
Power of Attorney for receiving funds. Design nuances, sample

The power of attorney for receiving funds is a form that gives the right to the authorized person to receive the money of the attorney. It allows an outside party to accept money by empowering him with the said powers. The principal can be either an individual or an organization. A trustee is an individual who has the right to accept funds in a place designated by the principal.

Application area

A power of attorney for receiving funds may be used in the following cases:

  • it is necessary to give a salary to a third party;
  • give a pension to a third party;
  • accept money for a product or service;
  • give a one-time fee to a third party.

The issuance of money may not be executed for a number of reasons, for example, due to illness or a business trip of a trustee. Also, principals must take into account that only an adult capable person can be their subject.

In the article we offer you a sample of a power of attorney for receiving funds.sample power of attorney for receiving funds

Drafting a document

Consider the main points that must be observed when a power of attorney is issued to receive funds. The form should indicate:

  1. Name of the document, date and place where the power of attorney is drawn up.
  2. Details of the parties. For an individual - this is a surname, first name, middle name, information from an identity document, registration data. For a legal entity, this is the name of the organization, TIN, KPP, place of state registration, position and details of the head of the organization.
  3. Statement of obligations performed by a proxy (to accept funds, sign for a principal, etc.).
  4. In case of a one-time receipt of money, the power of attorney shall indicate the amount in words and numbers (for systematic receipt of money, this is not necessary).
  5. Signature of proxy and principal. If the principal is an individual, an ordinary signature is sufficient. If this is a legal entity, the signature of the head and seal of the company are required.

power of attorney for receiving funds

Since when issuing money, the data that contains the power of attorney form for receiving funds is verified with the passport data of the authorized person, it is necessary to carefully enter all the information into the document.


If the power of attorney is issued on behalf of the organization, then the signature of the authorized person and the seal of this company are sufficient for its certification. With individuals, the situation is more complicated. An ordinary citizen cannot just do with his signature on the said document. The power of attorney form for receiving funds must be certified, and there are several ways to do this:

  • notarize the power of attorney (paid service);
  • confirm the power of attorney in the company (organization) where the attorney works (undergoes training, provides treatment) (the service is free and is provided subject to clause 3, part 1, article 185 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).

form of power of attorney for receiving funds

The timing

The power of attorney for receiving funds has its validity period. And when compiling this document, this factor must be taken into account. If the money will need to be received once, then the power of attorney should contain information in what terms it is necessary to accept money. If it does not have a deadline, then automatically such a document becomes valid within a year from the moment of its signing. The maximum power of attorney should be three years.

power of attorney to receive funds from the organization

Acceptance of funds in a financial institution

A document to receive money at the bank can be made in free form.If notarization is required, then this can be done at any notary. In this case, he will issue the power of attorney himself.

A power of attorney to receive money from a bank can be issued directly at the financial institution itself, while banks usually use their own established patterns.

A power of attorney to make any financial transaction, whether it is opening a deposit, withdrawing funds from a deposit, performing any banking operations on an account, receiving correspondence from a financial institution, may be submitted directly by a trusted person. But the principal must put the signature before those who will certify the document. Notarized documents include:

  • the power of attorney of the serviceman or a person who is being treated at a military hospital, certified by the seal of the attending physician, head of the department, his deputy;
  • the power of attorney of the employee located in the places of deployment of the military unit, certified by the unit commander;
  • the power of attorney of the person who is in prison, certified by the head of the place of deprivation of liberty;
  • power of attorney of a person who has reached the age of majority, who is in the institution of social protection of the population, certified by the administration of this institution or his deputy.

Power of attorney from the company

In this case, the document is issued by the legal entity. The power of attorney to receive funds from the organization is drawn up in free form, it is possible to use letterheads (such a requirement can be established by in-house paperwork). The structure of the content of the form is standard, but there are some nuances:

  • indicating the information on the principal, it is necessary to register the name of the legal entity, its legal form, registration information, legal address, details of the head, as well as data that certifies his authority;
  • when indicating the powers of a proxy, it is better to indicate the document that is the basis for receiving the money, and its details (supply contract, delivery note, deed, etc.).

power of attorney to receive funds in the bank

If the company has a seal, then in order to avoid possible disputes, it must be put on a sample of a power of attorney for receiving funds. The same goes for the accountant's signature. It is optional, but it is better that it be.

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