
Forms and types of continuing education. Further professional education

Consider the main types of continuing education, which are relevant in the economic and social situation currently prevailing in the country.

In the era of technical innovation, increasing competition, there is a need to reaffirm their professional suitability.

That is why additional professional education is of great importance. It allows specialists to increase the level of professionalism, to acquire new skills and knowledge that give the right to work in a new field.

Types of Continuing Education

Theoretical aspects

Further professional education is a form of postgraduate education. It is addressed to those people who already own the first basic secondary or higher education.

Additional professional education is an organized and sustainable process of acquiring new skills, knowledge, which allows a person to fully develop and realize himself, to determine himself professionally, socially, and personally.

This process has a high degree of flexibility. Modern additional education adapts to the needs of the target audience, it is independent in the selection of methods, forms, training aids. It becomes possible to combine a high level of motivation for learning with effective methods of professional and personal training.

Development of children outside of school

Types of DPO

Consider the main types of continuing education:

  • professional retraining, which involves the issuance of a state diploma;
  • short-term professional development with obtaining a certificate for programs in the amount of 72-100 academic hours, as well as certificates of retraining for programs of 100-500 hours;
  • courses, seminars, trainings, master classes involving the issuance of a certificate.

All types of additional education are associated with obtaining additional information on educational programs that include the study of specific disciplines, departments of science, technology, which are necessary for the quality fulfillment of new qualification requirements.

Features of the educational process

Various forms of additional education have been developed at the Ministry of Education of the country in the form of a convenient, quick, inexpensive option for obtaining a second education, the development of a new profession.

They differ significantly from the second higher in terms of training. Further education courses imply a short training period, they are filled with specific subjects that are close to practice, they are significantly lower in cost.

After completing the course, you can count on a state-standard diploma on professional retraining, which gives its holder greater competitiveness in the modern labor market.

The property of this document is such that an additional specialty is on an equal footing with the main specialty, gives the right to engage in a specific type of activity.

Further professional education

Training options

Continuing education is an option for professional training of specialists, the purpose of which is to examine the best practices for advancement by the students.

Consider the types of additional education:

  • short-term, the duration of which does not exceed 72 hours;
  • problematic or theoretical seminars in the range of 72-100 hours;
  • long training (from 100 hours).

Completion of the DPO

Students who successfully complete the course can expect to receive one of the following versions of state-standard documents:

  • for persons who have undergone short-term training or participated in the work of problematic and thematic seminars in the amount of 72-100 hours;
  • certificate of professional development for persons who have completed training, designed for 72-100 hours.
Types of continuing education institutions

The specifics of seminars and trainings

Continuing education courses involve an active and intensive form of learning. The seminars and trainings are attended by adults who are focused on the practical development of techniques for applying a certain technology. This form is distinguished by the activity of the participants, the maximum attention is paid to the acquisition of practical skills.

At seminars and trainings, the learning process is carried out in the mode of specific actions, analysis of acquired experience, feedback from students, which allows you to analyze your strategies and methods with other people, to draw certain lessons.

Intellectual and mental replenishment of knowledge, giving impetus to various ideas, will increase the professional level.

In the framework of seminars and trainings, additional education technologies are used that allow students to fully master the ways of thinking and behaviors, get acquainted with innovations in various professional fields, disclose internal resources, and share experiences.

Master classes are conducted by experts who are specialists in a specific field. They are able not only to share experiences, but also to help students find ways to eliminate errors that arise. The master class ends with the issuance of certificates to all its participants. The sociocultural situation that has developed in our country today is distinguished by information richness, various educational opportunities for different segments of the population, including traditional additional education.

Types of continuing education institutions

Additional education for children

Currently, there are various types of institutions of additional education intended for the development and upbringing of children of preschool and school age.

In addition to studying at school, children can attend the various sections and circles offered by the WDC. This budget supplementary education provides children with a free opportunity for development and self-improvement. In any city in Russia, there are centers where students learn choreography, stage art, master the technology of knitting and sewing.

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education helps to increase the cultural and educational level of a person, allows you to deepen the knowledge of children in a specific area.

Recently, professional continuing education has been popular: school - university - postgraduate training - postgraduate education. A similar scheme is achieved with the help of tools available in the field of additional education.


A distinctive feature of further education is the fact that those institutions that offer citizens of our country to improve their professional level use training courses, the volume of which does not exceed 1000 hours.

This is a great start for the economic and professional growth of the young generation, which has not yet decided on their main specialty.

Master class and trainings

Responsibility of the DOE

In addition to educational services, organizations that provide additional training services are responsible for:

  • patriotic, spiritual, labor education of the younger generation;
  • vocational guidance for adolescents;
  • formation of children's creative potential;
  • organization of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren;
  • retraining, advanced training, training of specialists;
  • the acquisition of new knowledge, the development of professionalism in a specific field of activity.

Forms of training

Currently, additional education in Russia exists in the following forms:

  • full-time (day, evening, as part of a weekend);
  • remote;
  • correspondence.

Creative associations. These organizations create for individual personal growth, development of children, the formation of moral and spiritual values ​​in them. Children unite according to their interests in groups, study according to a special program. For example, research clubs are being set up in public schools. Children attending classes receive theoretical knowledge necessary for the implementation of research and project activities, conduct practical experiments and experiments, fill them out, present the results at research conferences.

Sunday Lecture involves a review conversation on specific issues. The audience at the lecture can be diverse - from first-graders to the elderly.

The seminar involves the form of training and practical classes, during which they discuss messages and reports prepared by specialists.

Conferences are pre-planned representatives of one educational institution, meetings aimed at discussing a specific issue. Currently, there are various types of conferences:

  • video conferencing;
  • online
  • business conference;
  • press conference;
  • echo conference;
  • conference call.

Structures of continuing education in the framework of OS

Among the elements are creative laboratories, electives, research centers, associations, hobby centers.

Such a model is interesting in that all groups function on the basis of a regular comprehensive school. Not only schoolchildren, but also their mentors, parents take an active part in creative expeditions, research laboratories, and interest sections.

Continuing Education Technologies


As part of the optimization, centers of continuing education began to be combined with ordinary schools, libraries, local history museums. What does this symbiosis lead to? It becomes mutually beneficial for all structural units that are included in the "educational holding". A powerful infrastructure is being created, which contributes to the formation of an excellent personnel and material base.

With the help of additional educational programs in Russian pedagogy, an individually-differentiated approach to each child is carried out.

Every year DPO becomes more and more popular, as it helps employees to meet the needs of the employer.

Thanks to him, you can improve your professional knowledge and skills, get a new qualification. Such training is available to those who already have an education, and to students and schoolchildren. Some professions have professional standards, for example, teachers of additional education.

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