
The accounting form is a set of accounting registers. Accounting regulatory framework. Federal Law "On Accounting", No. 402-ФЗ dated 12/06/2011

Here we talk about what it is - a form of accounting? In this article, we will familiarize ourselves with the definition of a concept, and also touch upon issues related to it, for example, on compliance with regulatory provisions, various forms and general comparison.


The accounting form is the quantitative structure and external state of the accounting register. It is determined by the sequence of relationships between important documents and registries. The latter also have such a relationship among themselves, and their records describe the operation of any means of technology. It follows from this that the form of accounting is a general set of various accounting registers in which the order and recording methods for them are established.

The organization may independently select a suitable accounting system, provided that it has not been established by the legislation in force in this.

accounting regulation

Proven Accounting

There are a number of proven accounting systems that were created as a recommendation from a competent government body. It is from them that a set of accounting standards appears. Sometimes approved systems can be used under duress. These systems include:

  • accounting simple;
  • accounting memorial order;
  • accounting journal-order (including modifications of simple, simplified, complete and standard).

After the introduction of electronic computing tools began, it was practically impossible to clearly classify accounting systems. This is due to the fact that accounting forms are an assembly of programs that allow it to be implemented in practice. They are able to collect any kind of combinations from the total number of accepted accounting systems.


The system of such accounting must comply with specific features in a particular economic activity. It should be fully reliable and exclude the possibility of missing information about households. activities, give the opportunity to carry out any sampling of the state, movement or source of the organization’s means and provide a simplified process for registering households. operations. Also, in accordance with regulatory accounting, reporting is compiled and the structure is protected from information leakage of a commercial nature. This is an extremely important security measure to avoid misuse and manipulation of information. Accounting features are determined either by the company itself (in the absence of clear instructions from the state), or by authorized authorities that are responsible for this area of ​​human activity.

types of accounting

The concept of memorial accounting

Accounting regulation in memorial and warrant form is a set of memorial warrants; they group sets of transactions for the same type of operations of the economic sphere of activity.

The quantitative and component parts of the structure of memorial orders are determined by the content, quantity and degree of repeatability of households. operations.Any memorial order must include in its mechanism of formation a set of its own details. The size of the organization and the form of accounting services of the order are designed by accountants or chief accountants, and then there is a check and approval on behalf of the dominant person. The general list of orders is subject to final approval on behalf of the director of the organization selected for a particular financial year.

According to accounting standards in this form, reporting has a synthetic form and is stored in book resources or statements of a multigraphic type. Analytical registration uses statements, cards and books.

This regulatory document is prepared for any household. operations. If a group of such operations is combined in a “free” document, then a memorial type order is prepared for the group of operations. This document should contain a provision on the accounting entry and the date of its preparation. In some cases, a place for a particular stamp is allocated on a form of similar paper.

Many operations are grouped for 30 days in the resources of the auxiliary statements of accumulations. Next, the sheets turn into a set of memorial orders.

The compilation of such documents is recorded in chronological order in relation to the register, and they all have their own serial numbers. After the data has been reflected in the journal, they fit into the contents of the General Ledger or the multivariate sheet. In the Civil Code, on the left side, the set of accounts reflects data on operations in the economic sphere of activity that were associated with debit.

business accounting

Among the types of accounting, a multigraphic form of structuring accounts with debit and / or credit is used to reflect offsetting accounts. This system is made for the most simple reflection of all households. operations contained in the general ledger pages.

As a result, according to the debit and credit data, a revolving statement is created, constructed through the use of a synthetic series of accounts.

The need for records

The information contained in the analytical accounts allows you to create a revolving number of statements for accounting of an analytical nature. It links and analyzes the turnover sheet using synthetic account data.

Due to the peculiarities of accounting in the memorial order form, it becomes possible to balance the organization through the use of data from turnover statements on synthetic accounts.

This form of accounting has a number of significant differences from most other accounting processes, namely, it stands out for its rigor, ease of preparation and design, easy access to accounting techniques, widespread use and standardization of forms for analytical registers and the use of registration using the copy method.

Among the shortcomings are the rather significant problems of compiling a huge number of memorial type orders, which duplicate the same data from various registers for accounting. Using both synthetic and analytical accounting causes the latter to lag behind the former.

organization of accounting

“Magazine and warrant”

Types of accounting include the concept of journal-order form. It includes the principles of the accumulation and systematization of information from the primary series of documents in the accounting register. Such surveys make it possible to use the synthetic and analytical form of the methodological approach for the analysis of information. It also exploits any source that contains data on business transactions for each section. This eliminates the need for a memorial warrant.

Accounting features include systematic and chronological records that are recorded at the same time.A journal with the reproduction of consecutive dates in relation to the registration of business turns is not made. Accumulative registers incorporate records by analyzing indicators that are required to control activities such as commercial and financial-economic.

Accounting rules in this form use two types of ledgers:

  1. Magazine warrant.
  2. Statement of auxiliary type.

Rationality is ensured through the use of special development tables. Some types of accounts, including a considerable amount of a personal set of accounts, may involve the establishment of a special analytical card.

The main series of registers in this form is presented by the journal-warrant. It includes a group of free sheets in large format and has significant props. For individual months, order logs are opened for individual synthetic accounts or groups of such records. A specific personal number is assigned to any such document.

An entry in the warrant must be done every day either directly from the primary document, as well as using auxiliary statements. The latter is most often used if it is necessary to find and study analytical indicators that cannot be obtained directly from the journal-warrant. This causes a preliminary grouping of documents with primary data in the statement. Further, the resulting result is transferred to the order journal.

accounting standards

In the basis for the construction of such a document and / or supporting sheet put sign credit registration attributed to a business transaction. In other words, information from the primary documentation is recorded only in accordance with a specific loan and reflects the actual turnover of the debit of finance in the corresponding series of accounts. The total data for one month from the order journal gives you the opportunity to look at the total amount of loan turnover and the amount of finance from the debit, which is allocated to the corresponding account.

Organization of the process

The organization of accounting is based on the recording of operations for households. case in the warrant magazine. Fixation occurs during their direct commission and is recorded immediately. In this regard, the systematic filling of such a document is also a record that obeys the chronology of the origin of the events. In this version of the execution of the order there is no need for special maintenance of the chronological register. A memorial order is also not drawn up, which is based on the recording of all indicators in the context of the corresponding series of accounts.

The organization of accounting involves checking the accuracy of the recording. It is done by calculating the total score of the loan account. Further, the data is recorded on the pages of the journal, directly from the document. The final information is checked against individual results, which are included in various columns of the journal. They must also be consistent with the totals of debit accounts. This eliminates the need for a comparison of the turnover of the journal, since synthetic accounting here is combined with analytical. The turnover sheet is compiled on the basis of the data of the account in which the analytical form of accounting is carried out independently.

Conclusion to magazine data

The accounting form is a set of accounting registers. The register data from the journal-order document in the last days of the month should be transferred to the pages of the General Ledger (CC).

The Civil Code is opened for 1 year, and its purpose is to summarize data from specific orders, as well as to verify the accuracy of the records made for each individual account and compiling the balance sheet in balance form.In the latter, the balance is recorded at the beginning of the month and / or year; the debit and credit turnover of the account and the balances that we receive at the end of the month and / or year for all synthetic accounts in a separate form are also added here.

The turnover of credits is recorded in the Civil Code from special journals, and the revolving amount of debits is entered based on the data of a different set of journals-orders on accounts of a corresponding nature. The end of the revision check is accompanied by the conclusion of the balance for the beginning of the next month.

The balance of accounting data, as well as other forms of reporting, is compiled in accordance with the data of the General Ledger. The reliability and accuracy of the records that are contained in the Civil Code is checked by calculating the total number of balances and revolutions. The total amount, respectively, is derived based on the totality of all accounts.

accounting and auditing


Accounting in trade should also be made. The scope of the subjects in the creation of such documentation does not play a role. However, the area of ​​cash flow determines a number of features that affect accounting.

Trade is one of the activities of entrepreneurs, which is based on the circulation of goods. Any asset that was originally acquired for resale can be recognized as a product. In accordance with PBU 5/01, goods are defined as inventories.

The company may complete the trading process in wholesale or retail form. Their main difference lies in the volume of goods sold. When retailing, goods are traded in small quantities or individually. This is necessary to meet the individual needs of the consumer. Wholesale involves a trading process that will be applied to a large batch of goods. It is also important to know that in retail transactions, the company and the individual are more likely to participate. Wholesale sales are more often sold by legal entities.

Accounting in the trade is carried out using the account 41. It, in turn, has a certain number of sub-accounts. In the predominant number of cases, account 41.4 is used for “purchased products”.

Accounting is compiled on the basis of data on the place of storage, quantification and data on the financially responsible person. In trade, it is important to take into account the concept of the cost of goods, which, in fact, is the price for its purchase, as well as costs, delivery, duties, agency fees, etc. In other words, cost is the total amount of finance that arises from the provisions specified in clause 6 of RC 5/01.

Accounting requirements

For a detailed acquaintance with the features of the studied documentation design, you are recommended to familiarize yourself with the Federal Law on Accounting No. 402 (December 6, 2011). The date indicates the “point” of its latest revision. The law is extremely extensive and includes four chapters and 32 articles.

Accounting rules include a number of provisions dictated by law, and imply:

  1. Mandatory accounting of personal property, which should be based on in-kind measurements in terms of finance.
  2. A set of main accounting tasks that are responsible for the accuracy and formulation of information, provide oversight of the availability of property and its movement, as well as for the use of means warning the negative phenomenon in a timely manner.
  3. Implementation of the formulation and creation of an accounting posting plan.
  4. The organization is given the right to allocate a separate balance sheet for its production and economy. You can also distinguish branches and representative offices that are part of the structure of the organization and do not apply to a legal entity.
  5. Account management is carried out only using the double entry method, which corresponds to the accounting plan.
  6. Owing to the formation of policies in the accounting form, the separation of property and the continuous process of organizational activity become possible.The sequence of operation of the accounting policy must be observed, and it is also important to determine the temporary factors of households. activities.

Accounting policies for organizations must comply with a set of requirements for completeness, prudence, and content priority (corresponding to a specific form). And also it should be consistent and rational.

accounting features

Audit Relationship

Accounting and auditing is the direction of the work of accountants, the essence of which is the complete and reliable collection of data on the work of enterprises, as well as their property status. Maintaining such documentation is mandatory for directors, participants, founders, property owners. This phenomenon does not bypass external users, such as lenders, investors, etc.

Accounting and auditing are closely related components. An element of the accounting system is the satisfaction of the need for a detailed reproduction of information, which is called managerial accounting.

Audit is a parameter of activity that defines it as a means to form an opinion on the accuracy of financial statements. Also draws attention to the fulfillment of compliance with the order that was established by law. The reliability of such information is the accuracy of correctly prepared financial statements. On its basis, a final review and conclusion about households is made. activities, the situation of finance and property, as well as the status of legal. persons that are subject to audit.

An important component of the concept under consideration is the existence of an account and accounting entries. A posting is a form of recording that contributes information to the system’s database simultaneously in two counting ways. The account filling form is always amenable to the principle: Debit. Accounting Account (Part 1) - Credit. ACCOUNT (Part 2) Amount (Part 3).

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