
Federal Law of July 13, 2015 N 218-ФЗ "On State Registration of Real Estate". Registration in the unified state register of real estate

Issues related to state registration of real estate in Russia, concern the bulk of the population. Especially those who, in principle, for the first time deals with property. In Russian legislation, there are laws on property registration and registration of rights to objects. We will talk about them further. What do you need to remember? How to register property? Why do you need all this? The answers to all this and not only without fail will be considered below. In reality, everything is not as difficult as it seems.

Where to register property


In Russia, it is the law "On state registration of real estate" 218-FZ that helps to understand all the previously listed issues. It regulates the features of registration of property.

What does this code of laws say? Briefly summarizing it, you can see such moments as:

  • procedure and terms for registering property;
  • which objects are subject to registration;
  • bodies providing these services;
  • Rosreestr functions;
  • documents required for property accounting;
  • certificates issued after the implementation of ideas.

All this will be discussed. In fact, even a person who does not understand anything will be able to learn the basics of registering real estate. This is not as difficult to do as it seems initially. The main thing is to follow the instructions and guidelines below.

Service Providers

The Federal Law "On State Registration of Real Estate" indicates that the relevant services are provided by certain authorities. Namely - the State Register of Real Estate. At the moment, in short, this organization is called Rosreetr / Gosreestr.

Copy of USRN statement

In addition, the registration of property is allowed in the cadastral chambers and cartography authorities of a particular region.

USRN is the name of a body that personifies a kind of information base. It contains data on property of a particular region of the Russian Federation.

The Rosreestr is registering property rights. The confirmation of the received service is an extract from the USRN. But we'll talk about it later.

Property Register Functions

The register of state registration of real estate in Russia carries out various operations. All of them are related to the registration of property rights.

The main functions of Rosreestr may be as follows:

  • registration of property rights;
  • re-registration of property rights;
  • issuance of certificates confirming the rights to objects;
  • collection and storage of data on real estate in the Russian Federation;
  • providing information on real estate on demand.

All this helps to keep records of property. USRN contributes to the proof of property rights, for example, in judicial debate. Therefore, the appropriate authority is extremely useful. You can contact here and order certificates of established forms. With their help, a person is able to prove rights to immovable objects.

What certificates are issued

The Federal Law "On State Registration of Real Estate" states that upon receipt of the aforementioned service, citizens will receive a certain package of securities. There are not many of them. Especially taking into account the latest legislative changes.

Previously, the registration authorities issued:

  • cadastral passport for the object;
  • technical certificate;
  • certificate of registration of property rights.

In addition, it was possible to additionally order extracts of established forms. They indicated:

  • full characteristics of the facility;
  • encumbrances and restrictions;
  • all property owners;
  • the grounds on which registration was carried out.

Now in Russia, the register of real estate rights has greatly simplified paperwork. Owners are given only an extract from the USRN. The document is printed on several sheets. It replaces all previously listed papers.

Until the object is registered in the State Register, registration of relevant certificates is impossible. Therefore, sometimes proving property rights is problematic.

What to register

Registration in the Unified State Register of Real Estate is a process that does not require any special skills. The main thing is to carry out transactions with property legally. Then registration does not cause any real trouble.

USRN request form

At the moment, not everyone knows the concept of real estate. The state registry works exclusively with "real estate". What does this term include?

In Russia, real estate objects can be considered:

  • apartments;
  • houses;
  • cottages;
  • rooms;
  • garages;
  • parking places;
  • unfinished buildings and buildings;
  • cottages;
  • land.

In addition, shares in the listed objects can also be considered real estate. Entry in the USRN is made without any problems. And it does not matter whether a person owns the entire object or part of it. In the second case, the citizen will be provided with relevant information in the statement of the established form.

What deals are fixed

State cadastral registration and state registration of real estate are two interrelated operations. Under current laws, citizens must register certain transactions with property in the State Register. Otherwise, there is no way to prove the legality of their rights to objects.

According to the law of state registration in Russia, the following operations are subject:

  • sale of property;
  • giving;
  • receipt by will;
  • inheritance property acquisition;
  • exchange of property;
  • winnings;
  • purchase on credit.

Any legally significant transactions related to property rights to objects under Federal Law 218 are subject to mandatory registration.

What if a share is allocated to someone in the apartment? This operation will also have to be carried out through the State Register. No benefits and exemptions are provided for in Russia.

Who should seek help

The Law "On State Registration of Real Estate" (FZ-218) indicates that certain persons carry out the corresponding operation. Namely:

  • owners of real estate;
  • official representatives of the property owners;
  • government bodies.

Typically, applications for the implementation of ideas into life are made by the direct owners of the property. This technique saves time and effort.

Terms of service

The bodies of state registration of real estate by law must make adjustments to the existing base within a certain period. Otherwise, you can complain about a government agency.

Registration of property rights in 2018 should be carried out within 10 days. The countdown starts from the moment of filing the application of the established sample.

Making changes to the Rosreestr database takes 5 days. An extract from the USRN can be requested and received after 3 days.

In any case, accounting for property on the territory of the Russian Federation takes a minimum of time and effort. If you contact the intermediaries (about them later), you have to wait longer.

In some cases, citizens are issued urgent USR statements. Such papers are made in the period from several hours to a couple of days. As practice shows, citizens have almost no business with such papers.

Rosreestr - how to register a property

Officials: Where to Register Rights

State accounting and registration of real estate, as we have already found out, are carried out in Rosreestr. But that is not all.Applications of established images can be submitted to the so-called intermediary organizations. There are not many of them.

The role of an intermediary is to simplify the procedure for submitting applications for data changes in the state property register. In this case, the service will be provided for a longer period. Wait for inquiries with adjustments up to 15 days. This is quite normal.

Today, it is proposed to receive the studied service in:

  • State registry;
  • cadastral chamber;
  • multifunctional center;
  • single window service;
  • My Documents.

In addition, services can be provided over the Internet, for example, through resources such as:

  • "Government services";
  • official website of the Russian Federal Register.

There are third-party services for ordering EGRN statements. They usually do not register rights. For example, you can urgently order a certificate of real estate on the Rosreestr.net portal.

Cost of services

The Federal Law "On State Registration of Real Estate" also states that the corresponding service is not free. More precisely, issuing certificates of the established form requires certain costs.

The cost of the service varies. It depends on whether the recipient is a natural or legal person. In addition, the interpretation of the statement and its type play a role. But more on that later.

Direct registration of rights to immovable objects for individuals will cost 2,000 rubles. Organizations and companies pay 22,000 rubles per operation.

The value of the USRN statement will vary. Individuals on average give from 300 rubles for a paper copy of a certificate and from 150 rubles for its electronic counterpart. Legal entities will have to pay between 950 and 400 rubles, respectively.

It is recommended to specify more accurate information on the cost of certificates from the State Register in advance. The amount of payments is regularly increasing. And so the duty may increase at any time.

How to register

How is the state registration of real estate in the Russian Federation? Next, we consider a step-by-step procedure for the implementation of the task. We focus on the personal appeal to the registration authorities.

A step by step process can be imagined as follows:

  1. Make a real estate deal.
  2. Generate a package of documents required for registration of the contract. Usually, by the time the transaction is concluded, the papers are already prepared. Their package will vary depending on the situation. We will talk about this later.
  3. Contact the registration authority to receive the service.
  4. Pay state duty to the state treasury. It is advisable to do this in advance. This will save time.
  5. Submit an application in the established form with documents prepared in advance.
  6. At the appointed time, pick up the extract from the USRN.

After the actions taken, the citizen will register a transaction with the property and receive a certificate of registration of real estate. Nothing incomprehensible, difficult or special. Although in some cases, citizens have difficulty preparing documentation.

Rosreestra website

What is written in the statement

The composition and rules of maintaining a unified state register of real estate in Russia do not cause any real and insoluble troubles. The main thing is to adhere to the current laws of the country.

As already mentioned, to confirm the rights to property, people are issued a USRN statement. It is different. For example:

  • extended (with a history of transfer of rights to an object);
  • ordinary (with characteristics of real estate);
  • on the owner's incapacity;
  • about burdens and restrictions;
  • about title papers;
  • with data on property owners.

Most often, citizens are faced with a regular discharge. By law, in this paper you can see:

  • cadastral data of the object (for example, the number in the database of the State Register);
  • cadastral value of real estate;
  • Address of the object;
  • footage;
  • number of rooms;
  • number of storeys of the building;
  • type of materials of which the structure consists;
  • data on all property owners;
  • visual outline drawing of the object.

It also indicates the basis for the acquisition of property rights and the date of state registration in Rosreestr. All this helps to resolve property disputes and prove the rights to a particular object.

Important: every 5 years in the State Register there is a revaluation of real estate. Therefore, it is better to replace the USRN statement from time to time. Ideally, such documentation is issued indefinitely.

Documents for the operation

The bodies of state registration of real estate we reviewed. And what papers can be useful for the implementation of the task?

Let's start with the most common case - with the purchase of housing. In such circumstances, you must take with you to one of the following bodies:

  • identification;
  • sales contract (at least 3 copies);
  • EGRN statement on the object;
  • title papers on the subject of the contract (if any);
  • a receipt confirming the fact of transferring money to the seller;
  • marriage / divorce certificate (if any).

With a mortgage additionally bring:

  • mortgage agreement;
  • payment schedule;
  • confirmation of payment of credit bills.

In some cases, the state registration of real estate requires:

  • birth certificates of children;
  • permission for custody of the transaction;
  • the consent of all property owners to the operation with "immovable";
  • will;
  • evidence and consent to accept the inheritance;
  • power of attorney for registration actions;
  • certificates confirming kinship with the previous owner of the property.

Of course, do not forget about the check with the paid duty. Until a person pays for the service, state registration and registration in the unified state register of real estate will not be carried out.

USRN statement cost

Important: if the documentation contains errors or the package of documents is not presented in full, the service may be refused. This event sometimes occurs when there is evidence that the transaction is illegal.

We ask for USRN help on the website of Rosreestr

Now a few words about how you can request an extract from the USRN via the Internet. Usually, the appropriate paper is needed in transactions with property and litigation.

Consider the procedure on the website of Rosreestr. If you need to draw up an object for yourself, you can submit an application for state registration of real estate in electronic form. To do this, just go to the website of the State Register and select the item "State registration ...." in the "Services" section. Next, you will follow the instructions on the screen and fill out the request of the established sample.

With extracts, everything is much more complicated. But you should not be afraid of the process. The action algorithm in this case will be approximately as follows:

  1. Open the site rosreest.ru in a browser.
  2. Click on the "Services" button.
  3. Select the option "Provide information from ....".
  4. Click on "Get ...".
  5. Indicate information about the registered property, for example, cadastral number or address.
  6. Fill out the form that appears on the screen. Here you have to enter the features of the "real estate".
  7. Indicate information about the applicant.
  8. Click on the "Submit Request" button.
  9. Copy the application number to the PC clipboard. It will come in handy later.
  10. Click on the "Pay" hyperlink.
  11. Insert the application number in the designated field.
  12. Confirm procedure.
  13. Indicate the method of payment for the certificate.
  14. Enter the details of the account from which the money will be debited.
  15. Confirm the procedure.

Now it remains only to wait for discharge. The original paper can be picked up at the local office of the State Register.


We studied the main points related to the registration of real estate in Russia. Now it’s clear how to cope with the task, and what awaits the applicants too.

Abolition of property rights certificates

Rosreestr not only keeps records of property, but also carries out its revaluation. In addition, citizens can apply here if inaccuracies and errors are found in the available documents. Information in the database will be checked and, if necessary, corrected.

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