
Where should the "Spikes" sign on the car be, where to glue it?

Studded tires are becoming increasingly popular among car owners every year, and legislation has introduced new rules for the operation of vehicles with winter wheels. Hence, the question naturally arises for drivers: “Where should the Spikes sign be on the car?” The main task of the innovation is to inform other road users about the need to keep a distance from the car with the Spikes sign.

The origin of the letter "Sh"

Sign sticker

The description of the “Sh” mark and its presence on the car have been spoken about for more than a year. However, liability for non-compliance with this requirement by drivers with studded tires was introduced only in 2017. This norm was the subject of a large-scale discussion between car drivers and traffic police.

In clause 2.3.1. Code of traffic rules of Russia it is said that the driver of the vehicle must check the car before leaving, and on the road maintain it in a technically sound condition. This condition must be observed in accordance with the Basic Provisions for authorizing the operation of vehicles, as well as the authority of officials who monitor road safety.


For all traffic rules signs, strict standards regarding appearance are indicated, the “Ш” sign is no exception. According to the norms for this sign, a triangular shape with a red trim is provided, which is 2 cm or 10% of the length of the side. The sign "W" is depicted on a white background in black.

You can buy such a plate, or you can make it yourself. In the second case, it is recommended to choose a paper of dense texture. Then the sign will last much longer. Still - where should the "Spikes" sign be installed on the car? It must be placed on the rear of the car so that it falls into the field of view of passing drivers.

Main purpose

Car tire

It is important to note the fact that in the installation of the sign there is a logical meaning.

Currently, choosing winter tires for a vehicle is not easy. The range of products is huge, and at the same time, most car owners stop at Velcro. The real name for this type of tire is friction, derived from English. friction - "grip". Due to the small grooves and grooves, coupling with a sliding surface occurs. Nevertheless, on the road there are situations when winter studded tires have less braking distance than Velcro. Why and where should the Spikes sign be on the car? In this way, other drivers are warned that the braking distance may be less than the latter suggests. In other words, the presence of a sign on a car, essentially, is one way to reduce the accident rate on the roads. Security should not be underestimated.

Glue it right

Most car owners often have a question about where the "Spikes" sign should be installed on the car. There are a large number of suitable places for attaching a sign to a car. It can be fixed on the roof of the trunk or on the door, on the bumper, on the back of the body, on the tent or wardrobe trunk.

It is worth explaining that in paragraph 8 of the "Basic Provisions" there is a note that the sign "Ш" must be installed behind the vehicle. In other norms and requirements, including traffic rules, the location of the sign on transport is not regulated.

Recommendations for action

Winter tire

In accordance with the provision, the “W” sign is glued to the rear of the vehicle. The place is not officially fixed, in other words, you can glue at least on the trunk.Where should the Spikes sign be on the car? The answer will vary depending on the car body. Correlate the type of car body and the location of the sign "W":

  1. Pickup. It is recommended to fix on the back of the body.
  2. SUV. The choice is large, from the mirror to the trunk.
  3. Van, gazelle, trucks. You can glue a sign on an awning or a body.
  4. Sedan. It is better to attach the “Sh” sign at the top, to the left of the rear window.

Subject to these recommendations, the driver who rides behind will be better able to see the sign.

What do you need to know?

Each driver must have knowledge of where the "Spikes" sign should be on the car. At the same time, it is important to note that this sign is not one in order to obtain access to use the car in Government Decree N 333 of 03.24.2017 as necessary.

For more than 1.5 years, from 04/04/2017, the vehicle is forbidden to operate if certain signs are missing. These include: "Beginner driver", "Road train", "Dangerous or bulky cargo", "Transportation of children", "Speed ​​limit", "Slow-moving", "Training" and "Long-distance vehicles", "Deaf driver".

The vast majority of characters are classified as special. For example, “Transportation of Children” refers exclusively to buses, and “Long Transport” is attached to trucks. It is worth focusing on the sign "Novice driver", it is installed with a total driving experience of less than two years. When checking the driver’s license, a traffic police officer will write a fine and prohibit the movement of vehicles if the corresponding sign is not reflected on the car.

What to do in the summer with the "Sh"

Car decoration

By car, the Spikes sign should be where it is recommended to place it. At the legislative level, the requirement for mandatory peeling off the “Ш” sign from a car in the summer is not regulated. What is this talking about? In the presence of the sign "Spikes" in the summer, road safety officers are not entitled to write penalties. The presence of this symbol in the summer will only lead to the fact that cars moving behind will maintain an additional distance from the car with the letter "Ш".

Studded tires in winter for car owners of our country is a recommendation, while the presence of winter tires is a must. Since the beginning of 2017, a requirement has been introduced for the presence of a notice icon “W” for a vehicle moving behind. Following this rule allows the motorist to get rid of the additional costs associated with the payment of fines as a result of inspections.

Studded tires: what are the pros and cons?

Everyone knows where the "Spikes" sign should hang on the car, but what is the advantage of studded tires?

Conventional tires are made from hard rubber. When the outside temperature decreases, it becomes coarse, as a result, the clutch becomes tight, and the braking distance increases.

Special tires for winter are made of soft rubber. It is designed specifically to withstand sub-zero outdoor temperatures and provides reliable grip.

Spiked tires are an excellent option for traveling on icy or snowy roads. However, such rubber wears out quickly when driving on asphalt. The spikes pop out of the grooves, and there is no guarantee that the spike will not get into the car moving behind. Also on asphalt, they are capable of damaging rubber, which leads to the non-operational condition of the vehicle.

Compared to regular studded tires, the braking distance on the icy road is reduced, and with rapid braking there is a high risk of an accident provoked by cars moving behind.

We make the "Ш" sign yourself

Driver in front

To make a mark, you need a text editor Word or its online version. First, go to the "Insert" tab in the "Shapes" category and select a triangle.The worksheet must be rotated horizontally, for this you need to use the "Page Layout" tab. The triangle on the sheet should be fixed with the required dimensions according to GOST. Next, the second triangle is transferred inside the first. You need to left-click on the geometric shape, then, positioning the cursor at the right point, change the triangle to the desired size. After that you need to fill in red for the first triangle, and in the middle of the second write the letter "W", making it bold. To print the received character, you must click "File" - "Print" or use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + P.

Now it’s clear not only where the “Spikes” sign should be located on the car, but also that it is not necessary to buy it in a store.

Studded tires in different countries

Spiked car tires are prohibited in many European countries. It is believed that these tires gradually destroy the pavement on the road. Where should the "Spikes" sign be located on a car under European law?

When entering a similar country in a car that is equipped with studded tires, the motorist may be faced with a ban on entry. Therefore, when considering a car trip in winter, it is worthwhile to study in advance the specifics of the legislative requirements of a particular country.

However, such tires can be used in a number of Scandinavian countries. For example, studded tires are permitted in Finland, but only for the period from November 1 to March 31. Along with this, the country has stringent conditions for the installation of tires: for example, a 13-inch car rubber should have no more than 90 spikes protruding beyond the tread to a distance of no more than 1.2 mm. For non-compliance with these requirements, strict penalties are provided, up to the evacuation of the vehicle to the parking lot.

Car Owner Disputes

Road car

For a long time, discussions have been held among car owners about where the "Spikes" sign should be located on the car, and how much it is needed. This issue has been repeatedly raised in the discussion within the walls of the Government of Russia. First, it was recorded that the sign was required to be placed in order to avoid a fine, and then the position was abolished. In other words, the question was left to the discretion of the driver.

The bottom line remains unchanged: the “W” sticker warns of a reduced braking distance on the road in winter so that rear drivers keep a sufficient distance between vehicles.

Modern cars additionally have engineered road braking systems in winter. Car owners who drive behind are warned with a “Sh” to prevent an emergency.

New rules at the end of the year

According to clause 2.3.1 of the SDA of the Russian Federation, on the roads with the status of general use it is allowed to use such cars that meet the conditions of the document "Basic Provisions". Since the beginning of 2017, in paragraph 8, amendments have been made to add the conditions for the mandatory presence of the sticker “Sh” on cars with studded tires. The proper sign must be drawn up in accordance with GOST, but the moment where the "Spikes" sign should be on the car is not spelled out. Most often, the sticker began to be placed in the corner on the rear window.

To whom these changes in the "Basic Provisions" were amended in part 1 of Article 12.5 of the Code of Administrative Offenses. According to the content, in the absence of the sticker “Ш”, a fine of 500 rubles is imposed. Moreover, the sanction itself for non-compliance with the rule allows an oral warning. One of the condescending nuances is the norms 437-ФЗ dated December 8, 2017. According to them, if you pay a fine for traffic rules within 20 days, you can save 50%, in other words, in the case of a penalty for the absence of the “Ш” sticker, you will have to pay 250 rubles to the budget .

Sticker "W" should be located in such a place that it can be easily seen by the driver who is traveling in the stream behind.

At the end of 2018, car owners are not required to have the Spikes sign on the car.So, the interest in where the "Spikes" sign should be glued on the car should decrease, since the installation of the sign has a recommendatory character and is not punishable by fines. The reason for the rejection of the sign was the statements of drivers about emergency situations. The sign on the rear glass prevented good visibility in the rearview mirror. These changes in traffic rules were approved by the Prime Minister of Russia Dmitry Medvedev. Now there is no need to glue the “Spikes” sign onto the rear window. The changes took effect 7 days after their publication. As early as December 8, motorists could take off the “Sh” sign, such information is indicated on the traffic police website.

The absence of the sticker "W" in an accident

Car tires

Does it matter where the "Spikes" sign should be stuck on the car? But what if there is none at all during an accident?

In many cases, as a rule, the fault lies with the car owner, who did not observe the distance and crashed into the car in front. This is recorded by the traffic police when registering a perfect accident.

At the same time, the Spikes sign was obligatory until 2018, and the absence of this sign in the back area of ​​the injured car could serve as an additional bonus that the culprit of the accident could use in their favor. These circumstances can be presented in court so that the guilty person turns into an innocent person. It is more advisable not to give the potential culprit of a possible accident an opportunity to turn things in their own direction and still hang a sticker "W" on the back of the car.

The braking distance of a car does not depend on the presence of spikes, but on the braking system. For this reason, since 2018, the requirements for the mandatory installation of the "Sh" sign on a car have been canceled. But as practice shows, it is better to protect yourself and place it on your car if studded tires are installed.

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