those whose average total income per member is an amount that will be less than the subsistence level. In this case, it is possible to receive social co-payments. It should be remembered that the absence or availability of benefits primarily depends on local government bodies, since it is regional legislation that is the main basis for processing assistance. Another important point is the availability of free funds in the budget. With a serious lack of money in the treasury, it will not be possible to receive social supplements temporarily.

Retirement benefits for a labor veteran

A mandatory element of social support for pensioners is a variety of surcharges. In addition to the required assistance up to the subsistence level for the subjects, there are a number of other benefits related to the merits of a citizen or his state of health.

So, regional and federal legislation equally provides for the existence of a package of certain social measures designed to support pensioners with long work experience and the status of “labor veteran”. The size of such additional payments for retirement benefits varies by country. The exact information regarding a specific locality can be found in the social welfare offices at the place of registration of a labor veteran.

surcharge for children

As rewards for long service, there are the main cash benefits and a certain list of surcharges that allow the state to emphasize the special significance of this status. But a labor veteran has the opportunity to apply for such benefits only if the amount of the pension and statutory money does not amount to a living wage in a particular region.

The following items are included in the list of surcharges:

  1. Pension allowance (depending on the region).
  2. Monetary compensation in the event of a citizen's refusal of a social package (partially or in full).

In addition, according to the legislation, pensions of labor veterans are constantly indexed. Thus, in the current year, growth by the state program by 15% is planned for the regions. It is important to know that a veteran of labor can count on a fixed amount only when the monthly payments (pension given by mail or received on a card) do not reach a minimum in this region. In addition, the privilege may differ significantly from that adopted at the federal level, since the subsistence threshold is calculated taking into account local financial realities and for various groups of the population.

Supplement for children born before 1990

For Russian women, the issue of recalculating a pension in accordance with the number of children born before 1990 does not lose its relevance. Initially, you need to figure out what documents are required to carry out such a design, and who will really receive benefits when applying to the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation.

According to information from the legislation, retired women who applied to the FIU with a corresponding application may receive additional payments for children born before 1990 and in the USSR. The amount of such a benefit for each child can be up to several hundred rubles. This means that the number of children affects the final size. Many citizens who applied to the Pension Fund with this question in 2018 received a permanent supplement to basic state aid for children.

It will be beneficial for women who retired earlier than 2015 to apply for a recalculation of the surcharge for those born before 1990. The rest immediately recounted assistance in the most favorable option for the state fund, so there is no need to worry about this. In addition, it makes sense to apply for a supplement to the following persons:

additional payment for experience
  1. Those with a small pension. The number of births before 1990 should be more than one person - two or more.
  2. From one pregnancy, a woman has several children.
  3. The woman retired, and she had a minimum length of service.
  4. During the care of newborns, the mother did not officially work.
  5. If, given the above circumstances, a citizen receives assistance from the country in the amount of a living wage.

Thus, women with two or more sons (daughters) with a short working experience and low earnings during their previous work can expect pensioners to be paid extra for children born in the USSR.

To receive a similar allowance, you must come to the Pension Fund and write a statement. To save time and simplify the procedure, you can fill out documents at home. Before contacting the institution, you can find out in advance what papers are necessary for calculating the allowance for children. Their list looks like this

  • proof of identity;
  • SNILS:
  • birth certificates of children if they are not in the pay case;
  • documents indirectly confirming a certain age of the child.

We considered federal surcharges. We find out what are the allowances in the regions.

Regional co-payment

RSD is paid by social security authorities in cases where the subsistence level for a pensioner in a given region is higher than this figure for the Russian Federation, and the total amount of assistance is lower than the regional primary health care.

The regional social supplement to pension significantly differs from others, since it covers a wide range of citizens, increasing their level of well-being.

The total income of pensioners does not include social support measures that were provided in kind, with the exception of funds for telephone, housing and communal services, as well as travel in public transport.

A regional social supplement for pension is provided only in certain cases. It is produced only by non-working pensioners. A prerequisite for receiving will be accommodation in the Russian Federation. It should be given to pensioners whose income does not reach the subsistence level. These are the basic requirements.

Surcharges for working retirees are not provided for in Russian law.

co-payment amount

For disabled people

According to current laws, pensioners can rely on a surcharge for people with disabilities. But not everyone knows by what rules it is calculated, and under what conditions it can be provided. There are three types of pensions for people who need social support in connection with the assignment of a disabled group:

  • state, which is paid to military personnel and citizens equal in status to them;
  • insurance - only for those who have work experience;
  • social, which is assigned to persons who have not worked a single day or become disabled due to the commission of criminal acts.

These types of pensions are characterized by different calculation procedures and are prescribed in different laws.

The amount of social co-payment is fixed and accrued in minimum amounts. Assign it to children with disabilities, childhood disabilities and other socially unprotected categories of Russians. Payments are subject to increase to the cost of living for pensioners. In addition, the amount of assistance increases when calculating regional factors.

As for insurance and state supplements, their “calculation base” is established on the basis of data on seniority, seniority, etc. Disability and other factors are taken into account, for example, which group is assigned to a particular citizen. Without exception, everyone has the right to rely on:

  • accrual of social supplement - this is the amount due in cases where the amount of the pension does not reach the size of the regional minimum;
  • increased aid due to regional ratios in the Far North and similar areas.


The monetary allowance of servicemen includes not only basic earnings, but also certain surcharges. If a fighter serves on a contractual basis, then the amount of remuneration monthly consists of two salaries: by position and by military rank. If a person is drafted into the Armed Forces, then the situation is different. He receives salaries on a post and some additional payments to military men.

In addition to basic allowance, fighters can receive the following additional amounts:

  • for the level of qualification;
  • for special working conditions;
  • for the experience of the army service;
  • for the execution of orders involving danger to health and life in non-war time.
  • for available access to state secrets.
supplement for disabled people

How to calculate the size of surcharges is defined in the legislation. The accrued amount is an integral part of the total amount of allowance.

Surcharge for the qualification class is:

  • master class - 30%;
  • Grade 1 - 20%;
  • Grade 2 - 10%;
  • Grade 3 - 5%.

The seniority allowance is one of the main bonuses, which is due to a contract soldier who has served for more than two years. For a period of two to five years, the size is 10%. Subsequently, its amount increases by 5% for every five years. In total, it should not be higher than 40%.

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