
E-insurance policy: how to present the traffic police when registering?

In today's world, there is a trend in digitalization. Organizations are switching to electronic document management; citizens can remotely receive various services using a computer and Internet access. Electronic documents also appeared. For example, in 2014, the term "electronic car insurance policy" appeared. This led to serious problems for drivers. They simply do not know how to present an electronic motor third-party liability insurance policy to the traffic police. Next, we will try to figure out how to behave in a particular case. The information brought to your attention will be useful to both inexperienced drivers and experienced drivers.

What it is

Let's start by trying to understand what we have to deal with in the end. What is an electronic policy?

osago electronic policy how to present traffic police when setting

E-CTP is an electronic car insurance policy. The document exists, but only in the digital world. On a tangible medium it is not issued. It is a complete analogue of the usual insurance for everyone.

What is the problem

How to present the traffic police electronic insurance policy in one or another case? Unfortunately, giving a definite answer to this question is problematic. The law on this situation "says" one thing, and practice shows another.

The electronic insurance policy causes a lot of problems due to the fact that it was not initially presented on a tangible medium. Traffic police often refuse to look at the driver’s tablet or phone with an open policy or SMS about its activation.

Accordingly, traffic police simply do not accept the trend of digitalization of the world. And immediately after the emergence of electronic policies, drivers actively began to be fined for the lack of motor third-party liability insurance. These are illegal fines that can be easily appealed in court if you hurry.

Files on the phone

How to present the inspector of the traffic police electronic insurance policy? The inspector should obtain information on this document. But to answer a similar question is extremely difficult. Therefore, we further consider all the existing scenarios.

Electronic CTP and its presentation

In general, the driver must have a registered car insurance policy. If it is in electronic form, you can download the PDF file to a smartphone or other device, and then show it to the traffic police.

True, this option often does not find approval from employees of authorized bodies. They say, “I don’t have to look at your phone,” after which they write out a fine. Such an act is unlawful. And you can complain about it to the prosecutor or judge.

Activation SMS

Some drivers decided to go the other way. They simply show an SMS about the activation of an electronic policy to traffic police and traffic police.

This option takes place in practice, but it is also not successful. As in the past case, law enforcement officers can simply refuse to study electronic data on a mobile device.

Document Photos

How to present an insurance policy to a traffic police inspector? For example, you can take a photo of this document and then show it if necessary. Such a solution is not in great demand.

Vehicle registration and OSAGO presentation

It is easy to guess that such an option can also lead to serious problems. The traffic police inspector may not register the vehicle or write a fine for the lack of a car insurance policy for the car. How to play it safe and prevent such arbitrariness?

On paper

How to present the motor third-party liability insurance policy to the traffic police? There are a lot of options for the development of events, but you need to choose the most optimal way out of the situation. For example, you can print a car insurance policy on paper.

Previously, CTP policies were mandatory issued on A4 sheets. They could be carefully examined and touched. Similarly, each vehicle owner can now print an electronic car insurance. For example, using a conventional printer.

Such a “document” must be placed in the glove compartment of the car and always be with you when driving the vehicle. Often, just such a solution allows you to avoid problems with law enforcement agencies in certain circumstances.

True, they can also complain about the usual printed insurance policy issued in electronic form. There is a way out of the situation, but it is often forgotten.

osago electronic policy to traffic police inspector how to present to the inspector

The best solution for drivers

How to present an insurance policy to an inspector? Employees of insurance companies offer their customers to prepare for registration actions with a car, as well as for meetings with traffic police officers. But how?

For security reasons, it is recommended that you print out an electronic OSAGO form and then assure it of the selected insurance company. Such a document will have legal force, as well as its electronic form. But it, unlike e-CTP, is material. This is the document that law enforcement officials are used to.

Necessity or right

How to present an insurance policy in the traffic police when registering a vehicle? You can use the previously proposed methods. They help to avoid unnecessary problems with law enforcement agencies and additional visits to the court in order to assert their rights.

Some are interested in how legitimate the requirement for electronic liability insurance is presented. Since 2018, Russia has been operating under the rules according to which the need to provide a car insurance policy on tangible media has disappeared. This rule applies only to the electronic form of the document.

How to present CTP in electronic form to an inspector

It follows that the requirements of the traffic police or traffic police on the provision of OSAGO on paper are illegal. A person can show this document in printed form, but only by personal desire.

Important: all that employees of authorized services need to know is the policy number.

Barcodes as proof

How to present an electronic insurance policy in the traffic police when registering a vehicle? We have already found out that the law does not need to do this at all. Traffic police cannot demand from a citizen the material form of electronic car insurance. This is a gross violation that you should not be afraid to fight.

If you want to print a document, you can ask the insurance company in advance whether it applies special barcodes to its policies. How to present an electronic insurance policy in the traffic police? If you have a QR code, you can simply show the corresponding "character". Employees of authorized services will be able to quickly get information about the policy and the insurer.

Very convenient, but not all insurance companies provide such services. And a QR code is rarely placed on self-printed policies. More likely as an exception.

Citizens have electronic CTP - how to present

How the traffic police will check the documents

According to the law, for registration actions with transport, as well as during its management, it is necessary to have a certain package of documents. It includes a car insurance policy. And if a citizen has an electronic form of this document, he is not obliged to present it to the traffic police - what then?

In such circumstances, you just need to give the employees of the authorized body the number and series of the relevant document. It'll be enough.

The traffic police or traffic police officer will have to enter a special application, indicate in it the data transmitted by the citizen, and then check the availability of the policy in the general information base.

If the policy is registered (this happens after the activation of the electronic document), it is considered that it is presented. Otherwise, you will have to face fines for lack of insurance.


Now it’s clear how to present the CTP insurance policy to the traffic police inspector? The answer to this question is now clear. There is no longer any need to provide this document in the Russian Federation. On a tangible medium, it is necessary to hand over to the traffic police and traffic police only a paper policy.

Unfortunately, at the moment, not all employees of authorized bodies are accustomed to electronic document management. They still believe that they may require paper policies instead of electronic ones. And this creates some obstacles when registering the vehicle or while driving on roads by car.

How to use electronic CTP

If you do not accept an electronic policy (its printed form, screen, PDF) or refuse to “punch” the number of the corresponding document, you need to urgently fix what is happening. In persistent attempts to demand paper CTP, it is worth recalling that the presence of e-CTP allows you not to take the appropriate document on a tangible medium.

Usually, immediately after a warning about recording what is happening, traffic policemen change their tactics of behavior. They do not issue fines and check insurance data against a special insurance base.

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