
Where and how to pay the fine by decision number

Payment of fines by the traffic police should be made within 60 days from the receipt of the decision. If the car owner refuses to deposit funds for an administrative violation, he is facing not only penalties, but also criminal liability. The fastest way to get rid of debts to the traffic police is to pay a fine by the number of the resolution.

Deadline for payment of the offense

Until 2018, drivers had only 30 days to pay off their debts to the traffic police. Since 2018, there have been changes in the Code of Administrative Offenses, according to which a citizen is given 60 days to pay the traffic police fine at the decision number.

to pay a fine by the number of the decision of the State Service

Counting is carried out not from the moment of receipt of the receipt, but from the day of issuing the fine. If the owner of the car did not receive a notice within the specified time, he has the right to apply to the authorized body with a claim. In addition, in case of doubt about the legitimacy of the presented claims, the payer may also appeal the calculation of the fine within 10 days from the receipt of the receipt for payment.

It is recommended to deposit funds to pay off debt within 20 days from the date of issuing the document. In this case, for some types of violations the driver is entitled to a discount of 50% of the debt.

It is allowed to make installment payments, having previously agreed upon a decision with an employee of the state traffic safety inspectorate. Installment term - 3 months. If the payer does not fit into the specified period, a penalty is charged and more severe penalties can be applied, up to deprivation of a driver’s license and legal proceedings.

Options for paying traffic fines

Upon receipt of a notice from the traffic police, the vehicle owner is advised to pay off the debt. The offender can pay the traffic police fine at the decision number (UIN) or document data.

pay the traffic police fine by decision number

In the first case, payment involves the transfer of funds to the account of a state body for a specific offense. The payment search method is UIN - a unique identification number, a 20- or 25-digit character in the top line of the receipt.

The PIN is assigned individually for each offense. The car owner can pay fines by the order number via the Internet within 3 days from the receipt of the receipt. Prior to this period, not all sites will be able to see customer debt.

It is possible to deposit funds without a criminal account when searching for charges. To do this, you will need to enter the number of the vehicle registration certificate (STS) and a driver’s license in the program.

How fast do funds go to the traffic police account?

Depending on the method of transferring funds, a citizen's debt can be repaid in a period of 1 to 3 days. The fastest way is money is credited through Internet services or payment terminals.

pay fines by order number online

Those who decide to pay the fine by the order number at a bank or other financial institution will be able to check the absence of debt no earlier than 24 hours after depositing funds.

Popular payment services

Most motorists know where to pay the traffic police fine by order number, even if they have never received a receipt. More than 89% of payers prefer to make money online: via the Internet or terminals. The following applications are most trusted:

  • "Sberbank Online".
  • Unified portal "Public services".
  • Online wallets, such as Yandex.Money.

Transfer funds using online banking

Clients of the country's largest financial institution are more than 70% of citizens. Every 3rd Russian uses Sberbank Online. The advantage of the service is a convenient interface, a wide range of services, quick registration, minimal commission (from 0 to 1%).

where to pay the traffic police fine by decision number

Through Sberbank Online, customers can pay the traffic police fine by order number or through a debt search with a commission of 1%. Payment is possible only with a bank card. The funds are credited to the account of the state body during the day. The client can print a copy of the receipt in the desktop version of the application.

Payment by UIN through Sberbank Online

To transfer to the traffic police account in your personal account "Sberbank" you need:

  1. Login to the system. Enter login and password (in SMS notification).
  2. Go to the tab "Transfers and payments".
  3. The choice of the service "STSI, taxes, duties, budget payments", section "STSI", "Fines".
    viewing the paid fine by decision number
  4. Selection of services - "Payment by receipt." Enter the PIN, select a payment card.
  5. Acquaintance with the search results by decision number. If the information is correct, click "Continue", "Confirm".
  6. Enter a one-time code sent in the SMS notification from the number "900". The message will indicate the recipient of the funds, the payment method and the customer’s account, the amount taking into account the commission.
  7. Acquaintance with the results of the transfer of funds. In case of successful payment, an electronic seal with the word "Completed" will appear.

How to pay the traffic police fine without a decision number through Sberbank Online?

To complete the operation, you need:

  1. Enter the system and go to the "Transfers and Payments" tab, select the "Traffic Police", "Fines" section.
  2. From the proposed services, click on "Search for fines."
    how to pay the traffic police fine without a decree number
  3. Enter a driver’s license and STS.
  4. Select one of the list of penalties found, click Continue.
  5. To get acquainted with the amount of payment, commission, select a plastic card, click "Confirm".
  6. Enter the code, activate the "Pay" button, get acquainted with the payment status.

If the operation is being processed, the status “Accepted for execution” will appear. It is recommended to wait until the funds transfer is completed. If the status has not changed within 24 hours, the client can cancel the payment by clicking on the "Cancel" button at the bottom of the operation page. Money will be returned to the cardholder’s account, and the operation is reversed.

Online Wallets: An Alternative to Online Banking

A safe way to pay a fine by order number is to use online services. The most popular in Russia are Webmoney, QIWI and Yandex.Money.

pay a fine by order number

Transferring funds using wallets on the Internet resembles the procedure in online banks: first, the client needs to register, enter the system. The difference lies in the extended payment option: the payer can make a transfer through the service, using not only a personal account, but also a bank card of a third-party organization.

Example: payment of traffic police debt through Yandex.Money. To make a payment, the user must:

  • Sign in. Login is an email address, a client comes up with a password during registration. Identification is possible after attaching a mobile phone.
  • Select "Pay for services." In popular services, click on the "Fines" section.
  • Enter your driver’s license and STS number.
  • In the list of violations go to the payment of one of the receipts by checking the details.
  • Confirm the payment using the code sent by SMS to the attached phone number.

Is it possible to transfer via an Internet wallet using a UIN?

Those who want to make sure whether it is possible to pay the fine by the order number on Yandex.Money, before entering the data of the vehicle owner, must click on the active line "Paper Order" in the right corner of the screen. The system will automatically redirect the payer to a page where you can make a transfer using the PIN.

pay a fine by order number

After entering the protocol number, you need to activate the "Find a fine" button.The payment algorithm is the same: verification, confirmation, familiarization with the results of the transfer.

Unified state portal: how to pay off the traffic police debt?

Another way to get rid of debt is to pay a fine by the number of the decision on the State Services. The service is open 24 hours a day. For payment, a citizen must go through registration, indicating only real data. Questionnaires with incorrect information are blocked. Data verification takes up to a day.

The process of payment on "State services":

  1. Login to the system.
  2. Go to the "Fines" section. If the user has added a driver’s license as an additional document, the system will automatically search for debts.
  3. If no debts were found, you need to click "By receipt number", enter 20-25 characters from the document (UIN).
  4. After the search, information about the offense will appear. It is necessary to familiarize yourself with the data and confirm if they are correct.
pay a fine by order number

It is allowed to make a payment using a bank card or Internet services. Data on the status of the translation is displayed in the "Notifications" section.

How to check the receipt of funds to the traffic police account after payment by the number of the decision?

Not always in the traffic police, the database of motorists fines is updated without technical failures. To avoid misunderstandings, it is recommended to keep receipts for payment for 3 years. If a citizen doubts whether the debt is credited to him, he can order a viewing of the paid fine by the decision number in the traffic police or a financial institution.

Within a day, a Russian can get acquainted with an extract on paid and / or existing obligations. The service is especially relevant for those who are planning a vacation abroad: according to the Federal Law dated 02.10.2007 No. 229-ФЗ, the presence of debt can cause a refusal to travel abroad.

It is recommended that traffic police fines be checked at least once a month. For convenience, car owners can connect free services from banks and other companies. For example, the “GIBDD Auto Payment” from Sberbank allows you to quickly find out about the presence of fines and pay them from the card using the Mobile Bank service.

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