
Unified State Social Security System: General Concept

The Unified State (Information) Social Security System (EGISSO) is designed to provide citizens, municipal and federal authorities, organizations providing social services with information on social payments and guarantees. EGISSO will ensure the effective interaction of all systems that are used to provide social services to the population and perform municipal and state functions.

concept of state social security system

The developer and operator of the future Unified State Social Security System is the RF PF. The basis for the implementation of the system is the Decree of the State Duma of the Russian Federation No. 181 and Federal Law No. 388-F3 dated February 14, 2017 and December 29, 2015, respectively.

Goals and objectives of creating a state system

The goals of creating the state social security system of Russia are:

  • informing citizens about the available measures of social support, social benefits and other types of assistance in the "one-stop-shop" mode;
  • simplification of the information storage system (the entire system will be informational, without duplication of data, as is the case when using paper media);
  • increasing the level of realization of the right of citizens to various measures of social assistance and support;
  • simplification of interaction between municipal and federal authorities, organizations providing social assistance to citizens of Russia;
  • accurate accounting and further analysis of the costs of the state social security system in the Russian Federation.

The tasks that must be solved in order to achieve the goals set for the development of EGISSO are the following:

  • development and implementation of the Classifier of social protection and support measures in the system;
  • providing users of the system with up-to-date information on the conditions of receipt, the order of registration, forms and amount of social support;
  • providing users of EGISSO with information about organizations providing social protection measures;
  • monitoring compliance with high quality and the necessary volume of social assistance to needy segments of the population;
  • removal of excess functions from municipal and federal authorities, unloading from non-core activities;
  • improving the efficiency of spending local and federal budgets;
  • exclusion of duplicate data in the system;
  • the formation and implementation of a single directory of criteria for the need for social assistance;
  • ensuring interdepartmental interaction of structures that are involved in the social sphere;
  • improving the quality of budget waste planning for social measures to support the population;
  • development of the procedure for generating analytical reports in the system;
  • providing the possibility of analyzing EGISSO data for planning future expenses for the social sphere.

The general concept of the state social security system, structure, goals, functions and tasks are determined by the official Regulation on the Unified State Social Insurance Organization of the Russian Federation.

government benefits in the social security system

What is the situation with social security?

In May 2016, the head of the RF PF in an interview with Kommersant claimed that total social expenses excluding pensions amounted to four trillion rubles a year. He identified several problems that are characteristic of the social sphere in the state in which it is now. So, the relevant problems of the social sphere of the Russian Federation include:

  • the presence of more than a hundred social protection measures, but the lack of a single classifier, information on the conditions for receiving assistance, the procedure for registration, timing, forms and amount of support for the needy segments of the population;
  • the implementation of social protection at once at several levels: municipal, federal, and, therefore, almost uncontrolled payments of assistance from various budgets and its own accounting system for each of the departments;
  • significant administrative costs for providing social services to citizens;
  • complex interagency collaboration;
  • duplication of documents and expenses;
  • decentralization of the system;
  • bureaucracy.

The main task of creating the Unified State Social Security System, according to the head of the FIU, was to ensure transparency and maximize unification.

What will change after the full implementation of the system

EGISSO will allow you to receive information about all measures of social support and protection in the context of one particular citizen, in one place (in the "single window" mode) and as quickly as possible. Based on the data from the system, it will be possible to analyze and plan the expenses of the social sphere of the Russian Federation.

The real effects of introducing the system are expected to be as follows:

  • transparency of the social security system for Russians and government agencies;
  • reduction of administrative costs and expenses for interaction between departmental structures;
  • improving the quality of social spending planning;
  • providing support to all needy segments of the population, targeted provision of social protection measures.

state system of social and economic support

The basic principles of the future system

The concept of the state social security system involves the implementation of such key principles:

  • adaptability, modularity, modifiability of the used information system;
  • single entry of information and the possibility of multiple use of previously entered data;
  • use of an effective system of interagency interaction;
  • the ability to integrate with existing or future state information systems based on the same interaction formats;
  • centralization;
  • gratuitousness and ease of providing the necessary information to all users of the system in accordance with their rights with EGISSO;
  • ensuring exceptional completeness, reliability and integrity of information on social protection and support measures.

The collection and provision of information is carried out by the citizen's SNILS number.

state social security system

Components of EGISSO

The structure of the state social security system consists of two main components: a database (classifier) ​​of social protection and support measures and a database of people who receive social assistance.

The classifier will provide information on the conditions for receiving social assistance, terms, procedure, and the amount of social assistance. Information from the classifier of measures of social support and protection will be available to consumers through the special mobile application EGISSO and the personal account of a citizen.

The database of recipients of support is intended for state authorities and authorized persons. Some of the data from the database will be published in the public domain, the rest will be used to plan social spending. The database will have the following components:

  1. Personal account of the supplier. A system designed to host data in EGISSO. Data is posted (information about the recipients of support, current data on the conditions, terms and amount of assistance).
  2. Personal account of the consumer. Cabinet for authorized persons to receive information from the system.
  3. Analytical subsystem for authorized persons. This section will prepare statistics on social assistance recipients. In the future, this information will be used to plan the expenses of the municipal and federal budgets for the social sphere.
  4. Open data. In this section, some analytical data and statistics will be available to all citizens.

structure of the state social security system

All components that make up the state social security system will interact with each other. Information will be available on the official portal EGISSO.

In 2017, the Pension Fund completed the development of the information part of the future system, at the moment EGISSO is at the stage of trial operation. All government agencies that are suppliers and consumers of data, as well as citizens who receive this assistance, can connect to the system and try to work with EGISSO.

Chronicle of the development of a social security system

The creation of the Unified System of State Social Security began with the development of a prototype in 2016. The terms of reference and related software, operational documentation and test procedure were developed. In 2017, the order of the system was approved. In addition, developers leased computing equipment and began pilot testing the system.

What is planned to be done before the end of this year

As mentioned above, in 2017 the development of an experimental prototype of the system was completed. In addition, some government agencies can already connect to EGISSO and try it out.

In 2017, the federal authorities should:

  • approve the classifier of social support measures for the needy segments of the population;
  • to register at EGISSO;
  • adopt legislative acts obliging state structures to promptly enter relevant information into the system and providing an opportunity for relevant structures to receive data from EGISSO (already implemented);
  • approve administrative regulations (partially implemented).

The authorities of various constituent entities of the Russian Federation, in turn, should:

  • appoint persons responsible for working with EGISSO;
  • make the necessary changes to the procedure for providing social services to citizens, taking into account the introduction of EGISSO;
  • assess readiness to connect the system and carry out the necessary preparatory work;
  • conclude an agreement with the system operator;
  • reconcile SNILS;
  • compare social protection measures in the region with the proposed classifier;
  • connect to the state social security system;
  • fill in EGISSO with primary data;
  • connect to a system that allows you to transmit and receive information inside EGISSO;
  • monthly transmit to the operator a report on the work done.

It is important that in 2017, not all subjects of the Russian Federation should connect to the system. Now the prototype is being tested, so it is planned to connect only a few pilot regions.

state social security system of Russia

All work must be completed by November 29 of this year.

EGISSO development costs and expected results

For the design of the system, it was not planned to build new data centers - the technological base of the Ministry of Communications is used. Such a step significantly reduces the cost of developing a state system of socio-economic support.

In terms of informatization, it is planned to invest in the system gradually:

  • almost 209 million rubles in 2016;
  • 792 million in 2017;
  • 530 million rubles - in 2018.

So, for the period 2016-2018, only 1.5 billion rubles will be invested in the creation of the Unified State Social Security Information System. For comparison: in the implementation of the Electronic Budget program in 2013-2015. two and a half billion rubles were invested, and during 2016-2018. it is planned to spend as much as they want to spend on EGISSO.

The planned monetary effect from the widespread introduction of EGISSO should be approximately 300 billion rubles for each year of operation, which is approximately 8% of the expenditures of budgets of all levels on social support. When the system is finally launched, all authorities will be able to see the general picture of the provision of social services to the population.

Citizens, as a result of the introduction of the state system of social security bodies, will be able to create a personal account through a computer or mobile application and get information about all the measures of social support from a single source.

Now in the social sphere there is a “declarative" principle: a person receives help if he claims his right to it. After the introduction of EGISSO, it will be replaced by the “targeted” principle - state benefits in the social security system will be distributed among all citizens in need.

Perspective system implementation plan

Work on a single system is divided into several stages. For example, in 2016 it was necessary to develop a prototype system and a unified classifier, as well as start testing EGISSO in the Kaluga Region, Bashkortostan and Altai Territory. In 2017, extrabudgetary organizations and part of the government should be connected to the system, and already in 2018 it is planned that all federal and municipal authorities will join the EGISSO. It is planned to fully launch the system by 2019.

unified state social security system

Unified State Social Security System: Opinions

The idea of ​​developing a unified system was fully supported by both citizens and authorities, as well as certain authorized persons. EGISSO will greatly facilitate the work of authorized bodies, reduce administrative, interdepartmental and other expenses of the social security system, and allow citizens to receive up-to-date and maximum complete information about all measures of social protection and support in the “single window” mode. Citizens consider the “targeted” principle of providing social assistance, instead of the current one, to be the main improvement in the current state of affairs in the social sphere.

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1.5 billion rubles were thrown to the wind.


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