
If the boss yells and humiliates: what to do, where to complain?

Work is the place where we spend most of our time. The second house is actually. And what if you don’t feel like going there? In the morning you wake up with horror, knowing that you again have to go through the abuse of the leader.

What if the boss yells and humiliates? How to put the boor in place? We will talk about this in the article.


Types of bosses

Before we find out where to complain about the boss-tyrant, let's figure it out. With what? Yes, with the views of the bosses, so to speak.

What are the leaders?

  • Cheering for their work. And if the subordinate "messed up", then the boss will swear. But only for serious flaws. Just like that, this type does not yell at his employees.

  • Man of moods. It’s hard to adapt to it. Today he smiles, good-natured and only scolds for a serious mistake. And tomorrow will begin to scream and humiliate the employee for a tiny mistake. What if the boss yells and humiliates, knowing his character? We will talk about this a little lower.

  • Petty tyrant. Those who are forced to work with him are just in trouble. Screaming constantly, according to human dignity, passes in dirty boots. As a rule, there is a constant routine in the team, no one lingers near such a person for a long time.

Reasons for swearing

What if the boss yells and humiliates? First find out the reason for this behavior.

Imagine: a man comes to work, and he is immediately “on the carpet” called by the head. And begins to rinse. The expression is not shy. The employee knows that his leader is not seen in bad communication with his subordinates. Most likely, the fault of such behavior on the part of the boss is some mistake. Whose - it is not difficult to guess. And the manager will clearly explain to the employee why he scolds him.

Should I run to complain about such a leader? What is the point of this if the employee himself missed the job ?!

Another situation: the girl got a job as a secretary. Legally, she was subordinate only to the head of the organization. In fact - to him, his deputy and chief accountant.

The chief accountant was a completely inadequate woman. Could humiliate any employee just like that, for the sake of sports interest. The young secretary got the most. As a result, the girl wrote a letter of resignation.

What to do in such a situation? Tolerate and act like this secretary, or to seek protection? The bosses-tyrants must be fought and put in their place. How? More on that later.

If the leader has a bad mood, and the subordinate fell under the arm, then how to behave? You should not argue, endure too. People moods have one property: they tend to "probe" the weaknesses of their employees. And if such a leader found out that the subordinate is a gentle person, then he will break his bad mood on him. To put up with this or change the style of behavior with superiors is up to the subordinate to decide.

Boss swears

Employee Behavior

What if the boss yells and humiliates? How to behave?

As already mentioned, start with a reason. They themselves are to blame, "screwed up" in the work? Will have to tolerate such an attitude.

If the leader is a tyrant, they politely but firmly explain that they will not tolerate such an attitude on his part. You can even leave the office if the boss continues to rave. Did not help? Threaten a complaint to the labor inspectorate. This will help cool his zeal.

The head decided to frustrate his bad mood on the subordinate? It's time to learn how to respond. Rude and screaming back is not worth it.But to say something in style: "Ivan Ivanovich, I will not allow myself to be treated like this. We will talk when you come to your senses."

It starts to threaten with dismissal, but are you sure that there is no reason for this? Again threaten a complaint to the labor inspectorate. If the employee is valuable, and the boss, although he is a person with a changeable mood, is adequate, he will change his style of behavior.

Man and woman

When they want to survive from work

Is there an article for insulting the workplace? If an employee complains where necessary, then the head will be fined at least.

Above, we examined the main causes of screaming and insults from the authorities. There is another point - this is an attempt to "eat" a subordinate, to force him to quit.

Why does the leader need this? It happens that an employee is very intelligent and surpasses his boss in understanding. The latter is afraid that his subordinate will be able to "sit" him. But he cannot find fault with the work of his employee. So he begins to morally press him: he humiliates, insults, allows himself to scream.

If you notice that the leader is unreasonably faulty and humiliating you, try to calmly find out the reason. Avoiding a direct answer? Will have to take more stringent measures.

Woman screaming at man

Where to go?

Where to complain if the boss yells and humiliates, allows rudeness and insults to the employee?

First of all, find out what is considered an insult. This is the humiliation of the honor and dignity of a person, expressed in indecent form.

We found out that it didn’t get any easier. What do we do? Contact the labor inspectorate or the prosecutor.

I got into a fight

How to contact the inspection?

If the insult at the workplace of his employee has become a habit of the head, such an attitude should not be tolerated. The subordinate has the right to complain to the labor inspectorate if the head humiliates the subordinate in order to force him to quit.

To apply to the labor inspectorate, the following materials are required:

  • A statement from the employee with a detailed description of the situation.

  • A copy of the employment contract, and ideally - its original.

  • Photos, videos, or audio recordings confirming inappropriate behavior by a superior.

What threatens the leader?

If a boss yells and humiliates a subordinate with enviable regularity, what does he “shine” for? Penalty in the maximum amount, as a rule:

  • If we are talking about an individual entrepreneur - from one thousand five thousand rubles.

  • A legal entity will pay a humble employee from thirty to fifty thousand rubles.

Appeal to the prosecutor

In what cases can an employee complain to the prosecutor about the behavior of management? Provided that the insults are regular, their goal is to mock the employee, his moral pressure.

What is needed in order to take such tough measures against the boss? First, write a statement. And in it we indicate the date, the crime scene, we write the words that the head spoke to the subordinates.

The application review period is one month. The prosecutor will interview witnesses, you need to be prepared for this. It will not do without a survey of the victim. Remember that knowingly false testimony will bring the victim himself to justice.

After the prosecutor's office conducts the proceedings, the case will go to court.

What awaits the leader?

If the court decides that an inadequate boss should be brought to administrative responsibility, then penalties will be imposed on him. What is their size? From one thousand to three thousand rubles.


In the article, we talked about how to behave if the boss yells, humiliates and mentally puts pressure on his subordinate.


You can’t be silent and endure. A tyrant leader will even more begin to heat up and humiliate a wordless employee. Writing a letter of resignation without trying to defend oneself is also not the best option.

Do not be afraid to assert your rights. Complain to the prosecutor's office and to the labor inspectorate.

Advice is easy to give, and reason too. An ideal option would be to not encounter such leaders.

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