
Duplicate TCP: is it worth buying such a car, features and recommendations

Used vehicles are in demand among the public. They are bought both in automobile pawnshops, and with hands. What should I do if the seller has only a duplicate of TCP on the car? Is it worth buying such movable property? Or is it better to refuse such a deal? What is the danger of the lack of the original technical passport of a car? Answers to these questions will certainly help prepare for the planned transaction. It is possible that it will not be beneficial to the buyer or even dangerous.

What does a duplicate TCP look like

What it is

Should I buy a car with a duplicate title? To give the most accurate answer to this question, it is important to understand what kind of document we are talking about.

Title is a technical passport of a vehicle. It indicates the technical parameters of the vehicle, as well as information about its owner. The absence of a technical passport is the basis for refusing a transaction. We can say that this document is a certificate of ownership.

Is there not an original on the machine, but a duplicate of the TCP? Should I buy such a vehicle? The thing is that a duplicate of the data sheet is a restored copy of the document. Its presence should push citizens to some concerns. We will talk about them later.

When a duplicate is issued

First you need to understand the circumstances under which a citizen can be handed a new copy of the technical passport. Consider safe situations. Is there only a duplicate of PTS on the car? Is it worth buying a car in this case?

A copy of the Title is issued if:

  • the original document is lost or stolen;
  • the technical passport has run out of space for entering information about the owners;
  • The document has been corrupted.

It is necessary to renew the registration certificate in case of change of the owner, as well as his place of residence. If the technical parameters of the car are subject to change, the TCP will also be reissued.

Accordingly, it is not always worth fearing a deal with a duplicate of the document mentioned earlier. You just have to pay special attention to such deals.

Danger is near

Is it worth taking a car if a duplicate title is provided by the owner of the car? Or is it better to shun such deals?

What is dangerous duplicate TCP

In practice, situations are different. And far from always having a duplicate of a technical passport is normal. The risks of such transactions are still there.

As a rule, today duplicates of PTS are made by scammers. So they are trying to sell stolen vehicles, cars with encumbrances and restrictions, as well as participating in crime cars.

To protect yourself, you will have to carefully check the documents on the car, as well as information about the seller. We will talk about how to do this later. Everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Unpleasant consequences

Is only a duplicate of TCP available on the machine? Is it worth buying such movable property? Everyone must decide for himself whether he wants to conclude a similar deal. Some agree to buy a car with duplicate data sheets at a lower price. It looks very seductive. But is it worth buying a car that has a duplicate of TCP?

The absence of the original technical passport should alert. Not always the risks are fraud. Sometimes you may encounter transactions involving the common property of the spouses. In this case, customers are often offered duplicates of technical passports. But why?

Buying a car in the absence of the original title

For example, the spouse does not consent to the transaction and hides the original TCP. Husband or wife order a duplicate document from the traffic police, and then want to sell the property. A buyer who agrees to such a deal risks being left without a car.If the spouse who disagrees with the transaction sues, the sale is canceled. Money for the car will have to be returned to the buyer, and the car to the seller.

Often this is precisely the situation that causes the most problems, because it is problematic to predict it. In order not to encounter such difficulties, a spouse’s notarized consent to the transaction or certificates proving that the car is the seller’s personal property must be attached to the duplicate data sheet.

How to protect yourself from fraud

Is it worth it to buy a car with a duplicate title, and not the original? If you check the vehicle in advance, you can secure the deal to the maximum. And only on the basis of the data obtained to conclude the safety of the operation.

These tips will certainly help to understand that the seller is a conscientious citizen and owner of the car. In order not to become a victim of scammers, it is recommended:

  1. Demand the spouse's consent to the transaction or the originals of documents confirming personal property rights to movable property.
  2. Ask the seller why the car does not have the original technical passport.
  3. Verify the VIN number in the data sheet and under the hood.
  4. Car check the vehicle by VIN-number using Internet services. We will talk about this later.
  5. Carry out a vehicle check for encumbrances. Usually this is also done with the help of Internet services.

If nothing strange or suspicious has surfaced in the course of the drill, you can buy a transport. Otherwise, the transaction will have to be abandoned.

Where to restore the machine data sheet

Online Validation Methods

What is dangerous duplicate TCP? Often, through the restoration of the registration certificate, people either hide something, or try to conduct a deal illegally, secretly from the co-owners of the vehicle.

As already mentioned, before buying a car with it without the original technical passport, you need to check it. The following resources will help to cope with this task:

  • Traffic police website of the Russian Federation;
  • service "AutoCode";
  • Third-party car data verification sites.

The last trick is better not to use. Often, untested resources simply breed citizens for money.

Check on the website of the traffic police

Is there only a duplicate TCP on the machine? Should I buy such property? Until a thorough check is carried out, it is better to postpone the deal. You can get information about the vehicle using the official website of the traffic police of the Russian Federation. This is the easiest and most reliable way to solve the problem.

Is it worth buying a vehicle with a duplicate of the data sheet

To check the registration data of the vehicle and its owners, you need to find the service "Registration Check". For information about encumbrances, the "Encumbrance Check" service is suitable. Finding these services is easy.

To "punch" the car you need:

  1. Go to the official website of the traffic police of the Russian Federation.
  2. Select the "Car Owners" option.
  3. Indicate the appropriate service.
  4. Enter the VIN-number and the number of the certificate of registration of the car in the lines that appear.
  5. Click on the "Find" or "Order" button.

All that is needed now is to wait a bit. The citizen will display the result of the check. For example, data on registration of a vehicle or on the presence of encumbrances on movable property. This information must be verified with the information in the duplicate of the technical passport of the car.

Checking a car before buying

We break through the car on the site "AutoCode"

Should I buy a car with a duplicate title? If a potential buyer has ascertained that the transaction is safe, you can safely acquire the relevant movable property. Check the information about the vehicle, as well as about the owners of the machine and its technical parameters on the site "AutoCode". Here you will be able to get information about the presence of encumbrances on movable property.

Instructions for working with the site "AutoCode" looks like this:

  1. Use any browser to access the AutoCode website.
  2. Click on the line "Auto Check".
  3. Indicate the VIN number of the vehicle in the form that appears, as well as the certificate of registration of the car. This information must be clarified in advance with the seller of the vehicle.
  4. Click on the button responsible for starting the scan of the service base.
  5. Examine the information displayed on the screen.

Service is provided for free. Moreover, you can use the site "AutoCode" even on a mobile device. Very convenient, especially if a citizen wants to check the car on the spot.

How to get a copy of the registration certificate

How to get a duplicate title? Is it worth buying a car with a similar document, we found out. But what should an owner do if he needs to restore a technical passport?

Is it worth buying a car with a duplicate title

He can contact the traffic police, the MFC or submit a request on the website of the State Service if he has an activated account. In order to restore the data sheet to the car, you need to prepare:

  • STS;
  • CTP or CASCO policy;
  • identification;
  • title documents for the car;
  • certificates about the loss of the registration certificate or about its theft.

There is nothing difficult to restore TCP. You will have to pay for this document. In paper form, the registration certificate costs 800 rubles, in electronic form - 600.

Important: since July 2018, paper technical passports ceased to be issued. However, previously issued TCPs are still considered valid.

Now it’s clear whether it is worth buying a car with a duplicate of a technical passport. This is not always dangerous, but vigilance will not hurt.

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