
Esoterics: how to attract money and good luck

At all times, humanity has sought to have more money. But in addition to the main habitual way to earn their daily bread, many would like to increase their wealth faster. And then I came to the rescue esoterics. How to attract money and in what way? She had many answers to this question.

What is esoteric

Esotericism is a doctrine of the mystical essence of man and the world. She studies the processes that occur in the vast expanses of the Universe and, according to its laws, are simultaneously reflected in the souls of people. Esoteric, of course, is not approved by the official modern science, but it claims that everything in the world is to some extent interconnected, namely:

  • processes occurring in the world affect a person;
  • processes occurring with a person are reflected in events in society;
  • processes occurring inside a person are reflected in his personality.

It is all these interconnections that esoteric traces, so it can be considered a full-fledged science.

esoterics how to attract money

How to attract money with esotericism

According to esoterics, our biofield is energetically connected with money. The essence of this concept is that a person’s lack of energy not only affects the events in his life, but also can block the financial flow. Therefore, before you understand whether it will help us esoterics, how to attract money, consider some of the signs that inhibit cash flows:

  • impaired communication with others (a person is annoyed by other people's actions, he is too responsive to the opinions of others);
  • anger and aggression held back for a long time;
  • a person’s attempt to constantly incur an excessive burden;
  • the presence of ill-wishers, the hatred and envy of others and so on.

To remove the reasons for blocking the flow of cash flows, esotericism offers us the practice of a shining crystal. This practice helps to restore the human biofield and attract money energy. It will not take you much time, somewhere around 10-15 minutes at sunrise. The practice of the shining crystal is as follows:

  • stand straight, lower your arms, do not cross your legs;
  • face east, it’s nice if the sun beams on you;
  • Relax as much as possible, taking 10-12 calm breaths and exhalations;
  • close your eyes and inhale the sunlight, imagining in front of you a growing radiant transparent crystal;
  • try to imagine that you feel a crystal glow on your body and this light creates a luminous protective shell around you.

When in the process of these exercises you get a clear glow of a bright crystal, the practice can be stopped. Having achieved visualization, you will adjust your biofield and financial energy. Financial problems will be solved much easier, new financial prospects may open. If you try the practice of a shining crystal, you will understand whether it helped esoterics. How to attract money with its help, we continue to find out further.

esoterics how to attract good luck and money

How to attract good luck with esotericism

There are many nuances in science called esoterics (how to attract good luck and money, we are now figuring out). One of them is color. For example, using the magic of color, you can determine the color of the wallet, which will always be filled with money:

  • the green color of the wallet will help its owner increase their income and use it skillfully;
  • red generates the energy of wealth;
  • a light clay color wallet is ideal for preserving wealth;
  • if it is black, then your financial income will be stable;
  • but if the wallet is of two different colors, for example, green and red, then financial surprises await its owner.

Those who are interested esoterics (how to attract money and luck, interests many), it would be nice to know what color your clothes should be in order to attract money. Let's consider several options:

  • If you often wear clothes of blue and turquoise colors, this can bring you income from unexpected sources;
  • yellow clothing attracts casual income, but this is inherent only to women;
  • If you often wear brown clothes for work, you may be raised your salary or promoted.

Luck and money are also attracted to our lives by smells. To do this, you can buy aromatic oils or incense:

  • oil from fresh pine needles is used in magic mixtures to attract money;
  • Cedar oil has powerful energy that helps to make important decisions, so it is considered a scent that attracts money.

Activate the energy of money and such familiar aromas:

  • the Rose;
  • bergamot;
  • basil;
  • vanilla;
  • ginger;
  • coriander and others.

Each fragrance has its own energy, and the best thing is when you yourself, in accordance with your intuition, compose a composition of oils, which includes fragrances that attract good luck, and, of course, incense that attracts money. Such mixtures make up in the first quarter of the growing moon. The mixture should contain at least three types of essential oils, one of which should be right for you. Having made such a composition, you can conduct a money ritual. It is carried out only on the growing moon. In the basis, for example, a cup with olive oil, add a few drops from your mixture, constantly thinking at the same time how money comes into your life. For the ritual, you can use the aroma lamp. The prepared mixture is stored in a tightly closed bottle.

how to attract money quickly

How to quickly attract money

Money, and only they can bring material wealth into our lives, but for some reason everything is given to one, and nothing to others. So let's make it a rule to try to visualize our thoughts, that is:

  • think more often about expensive purchases, mentally imagine the moment of purchase, and over time, thoughts can become reality;
  • you don’t need to constantly talk about a lack of money, this is a big mistake, because such words attract the opposite energy and, instead of increasing, the money goes away;
  • think about money, recount it more often, use the method of evaluating things around you (for example, in your free time, count how much the items surrounding you, such as a closet, desk, TV, and so on) are worth;
  • set home amulets for wealth and good luck.

signs attracting money

How to attract money to your wallet

Here are some more tips in help how to attract money. Namely, how to draw them into your wallet:

  • Do not keep your wallet empty, always carry a certain amount in it, because even if you don’t need to buy anything now, it will give you confidence. If you spent part of the money, then be sure to report the amount equivalent to the spent to your wallet at home.
  • To attract money, carry a note of one of the foreign currencies in your wallet. It attracts finances, and your wallet will often be filled with money.
  • Think about money well. No need to compare them with dirt, money does not like this.
  • No need to be ashamed of the money earned. If you have honestly earned money in your wallet, then you have something to be proud of. Only a weak person can be ashamed of his affluence.

How to attract money using magic

Even in our modern world, a special place is occupied by white magic (how to attract money, it explains in detail). Magic rituals have been used for a long time to attract good luck and money. However, these rituals are not simple; they require a special mood. So if you decide to conduct a ritual of white magic to attract money, do not forget about some important rules:

  • when carrying out the ritual, there must be confidence in a positive result;
  • complete secrecy of the conduct of such a ritual should be maintained, all actions and spells should be kept away from prying eyes, then the magic will work.

how to raise money in a family

Raising money for the family

How to raise money in a family? This question is quite relevant for many families. In addition to the fact that money needs to be earned, it also needs to be attracted. There are a few simple ways that you can become addicted:

  • Empty containers, such as flower or fruit vases, candy cans, and bottles, should not be on the table. Fill vases constantly with fruits, such as oranges, as they are one of the symbols of attracting money.
  • You can’t sit on the dining table, for this there are chairs. Otherwise, the money will bypass your family.
  • It is advisable to lay a tablecloth on the dining table, under which you can put several notes. Only bills should be large and newer, and then they will also attract wealth to your home.

help how to attract money

Signs attracting money

Let's pay attention to several signs that attract money:

  • Horse horseshoe. Of course, the horseshoe found has the greatest power, but you can do it. The main thing is that the horseshoe should not be stolen.
  • You can wear amulets made of their polymer clay. They are sold in specialty stores.
  • Lucky charms have always been paired animal figures. Particularly successful were wolves, pigeons, swans.
  • Real money can also be used as a talisman.

It is not necessary to surround yourself with a multitude of signs that attract money. It is enough to choose one for yourself and believe that it will bring you good luck.

magic how to attract money


Of course, I would like material wealth in life to be distributed more fairly. But if you work hard and at the same time the money does not linger too long in your house, maybe the tips and tricks of a science such as esotericism will help your well-being become more stable and reliable. The main thing is to believe it.

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Rafael dzhamanov
What to do without money and work the amulet of Solomon
Rafael dzhamanov
No money what to do bought the amulet was left without work at all and why without a family?


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