
Where to get SNILS in St. Petersburg: step-by-step instructions

Where to get SNILS in St. Petersburg and what is needed for this? Citizens quite often ask similar questions. The thing is that recently, an insurance pension certificate has become a mandatory document for obtaining a compulsory medical insurance policy. And so even children had to order such documents. Only not everyone is familiar with the procedure for designing SNILS. Next, we will try to understand this issue, and also consider several addresses at which the authorized bodies issuing insurance certificates are located.

What you need to get an insurance certificate

Description of documents

Where to get SNILS in St. Petersburg? It is impossible to unequivocally answer a similar question. The thing is that in the Russian Federation a similar service can be provided by various services. Therefore, we first consider the process of obtaining a pension insurance certificate in general terms.

SNILS is a green and white laminated card. It is an insurance certificate indicating the registration of a person in the RF PFR system. On it you can see information about the owner, as well as the number of the individual personal account of the person.

Authorized bodies

Where to get SNILS in St. Petersburg? As already mentioned, there is no definite answer. Firstly, such a service can be provided by various authorized bodies. Secondly, each district of the city has its own organizations that draw up insurance pension certificates. Therefore, we further consider them in general terms.

Thinking about where to get SNILS in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg or any other part of this city, one may encounter some difficulties. The thing is that in Russia, the branches of the FIU of the Russian Federation are engaged in the issue of pension insurance cards. But that is not all.

Organizations like "My Documents", as well as multifunctional centers (including mobile ones) also allow you to issue SNILS for both a child and an adult. The main thing is to contact the service taking into account your place of residence or stay. We will study the specific addresses of such organizations later.

Mobile centers

At the moment, Russia is actively creating mobile multifunctional centers. Is it possible to apply to them if a person needs to receive an insurance pension certificate?

What does SNILS RF look like?

Yes, but this scenario is not in great demand among the population. Mobile MFCs are a rarity. People are beginning to use them more and more often, but trust in such organizations is less than in ordinary “one-stop-shop” services.

Internet to help

Where to get SNILS for a newborn in St. Petersburg? Some believe that in Russia it is possible to apply for an insurance pension certificate through the Internet. Is it really?

Not. Insurance data is strictly confidential. They just do not spread. And therefore, the attention of state bodies is riveted to them. You can get SNILS either at the MFC or at the FIU. Neither on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia, nor on Gosuslugi, the design of a "green card" is not provided by law.

Nevertheless, such resources can be used as information. There everyone can find information on the issuance and replacement of SNILS in the Russian Federation. And not only in St. Petersburg!

Ways to contact the authorities

There are various ways to get insurance pension cards. And everyone should know about them. Especially if he is faced with difficult life circumstances.

Today you can apply for SNILS:

  • personally;
  • through a representative;
  • through postal services.

Everyone chooses how to act.It is only worth noting that an independent appeal to the authorized bodies significantly speeds up the entire procedure for processing SNILS.

Personal visit - instructions for the population

Where do they get SNILS per child in St. Petersburg? Where in other regions of Russia - in the Pension Fund or in the local branch of a multifunctional center. Only addresses at which the corresponding organizations are located will change.

The procedure for obtaining SNILS

Instructions for the design of SNILS in Russia will look like this:

  1. Form a package of documents. We will talk about it in more detail later.
  2. Write an application for the issuance of an insurance pension certificate.
  3. Submit a request to the authorized body at the place of registration of the citizen.
  4. At the agreed time to pick up SNILS.

Nothing difficult! It is only worth noting that for children under 14 all actions are carried out by their legal representatives. Namely - guardians or parents.

Post services to help

Where in Vyborgsky district of St. Petersburg to get SNILS? Specific addresses of authorized bodies are listed below. First you need to understand how to properly request the appropriate document. Otherwise, you may not be interested in the places where this service is provided.

Suppose that for one reason or another, a person cannot independently apply to the MFC or the FIU. He also has no opportunity to send his representative. What then?

It's time to think about contacting the postal services. To request SNILS, you will need:

  1. Take copies of all pre-prepared papers.
  2. To notarize photocopies.
  3. Fill out the application for the issuance of SNILS and attach to it copies of the prepared civil certificates.
  4. Send the application by registered mail to the selected authorized body. Better - immediately in the FIU.
  5. Get SNILS. Usually in this case, the document is also sent to the person by registered mail.

This alignment in practice is almost never found. It causes a lot of trouble, and also requires a lot of time and money.

MFC SPB for the design of SNILS

Through a representative

Where to get SNILS in St. Petersburg? In general, we have already familiarized ourselves with the main authorized bodies. Now it’s clear where to turn in this or that case. But how to do it?

If a citizen sends his representative to the authorized body, the trustee will have to adhere to the above algorithm of actions. Just in this case, paperwork will be more burdensome.

Documents for SNILS - adults

Where can I get SNILS in St. Petersburg? More search for the answer to this question will not put a person in an awkward position. In general terms, the authorized bodies were described.

To obtain an insurance pension certificate for an adult citizen of the Russian Federation, a civil passport and a standard application form are required. Similar certificates are necessary if the applicant is a teenager from 14 years old.

Government services and obtaining SNILS

Documents for SNILS for children

But what if you need to get an insurance number for a child under 14? In this case, all actions are carried out by its legal representatives. Suppose parents.

With them they need to have:

  • passport;
  • application for the issuance of SNILS;
  • birth certificate of a child.

That's all. If you have an insert with citizenship, do not forget about it. Only since 2006, such a document ceased to be issued. This is a normal occurrence. From now on, a citizenship stamp is affixed to the back of the birth certificate.

Inquiries for foreign recipients

Where to get SNILS in St. Petersburg is now clear. And how to behave for the implementation of the task, too. What is useful for a foreigner to apply for a "green card"?

FIU RF and design SNILS

Usually you need to generate the same package of documents as in the case of citizens of the Russian Federation. Only it will have to be supplemented with a migration card, translation of civil documents into Russian, as well as a certificate of proof of legal stay in the Russian Federation.

All components must be brought to the authorized body in originals. The exception is the translation of the passport - this is a priori a certain copy of the identifier of the person.

How much to wait

Where can I get SNILS in the Primorsky district of St. Petersburg? Each citizen is able to apply to the FIU or MFC at the place of registration and request a pension insurance certificate.

In time, the document is produced quite quickly - about 5-10 days. If you contact the MFC, the waiting period will increase slightly - up to 2-2.5 weeks. Despite this, according to the law, the issuance of SNILS is carried out within 21 days. Everyone needs to be guided by such indicators.

Duty Size

How much will SNILS cost? This document is issued free of charge. And exchanged if necessary, too. The state duty for the insurance "green card" is not provided.

This rule applies to both Russian citizens and foreigners. No one can demand money for the manufacture and issuance of a pension insurance certificate.

Addresses of authorized bodies

Where in the Nevsky district of St. Petersburg get SNILS? And in Vyborg? In order not to have to search for answers to such questions for a long time, here are a few addresses of authorized bodies.

Where to make SNILS in St. Petersburg

For example, you can apply to pension funds at the following coordinates:

  • Serdobolskaya street, 2B, letter A;
  • Professor Popov, house 37b;
  • Shavrova street, house 1;
  • Glinka street, house 8, letter A.

And you can contact the MFC. For example, at the addresses:

  • Red Textile Worker, 10-12;
  • Tchaikovsky, house 24, letter A;
  • Training Lane, 2a;
  • Kondratyevsky Avenue, 22a;
  • Moldagulova street, house 5.

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