
Acquiring for entrepreneurs: tariffs, conditions and benefits

In the article, we consider acquiring for IP, its types and application nuances. But first, we learn what acquiring is.

So they call the method of payment for services and goods with payment cards via the Internet or terminals. Next, we will find out why individual entrepreneurs should connect to this system.

trading acquiring for ip

Main advantages

The advantages of acquiring for IP include the following aspects:

  1. More sales. After connecting this option, revenue increases, as a rule, by twenty, or even thirty percent, because customers spend more money when they pay with credit or debit cards.
  2. Savings on the collection procedure. Cash is not available, therefore, it is not required.
  3. If an entrepreneur plans to open an online store, acquiring will come in handy, as it will be much more convenient for customers to pay.
  4. You don’t have to worry about people paying with fake notes.
  5. With a plastic card, you can pay much faster, so there will be fewer lines in the store.

What difficulties may arise?

There is a possibility of technical failures during payment, as acquiring for IP is an automatic system. But the seller may be mistaken if he breaks a figure less or more than the real cost of services

profitable acquiring for ip

Types of Acquiring

The following types of such a system are distinguished:

  1. Commercial acquiring for entrepreneurs - this type is used in stores and cafes; customers spend payments through POS terminals. For the execution of operations, the bank charges a commission from one and a half to two and a half percent.
  2. Mobile acquiring pays for goods using portable terminals, as well as through mobile devices. For example, a courier can take a terminal with him so that customers pay with a card. The commission, as a rule, is up to three percent.
  3. Internet acquiring is convenient in that there is no need to install terminals for payment. Any operations are carried out on the website at the online store, namely, buyers enter the card data and pay for the goods. The bank commission in this case is from three to six percent.

The appropriate type of acquiring for IP directly depends on the type of activity. For example, if an entrepreneur has an offline outlet with an online store, then you will need retail and online acquiring. The mobile option is useful when the IP will deliver certain goods to your home. The more there are ways to pay for services and goods, the more buyers will appear.

Now we will find out how to choose the right financial institution for cooperation. How to choose the best acquiring for IP?

Sberbank Acquiring

Which bank should I choose to connect?

As part of the selection, several of the following conditions are noted:

  1. The equipment is very important. The speed and safety of settlements directly depends on technology. Therefore, you need to find out from the bank whether the equipment is provided to them and how much it costs. Often, financial institutions give it free use if people enter into an acquiring agreement with them.
  2. Type of communication terminals with the bank. The speed of customer service directly depends on this. If the organization offers a low-cost method of authorization, then the person will spend his time and customers. As part of a card payment, information is transmitted through several channels. For example, from a POS terminal it usually goes to the processing centers of the financial structure, and from there directly to the payment system, and then to the issuing bank, checking whether the card is valid and whether there is money on it.Further, the information again enters the POS-terminals. The speed of information transfer from one link to another directly depends on the type of communication equipment with the bank. The slowest connection is considered via telephone calls and modem, and fast (within three seconds) - via Wi-Fi. For mobile acquiring, GSM and GPRS packet data protocols are used.
  3. Payment systems with which acquiring banks interact. Each such institution has its own list of payment systems with which they contact. The most common are Visa and MasterCard. Therefore, it is very important that entrepreneurs can pay through these systems.
    acquiring for ip reviews
  4. Service maintenance. Banks usually offer installation along with service maintenance of equipment, and also provide training for personnel on the use of terminals. After installation, employees are instructed. A more serious form of training is training, which teaches how to identify fraudsters, increasing sales through acquiring, cancel erroneous operations, organize workflows and prepare reports. Attention is drawn to maintenance that should be available around the clock so that the entrepreneur can contact the bank at any time, repair or replace broken equipment.
  5. Financial conditions. Of great importance is the period during which money is transferred to the settlement accounts of individual entrepreneurs. If they are opened in an acquiring bank, then the money will be received within one day. If it is opened in another bank, and acquiring in another, then the terms of receipt can increase up to three days. It is also necessary to clarify the time periods in which banks return money to the buyer's card if he refuses the goods. The optimal period is from three to ten days from the date of return.

We also consider Sberbank's acquiring tariffs for individual entrepreneurs.

Acquiring what to choose

The most expensive today is the mobile option - 2.5-3% of the payment. In Sberbank, Internet acquiring provides for 2-2.5%. According to the commercial type, the banking organization set the following tariffs - 0.5-3%.

What determines the size of the tariff?

The bank withholds a commission from each payment of customers. On average, from one and a half to two and a half percent. The maximum may leave about 6%. The size of the commission, as a rule, depends on:

  1. The turnover of the institution with goods paid with bank cards. The higher it is, the lower the rate.
  2. The number of licenses from payment systems at the acquiring organization. The fewer of them, the more the bank saves on payment system fees. Due to this, it goes down.
  3. Processing center. If the bank has its own HRC, then the commission will be lower, because you do not have to pay third parties for this service.

Documents for acquiring for IP

In order to activate the acquiring service, the following papers are required:

  1. Providing a certificate confirming the state registration of a business.
  2. Submission of confirmation from the bank regarding the opening of a current account.
  3. Copy of entrepreneur’s passport.
  4. Card with the presence of signatures and stamps of seals.
  5. Help with tax information.

Tariffs and conditions

To make the right choice and use acquiring on favorable terms, you should get acquainted with the following list of banks, which includes the most famous financial institutions with a good reputation:

  1. Tochka Bank provides absolutely all types of options under consideration, which are distinguished by favorable rates for entrepreneurial business. In this institution, you can connect the service of mobile, commercial or Internet acquiring on very favorable terms. The bank’s tariffs provide benefits in the form of quick transfer of funds to accounts (no more than two hours), along with renting a terminal at the lowest prices per month, accepting all possible cards using contactless technologies and quick registration of the corresponding service.
    documents for acquiring
  2. “Europe Bank” provides the opportunity for merchant acquiring with a free terminal. The tariffs of this structure are distinguished by their diversity. Among them, different services are distinguished. For example, the commission is from one and a half percent. Money to the company’s account, as a rule, comes the next day.It is possible to present acquiring with a free terminal. Application for installation of equipment is left online on the site. The terminals of the described bank accept cards of various payment systems, including through a contactless method.
  3. Yandex Internet acquiring. This cash desk is a specialized service that allows you to accept payment, and, in addition, transfer electronic funds to other users. He acts as an analogue of the box office, however, not in retail outlets, but on the Internet.

Read more about Internet acquiring from Yandex

This company, which provides services on favorable terms, offers three tariffs:

  1. Basic involves revenue of up to one million rubles. When paying by card, the percentage on goods with delivery is 3%.
  2. Premium is used for trading revenues of more than a million. The interest rate for card payments is 2.8%.
  3. Individual is used for a turnover of more than five million rubles. In such a situation, tariffs are negotiated individually with the client.

Yandex is the best low-cost acquiring for entrepreneurs who are actively developing their business in the global network. Next, we will get acquainted with the opinions of businessmen and find out what they write on the Internet about this banking service.

Acquiring reviews for IP

With the advent of bank cards in the business, their functionality was constantly expanding. With the passage of time, payment with plastic has become quite commonplace at first in large supermarkets, and then in all places in which certain goods or services are sold. It became possible to provide this procedure with the introduction of acquiring. In their reviews, individual entrepreneurs note the great convenience of this option.

For example, in the comments, such positive aspects of the described system are noted as a greater number of sales along with savings on collection, the convenience of making payments for buyers and customers. Thanks to this, IPs can no longer worry about paying with fake notes.

According to the reviews, businessmen cooperate with various banks. But most often preference is given to Sberbank acquiring tariffs for individual entrepreneurs, Europe Bank and Yandex.

which one to choose for un


Thus, the rapid development of cashless payments is currently forcing individual entrepreneurs to keep up to date, using the services of acquiring. Moreover, the tariffs of financial organizations for this option every year become more profitable for doing business. But before making this or that decision, it is necessary to make a comparison of the proposed tariffs. How to choose acquiring for IP is not easy to decide.

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