
Stages of the construction of the facility: description of work

Construction is a long and laborious process. In order for it to proceed calmly and without incident, you need to consider everything. Thoughtful and measured stages of the construction of the property are needed. That's exactly what we are going to talk about now, considering in detail what and how.

1st stage of construction: selection of land

This is the very first step. Initially, you need to decide what area is needed. The site should not be too large, as well as excessively small. When choosing a site, it is necessary to proceed from the area of ​​the building that is planned to be erected. In this case, you should pay attention to such points:

  1. Density of existing buildings.
  2. The presence of engineering networks of electricity, water and sanitation.
  3. The density of green spaces.
  4. Picturesque surroundings.
  5. Restrictions on the location of houses, as well as on the height of buildings.
  6. Possibility of telephone installation at home.
  7. Availability of public services.
  8. The presence of a centralized garbage collection, trunk gas, mail delivery.
  9. Municipal road network service.
  10. Possibility of insurance for both construction and completed buildings.
  11. The availability of various social infrastructure (schools, hospitals, sports grounds, kindergartens, shops and the like).
  12. Information on long-term development plans for adjacent territories (development plans).
  13. The legal status of the land (land surveying, the adequacy of legal registration).

Agree, a lot. But we have not yet begun to directly consider the question of what stages of building a house have to go through to get a finished property. Let's get down to this.

2nd stage of construction: topographic survey and engineering-geological surveys

stages of building a house

It is advisable to do this before the site has been acquired and design work has begun. It is necessary to entrust this to specialists who have all the necessary tools. Topographic surveying and engineering-geological surveys are required in order to determine the bearing characteristics of soils, as well as the composition and level of water. This has a significant impact on the future project. What is included in these works? A short list is as follows:

  1. Drilling followed by sampling of soil and water. For example, for country houses it is provided that it is necessary to make from two to six wells. It all depends on the composition of the soil, as well as the dimensions of the building.
  2. Compilation of geological sections of the site.
  3. Laboratory tests. Of interest is two dozen soil parameters, due to which it can be characterized its strength, acidity, plasticity and other points.
  4. Drawing up a report with recommendations on what type of foundation to choose, as well as on the necessary measures to protect it.

The conclusion is drawn up as a document with legal force. But the law recognizes only papers issued by licensed organizations that have received official permission to carry out work.

Why geology and topography are needed

Doing without researching the features of a particular territory will not work. The results are necessary in order to identify dangerous and unreliable places. They will let you know what problems there may be with a drainage system, where you can place a heavy building, and where it is better not to build anything. The study of soils allows you to identify areas with reduced bearing capacity, due to tectonic disturbances.For example, if “quicksand” were discovered, then it is advisable to build on pile foundations. With a high level of groundwater and heavy floods, the presence of a basement will lead to the fact that additional funds will have to be invested in the waterproofing of the house. If geological surveys have not been carried out, then in the future this may lead to unjustified expenses for water reduction, earthwork and landscaping. Surveying surveys provide an idea of ​​the relief of the site. This allows the designer to precisely orient the building to the cardinal points and select the best views of the landscape, calculate entrances and sites, determine fire breaks, as well as points of connection to networks.

3rd phase of construction: permission

what are the stages of building a house

Where without bureaucracy! It is necessary to obtain a permit for construction. This requires a number of approvals from local authorities. In general, this implies:

  1. Obtaining a resolution on permission to erect a house. This is to the local government.
  2. An inspection report of the site is ordered from specialists from the Department of Geo-surveillance. If there was unauthorized construction - then a survey plan and a house for a construction passport.
  3. The placement of buildings in the sanitary and fire inspections is agreed. If it is necessary to conduct under / above-ground communications, contact the appropriate organizations.
  4. In Geonadzor, a construction passport of the object is ordered.
  5. Submit agreed and collected documents to the district architecture committee. Then get the construction passport of the object.

It should be noted that this list may vary depending on administrative nuances. For example, the stages of construction of LCDs (residential complexes) will require more paper bureaucracy than the construction of a private house.

4th phase of construction: preparation

When there is an approved project and all the necessary documents, you can conclude a contract with the contractor (if you plan to hire it). At this stage, work is underway to prepare access roads, and issues are being resolved with the provision of temporary energy supply. The plan is broken down and transferred to the land plot. All axes are fixed according to the dimensions of the foundations.

5th phase of construction: zero cycle

main stages of construction

First of all, it is necessary to mention earthwork:

  1. Vertical site planning.
  2. Breakdown and digging of foundation pits and trenches.
  3. Ground transportation.
  4. Laying the cable network and pipelines.
  5. Backfill soil.

The soil layer, as well as the dug soil, must be preserved for landscaping and backfilling. This approach allows to exclude or at least reduce its external supply. The zero cycle in a percentage ratio is up to 15% of the total amount of work that must be performed at the facility. Their cost usually does not exceed 20% of all necessary funds. Also here should be attributed and laying the foundation. This means the installation of pile structures, blocks and waterproofing. Completes this process the construction of the underground part of the building. All the main stages of construction, starting with this, should be carried out under the supervision of an architect, which is carried out by the architect.

6th phase of construction: main cycle

construction stages of developers

Here comes the turn of the most important deeds:

  1. A temporary frame with a roof is being erected. Its task is to protect the subsequent stages of the construction of the building.
  2. Bearing walls.
  3. Beams and columns.
  4. Monolithic constructions.
  5. Floor floors.

It should be noted that the exhaust pipes and ladders are usually considered as part of the construction of the frame. Sometimes they also include exterior doors and windows. In this case, this stage requires additional time for its implementation. This must be taken into account.

7th phase of construction: decoration of facades and design of the object.Installation of window boxes, walls, roofing

construction stages of the facility

At this stage, the following work awaits:

  1. Block \ brickwork of piers.
  2. The roof is being erected.
  3. Installation of electrical wiring and heating systems.
  4. Stuccoing.
  5. Facade openings are filled.
  6. Finish.

When using an external air barrier such as a wrapper, it must be installed at this stage. Sometimes this is carried out during the construction of the frame. When performing external decoration, work is underway on plastering, brick lining of the edges, cornice gutters, roof drainpipes, and on external door and window blocks. As well as about an integral part of the work, mention should be made of fine etching, painting, and the installation of external borders.

8th phase of construction: internal work. Flooring, partitions, ceiling completion

At this stage, the following actions are carried out:

  1. Partitions are installed.
  2. Understood with floor coverings.
  3. Ceiling work in progress.
  4. Mounted internal engineering systems.

As a rule, this stage begins with the installation of ceilings, walls and floors. Then comes the turn of wooden parts for interior doors, decorative edges, stair balusters, handrails, frames.

Construction Phase 9: Completion

lcd construction stages

At the last stage of the construction of the facility, the following works are carried out:

  1. Installation of internal doors.
  2. Interior and exterior finishes.
  3. Installation and wallpapering.
  4. Plumbing.
  5. Mounting electrical outlets, switches, electrical appliances.
  6. Installation of furniture and accessories.
  7. Transfer of the building into operation.

Also, it is at this stage that coloring and varnishing are performed. This is how the stages of building a house look like. Although not always on this work are completed.

What is the completion of work

Built-in and wall-mounted cabinets, as well as other similar furniture with ceramic tiles on the walls, are installed. Final installation of plumbing equipment is also carried out, all lines are connected to sockets and switches, fire alarms and lighting equipment. At the same time, electric heating equipment, water heaters, fans, kitchen stoves, dryers are installed. Do not forget about air cooling systems. In some cases, this may include the installation of refrigerators, tumble dryers and dishwashers. At the same time, each of the subcontractors must check and make sure that the equipment installed by them is functioning normally. Then it is necessary to transfer all instructions, documents and guarantees to the builder. After that, the commissioning of the house begins. The completion of all this action is the execution of all title documents for the construction and registration of real estate in the proper manner. But are the construction phases of developers really ending in this case? This cannot be said in a peremptory tone.

10th phase of construction: landscape work

When to carry them out? Unanimous opinions do not exist. Some believe that this should be done after the house itself has been completed. Others are of the opinion that you can start landscaping after finishing the house. What is included in this stage? The layout of the site, the device of paths, car entrances, steps, landscaping, external lighting. In addition, we must not forget about the carpentry work that should be carried out for awnings, fences, as well as the construction of sites. And more about connecting to external water networks. Landscaping also includes the creation of elements such as a playground or a summer swimming pool.


stages of construction of a property

So all the stages of building a house that you need to go through to get a comfortable and convenient home for living are considered. Of course, just going through them all in a row is not enough.In order to get an excellent result, it is necessary to monitor the quality of execution wherever possible. In order for the builders not to hack, their normal maintenance is necessary, as well as no need to skimp on materials used in the construction of the building. It is also necessary to take care of the control over the fulfillment of the duties of all the employees involved. This is usually done by superintendents.

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