
Antenatal payments in Russia: conditions for receipt and necessary documents. Pregnancy Registration

All funds calculated for maternity leave have the nature of prenatal and postnatal payments. Maternity allowance is a kind of cash assistance to a pregnant woman from the state, which is given at a time and is calculated for 140 calendar days throughout the duration of maternity leave. This is provided for a temporarily disabled citizen of the Russian Federation to have money for a living, while she will have the opportunity to earn it herself.

antenatal payments

Working Russian mothers can count on the following payments:

  • lump-sum antenatal benefits for pregnant women who have become mandatory for pregnancy before 12 weeks;
  • maternity allowance.

To the question of how to calculate prenatal payments, the answer can be obtained in the accounting department of the organization, as well as in our article.

Why is it important to register with a government agency?

The sooner a woman is registered for pregnancy, the better for both her and the future baby. This allows you to identify in the early stages all possible deviations and violations in the development of the fetus, to begin timely treatment. Therefore, early registration for pregnancy is a concern for your future. Many women believe that private medical centers are more reliable than regular state women's clinics, because pregnant women are monitored there for a fee, and this, as many believe, is a guarantee of peace. In this case, you should choose a medical center in which the woman will have the right to receive an exchange card, as well as to issue a sick leave, on the basis of which she will be able to issue maternity leave and receive all antenatal and postnatal payments.

One-time maternity allowance

The procedure for receiving this prenatal payment is carried out either at the director of the enterprise where the woman is registered as an employee, or at the place of her education in some educational institution, or in the regional social security department, as well as in the social insurance fund, in which the employer is registered. There are few documents that are necessary to receive a lump sum payment for early registration for pregnancy. It is enough for a pregnant woman to write a statement in any form or fill out a special form on the model. In addition, she will need a certificate from the appropriate medical institution stating that the woman is registered for pregnancy. This certificate must indicate the gestational age at the time of registration.

In 2017, this type of antenatal payment in Russia is 300 rubles. All pregnant women who are registered for pregnancy, regardless of whether the woman works or not, are entitled to this benefit only if registration has occurred before 12 weeks of pregnancy.antenatal and postnatal payments

Maternity allowance

If a woman works, she is officially registered at her work, according to the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, then she has the right to all maternity payments, prenatal or postnatal. A typical maternity leave is 70 days before delivery. The main reason for receiving this leave is a sick leave, which is issued by a gynecologist who observes a woman during pregnancy.The amount of maternity allowance should be equal to the average monthly wage of a working pregnant woman over the past two years. If these calculations are made in relation to a student of an educational institution, then the size of her scholarship must be taken into account here. For unemployed mothers, calculations are made according to the minimum wage in Russia, which in 2017 is 7800 rubles.

When calculating the average earnings of a pregnant woman, the employer must take into account not only the salary, but also all additional official payments, for example, all kinds of bonuses, but only if the employer also paid insurance contributions to the state from these payments. If a woman took sick leave during the two-year period of her work, this should also be taken into account when calculating maternity benefits, prenatal or postpartum, because, as a rule, these days are deducted.

Nevertheless, as far as maximum maternity payments were not, in Russia there is a certain border, which in the form of a cash payment for pregnancy should not be exceeded. In 2017, the limit for the amount of prenatal payment is 750 thousand rubles.

A woman must receive maternity benefits no later than two weeks from the date of drawing up the sick leave.

Who is entitled to the allowance?

The following groups of women can receive a cash payment:

  1. Subject to compulsory insurance when establishing the fact that the expectant mother is temporarily disabled due to pregnancy. The same applies to those women who are part of the ascriptive staff of Russian military units located abroad.
  2. Passing military service under the contract.
  3. Which are trained in educational institutions.
  4. Dismissed from work in connection with the liquidation of the organization, or with the completion of private entrepreneurship and for other reasons.

pregnancy registration

Required documents

What documents are needed for antenatal payments (maternity allowance)? The list is as follows:

  • an application that should contain a request for a cash payment in connection with maternity leave;
  • identification documents;
  • a certificate from a medical organization in which a woman was registered for pregnancy;
  • extract from the work book, which contains information about the last job;
  • a certificate received from the social welfare authority that the woman had not received this allowance before.

Maximum payouts - what conditions exist?

To maternity payments (prenatal or postpartum) were maximum, you need:

  1. So that at the time of maternity leave the woman worked in the organization for at least two years. There would be nothing wrong if she at the same time changed several jobs, but it is desirable that these two years be work experience with the same employer. Only if there were several employers would it be necessary to collect more references and documents than usual. Maternity benefits will be less if the woman has been officially employed for less than two years.
  2. That there was a "white" wage. In such cases, all the necessary insurance payments by the employer towards the state are paid in full, therefore, the state will pay the pregnant woman the maximum amount of all the money that is legally prescribed to her.

early pregnancy

Payments to unemployed women

Antenatal payments to workers are provided at the place of employment. If we are talking about those women who are recognized as unemployed due to the liquidation of the enterprise due to the loss of their business license, they must acquire unemployment status for 12 months and receive unemployment benefits defined by the law of the Russian Federation. Registration of this status is carried out by the district departments of employment services.

Antenatal payments to unemployed women are guaranteed by Art. 38 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as Art. 1 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation.These regulations state that the assistance from the state is entitled to receive not only those expectant mothers and fathers who have been reduced, but other relatives who provide necessary care for the newborn. But here we are talking about the cash payment, which is provided in connection with childbirth.

Additional conditions for receiving antenatal benefits (maternity benefits):

  • a woman was dismissed during maternity leave (from the day she leaves this leave, a monthly allowance should be paid);
  • Dismissed during the period of leave to care for young children (in this case, the allowance is paid monthly from the moment of leaving the leave);
  • dismissed during pregnancy (the benefit is paid monthly as an unemployed mother from the moment of birth).

In all these cases, an unemployed mother receives payments until her child is one and a half years old.

To date, the lump-sum benefit in connection with childbirth is about 16 thousand rubles, and the monthly allowance for caring for a baby is about 3 thousand rubles.

conditions for receiving antenatal payments

If during maternity leave a woman is fired from her place of work, then in this case additional benefits are provided for her:

  1. The allowance, which amounts to 40% of the average monthly wage for two years of continuous experience for each of the children.
  2. For registration on medical records during pregnancy in the early stages.
  3. Maternity allowance.

In 2017, such payments amount to (approximately):

  • for laid-off women during maternity leave - about 35 thousand rubles (with conventional births), about 39 thousand rubles (with complications during childbirth), about 48 thousand rubles (for multiple pregnancies);
  • when a woman is recognized as unemployed - about 35 thousand rubles (during ordinary childbirth), about 3 thousand rubles (on vacation 156 days), about 4 thousand rubles (on vacation, which is 194 days).

It is very important to know that all prenatal payments to expectant mothers in Russia, like postnatal payments, are clearly defined by state law and are mandatory. If a woman before childbirth did not have a permanent and official job, then she does not receive such payments. This law explains that maternity leave is the same as legal sick leave, and state allowance is a payment on the basis of a sick leave, which a woman is not given out only when she does not work anywhere.

The situation of single mothers

Cash benefits for single mothers who do not have a specific place of work are paid on the same terms as women who are married. However, additional incentives or prenatal payments may be established in each region of the Russian Federation. When they are paid and in what order it is decided at the legislative level.

Single women can be considered only those women who gave birth to a child out of wedlock, as well as those who became mothers 300 days after the breakdown of relations with their legal spouses, if paternity is not established. That is what the law says. Also, single mothers are considered women who gave birth to children in a legal marriage, but the spouse of such a woman is not the father of her child, or on the basis of a court decision he was deprived of parental rights.

And the third category of single mothers is women who have given birth or adopted a child and keep it on their own. In the birth certificate of such children, as a rule, information about the father is not available. In order to support single mothers, the state provides for various benefits in the labor, tax and housing sectors.

Pregnancy Registration

Today, choosing a clinic in which the expectant mother wants to be followed up during pregnancy is not difficult. This can be explained by the fact that registration now does not play such a role as before, when a woman had to be registered strictly at the place of residence.The main thing is that the clinic be reliable in terms of providing qualified medical services, and also have the legal authority to issue all the necessary documents and certificates.

If a woman’s well-being does not cause her any worries, the first weeks she can be safely observed by a regular general practitioner, who will monitor her health as necessary, prescribe tests, conduct consultations about the diet, and talk about some limitations in the field of physical activity and much more. If a woman has the opportunity to register with an obstetrician-gynecologist in early pregnancy, this will be the most appropriate decision for her, because it is not only taking care of the child’s health and her own, but also receiving certain social benefits. The state, as you can see, ensures that the demographic situation in the country is prosperous, and that women who reacted to their interesting situation with full responsibility receive monetary encouragement.
prenatal payments when paid

This one-time payment is not so big, but it can be spent on the preparation of necessary documents when registering, as well as on any minimum needs of a pregnant woman, even if it will be a couple of kilograms of her favorite fruit - the benefits are obvious.

During pregnancy, in the early stages, all vital systems of the body of the unborn child are formed, the laying and development of organs, the musculoskeletal system is underway, so it is so important to register on time. In addition, in cases where the expectant mother did not plan a pregnancy at all, led an unhealthy lifestyle, she needs specialist advice as soon as possible, since such women are always at risk. Every pregnant woman should know and understand that registration is the key to the health of not only herself, but also the child, and this is done not for formality, but in order to prevent and eliminate possible problems and their consequences in time. Responsibility for children's health always lies with the parents themselves.

What is required for pregnancy registration?

For registration, a pregnant woman has the right to apply to any antenatal clinic in which they should conduct an examination, as well as provide all the information she needs. In addition, a woman who is registered for pregnancy has the right to independently choose a doctor who will monitor her.

In many women's clinics, women are asked to donate a certain amount of money in the form of a charitable contribution to this institution. Often this amount fluctuates around 1 thousand rubles, but no one forces them to donate this money, because this contribution is not official, therefore a woman can make it voluntarily or refuse the contribution.

When registering, a pregnant woman must bring with her identity documents, as well as a medical card from the clinic where she had undergone any examinations before. This is necessary so that the obstetrician-gynecologist, who will monitor the health of the woman throughout the pregnancy, can take into account all the features of her body and the diseases she suffers from. This will help reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy and the birth itself.

In addition, the doctor must provide the patient with an “Individual Card for a Pregnant Woman,” which she must fill out and fill in with all the basic information about past illnesses, current illnesses, as well as the presence or absence of various allergies, illnesses that were observed in her family capable of being hereditary.

After registration, the obstetrician-gynecologist issues a so-called “Exchange Card” to a pregnant woman, which is a document.It is made in the form of a magazine, which contains information about a woman passing tests, passing tests related to pregnancy and much more. The patient is obliged to carry this document with him at every appointment with the doctor, as well as carry with him in case of emergency.

When registering, the obstetrician-gynecologist determines the physical condition of the pregnant woman and gives an opinion on whether she can continue to work, what loads may be permissible for her.antenatal payments in Russia

Maternity leave established by the state for pregnant women begins on the 30th week of the term. However, in cases where there are additional health risks, if a woman works in conditions of harmful production, then the attending physician can issue a document for the woman to go on maternity leave earlier than this time. Early maternity leave may be paid or unpaid. Also, the employer can transfer her to another place of work.

When registering, the doctor appoints the woman all the necessary examinations, a schedule for taking tests, and also gives directions to other specialists - to the endocrinologist, dentist, therapist, infectious disease specialist. In addition, the gynecologist must conduct a general examination, check blood pressure, the condition of the mucous membranes, mammary glands, measure height and weight. The child's father must also undergo some examinations, which include fluorography and a blood test to determine the group.

In the second trimester of pregnancy, a woman is required to issue a birth certificate, as well as all documents that confirm her right to go on maternity leave, to receive the benefits due to her in connection with pregnancy and childbirth.

If during pregnancy a woman changes her place of residence, then she is required to give out all the documents available to the doctor for transferring the pregnant woman to another clinic for observation.

List of documents required for registration:

  • passport;
  • SNILS;
  • medical policy.

When a woman will stay for thirty weeks (twenty-eight weeks with multiple pregnancy), she must contact the medical institution in which she is registered for a certificate of incapacity for work (sick leave). This condition is relevant for working women. The form must be presented to your employer, who must pay the benefit within ten days.

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