
Where and how to get a divorce certificate - step-by-step instructions and necessary documents

Very often, divorce between spouses takes place in court and is complicated by the division of property, as well as disputes about the place of residence of common children. Nevertheless, after the official separation, former spouses often enter into relationships with other partners and re-create families. It is for this reason that many citizens are interested in the question of how to obtain a certificate of divorce. What documents do you need to provide for this? Indeed, without this certificate, entering into a subsequent official marriage will not work. You will find the answer to this question in the process of reading this article.

Small introduction


The certificate of dissolution of the marriage is an official document that confirms the fact of the end of family relations between citizens. It is issued by the registry office.

An official marital union between spouses will be considered finally dissolved only after a certain entry is made in acts of civil status.

How to get a divorce certificate? This issue worries those citizens who put an end to family life. To do this, you must contact the registry office, where the registration of the marriage of former spouses was carried out.


spouses get divorced

Many citizens believe that if you do not receive a certificate confirming an official divorce, then they will continue to be in family relationships. This is actually not the case.

The union of two people is considered terminated from the moment when the corresponding entry was made in the acts of civil status. Most often this is done on the basis of a decision of the judicial authority.

According to the rules, within 3 days from the entry into force of the decision on divorce, court employees send a statement to the registry office stating that the official union between the spouses has been terminated.

What should be done

court divorce

How to get a certificate of divorce if the union was officially terminated in court? This question is asked by many men and women who wish to enter into new relationships with other partners.

In such a situation, you need to go to court, where the divorce process took place and take a copy of the divorce decision. Former spouses or their representatives can do this.

A copy of the court’s decision on divorce must bear a stamp stating that it has entered into force. Otherwise, the registry office will rightfully refuse to issue a certificate. Indeed, in such a situation, it is not known whether the marriage union between citizens is actually dissolved or not.

In addition to the foregoing

divorce in the registry office

After the decision on divorce was received in court, you need to go to the registry office, where you need to take the details to pay the state fee for receiving a certificate of termination of the union between the spouses and pay it at the bank.

A check and a copy of the court’s decision on divorce must be handed over to the registry office employee to draw up this document and make an appropriate entry in the acts of civil status. It will take some time. You may have to come the next day.

After an employee of the registry office draws up everything, he will invite a citizen to his office to receive a certificate of dissolution of the marriage. In the book of record of acts, the latter will need to put his list. After this registration, the union of the spouses is considered officially terminated.

Is it possible by mail

So, once again it is necessary to return to the question of how to obtain a certificate of divorce? Is it obligatory to do it personally or can it be received by mail? These questions are often asked by busy citizens who, for certain reasons, cannot appear in person at the registry office and take this document there.

You can get the certificate by mail, but it will take some time, because it will be necessary to send a copy of the court decision and a check on the payment of state duty, as well as a copy of the passport by registered mail to the registry office. This can take a month or more. Moreover, sometimes the registry office employees refuse to send this document by mail, explaining that it may not reach the addressee. Nevertheless, you can receive the indicated certificate by mail, but it will take some time. Therefore, it is better to come to this document personally.

When contacting the MFC

visit to mfc

Currently, citizens can obtain the above certificate when contacting the multifunctional center of their city, which cooperates with almost all institutions. For many, this is much more convenient than standing idle in the registry office.

You need to bring a certain package of documents with you, which includes:

  • decision of a judicial authority on divorce of spouses;
  • passport (you need to have with you, if necessary, make copies);
  • a check on the payment of state duty for obtaining a certificate of divorce.

The MFC specialist will check the availability of all documents and issue an invitation ticket to visit the local registry office to receive this document. In addition, there, a citizen will not only be given a personal certificate of divorce, but they will also put a stamp on their passport, which will indicate that people are no longer husband and wife. This is the order.

It should also be noted that obtaining a divorce certificate at the MFC will not succeed, because you need to put your signature in the civil registry, and it is only in the registry office. Moreover, many MFCs, especially in small towns, do not provide such services. Therefore, to obtain a certificate of dissolution of the marriage, it is best to contact the local registry office where the wedding of the former spouses took place. You also need to know about this.

The divorce took place in the registry office

spouses divorced

In this situation, the procedure is slightly simplified. Moreover, people who get divorced at the registry office immediately receive a certificate of termination of the official union and a stamp in the passport on the divorce. After this procedure, they can build new relationships and start a family with another partner.

How to get a divorce certificate if the divorce took place in the registry office? Everything is very simple here. Spouses who do not have common small children come to the registry office and file for divorce (they write a joint statement). It is also necessary for each of the citizens (husband and wife) to pay a state duty in the amount of 650 rubles for receiving this document.

Thirty days later they come to register the termination of the marriage. After this, citizens will no longer be a married couple.


woman writes a statement

Some citizens are interested in asking where to get a divorce certificate. Is it allowed to do this in another registry office, and not in where the wedding took place? The answer in this case may not please many.

The thing is that the law allows you to register relations in the registry office where the newlyweds themselves want, but with a divorce, everything is much more complicated. Unfortunately, but citizens will only need to receive this certificate where they registered their union. You need to know about this.

Is it possible to obtain a certificate of divorce if the court decision does not have a stamp on its entry into force? Unfortunately not. We'll have to go to court and put this stamp, because the registry office employees cannot know whether the decision has come into force or not. This must also be remembered.

Emerging issues

Getting a divorce certificate in a registry office is sometimes not as simple as it seems. This is because a person may not fulfill one of the legal conditions:

  • the passport has deteriorated, and it is impossible to identify who owns this document;
  • there is no stamp on the court’s decision on divorce on its entry into force;
  • not paid state duty in the amount of 650 rubles;
  • not one of the former spouses came to the registry office, but a completely stranger, without specific powers (notarized power of attorney) for this.

In such situations, the registry office employees will not issue a document confirming the final separation of the spouses. First of all, citizens need to comply with legislative standards and the established procedure for obtaining certificates of termination of marriage between spouses.


So where do they get the certificate after the divorce? As a rule, only in the registry office. Also, a similar service is provided at the MFC, but not in all cities. Moreover, employees of multifunctional centers most often simply accept documents, but for obtaining this certificate one will still need to come to the registry office at the appointed time. Detailed information can be found in the MFC of your city or district.

Where can I get a divorce certificate? When answering this question it is necessary to say that this is best done with a personal visit to the registry office.

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