
Federal social supplements for retirement: size, who should be paid, how to get it?

So, if you are a citizen of Russia and a pensioner, then most likely you have a rather contradictory attitude to your status. Because the FIU has two news for you: one is good and the other is not very good. The good news is: you managed to retire at 55 if you are a woman, and at 60 if you are a man, but the news is worse: the size of the pension will not please you very much. Of course, if you worked in the Government of the Russian Federation or were a deputy, then you do not have to count a penny from retirement to retirement. If not, then you will be interested in federal social benefits for retirement.

Governmental support

In order to support non-working pensioners, the state provides for surcharges of this very unprotected category of citizens. The condition for their accrual is a low monthly income in comparison with the cost of living approved in the regions.

Pension indexation

So, we will consider in detail the conditions for calculating the federal social supplement for pensions for non-working pensioners in the current 2018.

  • If you retired and completed your career. Thus, a pension is your only means of subsistence.
  • If you live in Russia permanently, because when you move to a permanent place of residence abroad, you lose the right to federal social supplements for retirement.
  • The main condition for receiving surcharges is your material level: if it is lower than the regional subsistence minimum established for 2018 for pensioners, you are entitled to compensation.
Russian grandmothers

What else do you need to know? You are entitled to a federal social supplement for retirement benefits if:

  • You get a social pension.
  • You are a disabled person of group III.
  • You receive a survivor's pension. This paragraph also applies to those related to law enforcement agencies.

These categories of citizens belong to those who are entitled to federal social benefits for retirement.

Cost of living - what is it?

The term "subsistence minimum" is directly related to the concept of a consumer basket, which includes an established minimum of products and services that provides a decent stay, that is, nothing more.

Consumer basket

The federal cost of living (minimum subsistence level) is reviewed annually, but once, the approval of the regional standard of living is allowed until November next year. Addition: PM differs for different categories of the population: adults, children and senior citizens.

As for the consumer basket, its composition can be reviewed once every 5 years.

What is the set of products in the consumer basket

These are such necessary food products as potatoes, cereals, bakery and pasta, milk and dairy products, eggs, sugar, salt, vegetables and fruits.

As for non-food products, their set is also minimal and it is calculated as a percentage based on the cost of a set of food products.

Supplement Calculation

It is simple to make simple calculations to determine the amount of federal social supplement for pension: the real amount of monthly income, i.e. the amount of actual available funds, is subtracted from the regional subsistence minimum approved for the accounting year.

This amount consists of the following items:

  • pension itself;
  • social Security;
  • all types of social allowances, with the exception of a lump sum payment.

As for the additional lump-sum payment, subject to certain conditions stipulated by law, a citizen has the right to receive it from the funds of the funded part of his pension.

Thus, the federal social supplement to the pension is established if the pensioner's income you have is less than the subsistence minimum established in the region of your registration.

Pension savings

So, if you are a senior citizen, then you have a personal bank account. This is where your pension insurance contributions accrue. You can leave your savings in the State Pension Fund or place them in some non-state pension fund.

Window to the world

What do your retirement savings consist of:

  • The accounting department of the company where you worked (if you are a non-working pensioner) or work (if you are a working pensioner) makes contributions to the Pension Fund in the amount of 22% of the salary. Of these, 16% falls into the insurance part, and 6% replenish the funded part).
  • If you have made contributions under the State Co-financing Pension Program, then there are these accumulations in your personal account.
  • If you have the right to maternity capital, you can manage part or all of the capital, directing it to the funded part of your pension.
  • Since your retirement savings are in your bank account, interest is accrued on them, and they are also yours.

What you need to know about pension savings?

Pension savings are divided into:

  • cumulative
  • urgent
  • lump sum payment to a pensioner,
  • payment to the heirs of a deceased pensioner.

If you are a pensioner and are experiencing financial difficulties for some reason, such as paying for utilities, you can contact the FIU with a statement about one-time financial support. This will be called a lump sum payment from labor pension funds.

FIU staff will advise you on how to fill out such a statement.

Address one-time payment

The law of the Russian Federation clearly stipulates the categories of pensioners who can benefit from a lump sum payment. We list them:

  • if you have been assigned a disability group and a retirement retirement pension;
  • if you receive a survivor's pension;
  • if your employer regularly transferred the necessary amounts to your pension account in the Pension Fund in 2002, 2003 and 2004;
  • if you took part in the state program of co-financing and managed to transfer at least one installment, or you have accumulated savings until the time when the funded part was abolished.

Lump-sum Benefit Terms

If you have been granted a disability pension, then no other conditions are required to receive a lump sum.

Pension increase

For other categories of citizens receiving a pension upon reaching retirement age, the conditions for receiving a one-time lump sum payment are stipulated:

  • firstly, seniority must be at least 5 years;
  • secondly, the age of women applying for a one-time lump sum payment should be 55 years, and men, respectively, - 60.

Making a one-time payment

The step-by-step instruction for receiving a one-time payment is as follows:

  • Collect the necessary package of documents.
  • Please apply for the application to the PFR branch, the savings account number of which was indicated when transferring the funded part of your pension.
  • After submitting the application, expect the result of its consideration within the time limit established by law: it should not exceed 30 days from the date of application.
  • If your request is considered substantiated, a lump sum payment will be paid to you. The term for its payment is up to 60 days from the date of the decision on your issue.
  • If you received a refusal of a lump sum payment, the FIU is obliged to explain to you the reasons for the refusal and confirm its decision with the relevant Law.
    Addition: you can personally visit the FIU and transfer documents to the appropriate office; you can use the communication services and send documents by mail, having previously compiled a complete list of the parcels; you can instruct someone to transfer the documents, however this is allowed if there is a power of attorney certified by a notary.

And one more thing: you can distribute your retirement savings either for 10 years or for the rest of your life.

Package of documents

An application form for the payment of a lump-sum allowance will be provided by a specialist of the FIU. Attached to the application:

  • passport with copies of the main page and the registration page at the place of residence;
  • pension insurance certificate;
  • document - the basis for receiving a lump-sum payment: accrued old-age pension, loss of breadwinner, disability, as well as on the basis of state security;
  • a certificate from the FIU with information on the calculation of the pension and its amount; duration of the insurance period;
  • savings book (copy);
  • if it is impossible for the pensioner to draw up a lump-sum allowance himself - a power of attorney from a notary public.

The size of the lump-sum allowance depends on the amount in your retirement account at the time of accrual of a retirement pension. If you were born before 1967, then your savings will be from 5 to 15 thousand rubles. If you donated funds to a private pension fund, you can count on more impressive savings.

The calculation here is simple: funded part = pension contributions: pension accrual time.

But for exact information, you can contact either the FIU or the State Services portal.

Note: if a pensioner has issued a power of attorney for a certain person with a notary, then after the death of a pensioner, this person is his successor and may receive pension savings.

Please note: you can apply for a lump sum once every 5 years.

The right to a pension supplement: how to apply?

So, you found out that you are entitled to a federal social supplement for retirement.

Autumn age

This is just the beginning. The next step will be to visit the FIU. To apply for a federal social supplement for retirement pensioners, you must have the following documents with you:

  • Russian passport: original and copy.
  • Information on the composition of the family, which you can get at the passport office, in the housing department, in the district or rural administration (for rural residents).
  • Pension certificate or certificate. They can be obtained from the FIU.
  • A work book confirming that you are a non-working pensioner. If so, then the work book should be issued to you at the last place of work after dismissal.
  • Pension insurance certificate, it can also be obtained from the FIU.
  • If you belong to law enforcement agencies, you must provide a certificate of payments from the agency charging you a pension.
  • If you entrusted the design to another person, then provide a power of attorney from a notary.
  • In the case of established custody of a pensioner, documentary confirmation of the guardianship and trusteeship authorities is necessary.
  • You can draw up a statement on the establishment of a federal social supplement for pension directly in the FIU. You will receive the form from a PFR specialist.

So, all documents are duly executed and in accordance with the laws on federal social supplementary payments to retirement. In this case, you have to wait a while. You will begin to receive the payment of federal social supplement for retirement from the next month after the one in which you applied.

Grounds for receiving surcharge

A federal social supplement to a pension for a non-working pensioner shall be relied upon if the full amount of his material support is below the regional subsistence level. The difference is covered from the federal budget and paid to a non-working pensioner until such time as his status changes.

That is, if a pensioner gets a job, or if his income exceeds the regional minimum, payments cease. It should be remembered that the establishment of a federal social supplement to pension is provided to support a pensioner only for a period of material difficulties.

It is necessary to distinguish between supplements to pensions and one-time financial assistance provided to a particular person in case of financial difficulties.

It should be noted that the essence of the federal social supplement to the pension is its regularity, since it is assigned and paid until the financial situation changes for the non-working pensioner for the better.

Those for ...

One of the most vulnerable categories of pensioners is the disabled. And the same provisions apply to the calculation of federal social supplements to a disability pension: the type of pension received does not matter. However, the place of residence of the pensioner does matter.

The size of the federal social supplement to pension may vary in different regions, since this indicator is tied to the cost of living in a particular region and to the cost of the consumer basket.

By the way, the age of the recipient of the co-payment is not decisive, only the category is taken into account here. Therefore, the recipient of the survivor's pension and a non-working pensioner are classified as “pensioners”. That is, their status is the same. Therefore, what federal social supplementary pension will be accrued to citizens of this category, in each case depends only on the region.

Living conditions in different regions, as well as prices for products indicated in the priority list in the consumer basket, differ significantly. The influence of natural and climatic conditions is undeniable and is taken into account in the formation of a living wage.

Senior citizens of Russia

In some constituent entities of the Russian Federation, due to difficult climatic conditions, the cost of living significantly exceeds the average for Russia. Among such regions can be called, for example, Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, where this figure is 19,000 rubles, the Magadan Region with a living wage of 15,640 rubles.

The list of such entities is either donor regions or the northern territories of our country. In these areas, the number of which, as of 2016, is sixteen, local social co-payments have been established, the purpose and payment of which is known to social services. The participation of the population, including the execution of any applications for the appointment of regional surcharges, is not required in these regions.

It must be remembered that a citizen is responsible for concealing information about changes in his status and financial situation, which may result in unjustified accrual of bonuses to a person who does not need it.

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