
Where and how to get a certificate of loan repayment - features and recommendations

Having fully paid the loan, the client receives a receipt. If you have all the documents for depositing funds, then you can only calculate the amount of payment and perform a comparison with contractual obligations. But there are cases when the amount of debt in the final calculation differs from the amount prescribed in the contract. The borrower has the right to demand a document on debt payment (Article 408 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). How to get a certificate of loan repayment is described in the article.

Reasons for Having Debt

The client, having paid the required amount, is usually sure that the debt has been fully repaid, but it happens that this is not so. The reasons for the appearance of the unpaid balance may be different:

  1. In situations where debt is paid using terminals, transfers from other banks or payment systems, funds are received for several days, due to which there is a difference in the amounts for the final payment.
  2. Often, in addition to paying the bulk of the loan and interest, the bank writes off fees for transferring money. Then the funds credited to pay the debt are not enough for the final payment, and the loan will be delayed, and fines will be charged.
  3. Additional services are connected to credit cards: SMS notification, receipt of statements, service. Commissions are written off automatically, which the client may forget about, but the account will continue to work. There may be a need for a written refusal to reissue a credit card, the costs of which are also carried out thanks to the credit account.
  4. With early payment, difficulties may arise in terms of crediting money to pay a debt.
  5. Often there is an inattention of bank employees, technical failures in the software when paying small amounts.
How to get a certificate of loan repayment

Such situations lead not only to additional expenses, but also to damage the credit history, the improvement of which will take time. Therefore, after paying the debt you need to familiarize yourself with how to get a certificate of loan repayment.

When do you need help?

A certificate of full repayment of the loan is required:

  1. For the confidence of the client that he has no debt in a particular lending institution.
  2. In case of disputes with the bank, going to court, which will be confirmation of full payment of the debt.
  3. If you need to quickly get a loan at another bank, when information about the payment of debt from the BCI has not been received.
Where to get a certificate of loan repayment

In these cases, you must know how to get a certificate or statement on a loan from a bank. The presence of paper will resolve many controversial situations that may arise between the parties. You should also find out where to get a certificate of full repayment of the loan. After all, some banks provide it only at the branch, while others can send it by mail.


How to get a certificate of loan repayment? The procedure for processing this paper in each institution is different. Some credit organizations need a written request for a document, but this is often done upon an oral statement from a client.

The deadlines for issuing certificates on closing a loan are different: they can be provided on the day of circulation (OTP Bank) or within a week from the moment of writing (in Sberbank, VTB 24). The maximum is set at 2 months. Tariffs for the issuance of certificates are possible - 100-600 rubles. Alfa-Bank and Sovcombank provide this service for free.

Certificate of loan closure

How to get a certificate of loan repayment if all the debt has been paid? It is necessary to write a statement indicating the full namecustomer, contract number, date of last installment in payment of debt and date of submission. The requirement indicates the legislative documents: Civil Code, instructions of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation No. 153-I, Art. 8, 10 of the Law on Consumer Protection. The client must sign and decrypt the full name.

Where can I get a certificate of loan repayment? The client needs to contact the bank where the loan was issued, or call. A certificate of loan repayment, a sample of which is presented in the article, can be ordered at any time. There are no specific deadlines in the law. But some credit institutions impose restrictions on the free issuance of this paper.

For some months, a certificate is provided by some banks for free, but after that this service costs 300-500 rubles. There are tariffs for urgency; Zenit Bank charges 50 rubles for this. Unscrupulous institutions delay the issuance of a certificate or completely refuse to issue it. Then the client has the right to make a written request for the submission of the document in 2 copies and handing his copy to the authorized employee under signature. The request must be entered in a special journal, it is assigned a number. Such actions are necessary in order to be able to file a complaint with the Central Bank or the court.

Help form

There is no officially established certificate of reference; each bank has its own form. But still there are mandatory requirements:

  1. Indication of the dates of discharge and provision of information is required.
  2. It is necessary to indicate the full name of the credit institution, payment and postal details, contact information.
  3. The reference shall contain a reference to the number and date of the contract, full name borrower, loan amount.
  4. It is important that you have wording on full payment of the debt.
  5. At the end, the signature of the responsible employee and the seal of the bank are required.
Certificate on full repayment of the loan

The document is submitted on letterhead. In this case, printing may not occur. If the form is ordinary, then printing is required without fail. The request to close the account can not be fixed, because it closes automatically after full payment. Credit cards are an exception. According to them, the certificate must include information on closing the account, otherwise the card may be reissued due to credit funds, and interest will be calculated on it. Help can be transmitted in person or sent by mail.

Who is eligible to receive?

A certificate can be obtained by those who participated in the loan issuance transaction. These include:

  1. The borrower. If there are co-borrowers in the contract, then each of them has the right to request paper.
  2. Guarantor. He is jointly and severally liable with the borrower to pay the debt, so he can apply for a certificate, even if it was issued to the main client.
  3. Pledger, if property which belongs to a third party is received as a pledge. It is important for him to know about the removal of encumbrances under a pledge agreement, so he can request a certificate and originals for the property.
How to get a certificate or statement on a loan from a bank

Debt payment control is needed at the time of obtaining a loan secured by real estate in order to timely remove the burden. Otherwise, no transactions will be possible. This procedure can last up to 30 days, so it is advisable to prepare documents in time, including a certificate of debt payment.

Advance payment

If a client wishes to deposit funds ahead of schedule in payment of a debt, then he needs to find out the balance from the bank specialists on a specific date and pay it. Often this is the reason for the appearance of unpaid debt and its transfer to delay. Each credit institution has requirements for early payment of a loan, which must be taken into account when receiving a certificate:

  1. A loan agreement may include a prohibition on early payment for a period. Therefore, no matter what amount is deposited to the account, repayment is based on the schedule. It turns out that you have to pay interest.A certificate can be issued only after the moratorium has ended or the debt has been paid.
  2. The loan agreement may indicate that early payment is permitted only on the due date of the next payment. In this case, it does not matter when the client has deposited funds, the charge will be on the date set by the schedule. Only after that it will be possible to get help.
  3. Under the agreement, early payment can be provided only after the application of the borrower. Therefore, it is not enough just to deposit funds. Upon maturity, the debt is written off based on the schedule. Therefore, before the request, you need to make a statement.
  4. With early payment, you can save on insurance of the car, life and health of the client.
Loan repayment certificate sample


To be sure of the termination of credit relations with the bank, you must follow the following rules:

  1. Keep receipts until a full refund and receipt of help.
  2. It should be borne in mind that depositing money into an account and paying off a debt are different dates that may coincide or diverge for months.
  3. Help should be requested after payment, so that no further disputes arise.
  4. In case of early payment, it is necessary not only to find out the balance, but also to clarify the date when the charge will be debited and to request a certificate for this number.
  5. The limitation period for the payment of a loan is 3 years. Therefore, during this time, you need to save documents, including a certificate of full payment.
Where to get a certificate of full repayment of a loan


Ordering a certificate will help prevent controversial situations, so it must be received necessarily. This is a legal right of all customers, and banks are not entitled to refuse it.

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