
Where can I get a document confirming registration at the place of residence?

Almost all state and municipal services are burdened with serious paperwork. The conclusion of contracts and the conduct of certain transactions also oblige participants in operations to prepare certain certificates. Often, documents confirming registration at the place of residence are distinguished among them. What kind of paper is this? Where can I get it? Below, everything will be told about migration registration of the population of the Russian Federation and confirmation of the residence of a person.

Residence in Russia - how to confirm

About registration

To confirm registration at the place of residence, a person must first register. Without this, the relevant statements will not be issued. With proper preparation, no special problems with registration with the migration register will arise.

In Russia, it is customary to distinguish:

  • temporary registration;
  • permanent registration.

In the first case, the place of residence is assigned to a person for a certain period of time, in the second - on an ongoing basis.

Important: temporary registration does not allow participation in the privatization of municipal housing. Permanent registration gives the corresponding right.

How to register

A document confirming registration at the applicant’s place of residence will be issued only if there are appropriate grounds. As long as a citizen does not have a residence permit, he will not be able to get the certificates being studied.

Take a statement USRN

To register, you will need:

  1. Prepare a series of documents for the implementation of the task. If a person wants to live in someone else’s housing, you need to obtain the consent of all the owners of the apartment to conduct the procedure.
  2. To apply to the registration authority with a request of the established form. We will talk about where to apply for a residence permit later. Typically, the relevant authorities are invited to order the bulk of statements of registration.
  3. At the appointed time, pick up residence certificates. If a permanent registration is issued, it remains only to put the stamp of the established form on the identity card.

As a rule, difficulties arise when collecting the relevant papers for registration with the migration register. If the procedure is completed, getting a document confirming registration at the place of residence will not be difficult.

Help for registration

But before you study the relevant statements, you should end up familiarizing yourself with the registration procedure in Russia. As already mentioned, in order for the service to be provided according to the established rules of migration accounting, you need to prepare a certain package of statements.

It usually includes:

  • passports of all participants in the operation;
  • consent of the owner (and all owners, if there are several of them) to registration;
  • statement of established form;
  • title documents for an apartment or house.

Additionally, when registering children, you need:

  • the consent of the second parent to register not with him;
  • certificates with the registration of the legal representative with whom the minor will live;
  • baby's birth statements.

Important: for the registration of the child with the parent, the consent of the owner is not required.

Passport and registration information

More and more foreigners are found in Russia. They also need a residence permit. To issue it, in addition to the previously listed papers, you must attach:

  • translation of all previously mentioned extracts into Russian;
  • migration card;
  • RVP / residence permit or other certificate confirming the legality of stay in the territory of the Russian Federation.

Now you can find out what documents confirming registration at the place of residence are found in practice.Where and how to get them, we will also analyze.

Short list

First of all, we will study the necessary references briefly. Often, people do not suspect that certain civil documents can confirm their place of residence.

To date, the list of documents proving residence registration includes the following components:

  • passport;
  • certificates of ownership of the property;
  • USRN statements;
  • homeowners registration card;
  • an agreement indicating the right to move a citizen into an apartment (for example, a social contract of employment);
  • a court order recognizing a person’s right to use one or another housing;
  • extracts from house books;
  • certificates of temporary registration;
  • extracts from the personal account of the apartment.

Important: sometimes citizens distinguish among documents confirming registration of a citizen at the place of residence, receipts for housing and communal services and certificates of family composition.

Next, we consider each statement separately. Obtaining appropriate documentation in real life is not difficult.

Application to the IFC for registration documents


The main document confirming registration at the place of residence is a civil passport. This paper is issued to all persons over the age of 14. After issue, the paper is stored in the hands of the owner.

The civil passport has separate pages for information on migration registration of a person. Here stamps will be affixed on the registration and discharge of the citizen.

Important: in the ID card, you can only see data on a permanent residence permit.

Family Inquiries

The following important documentation is a certificate of family composition. It is commonly called form No. 9.

In the relevant extract, a citizen can see:

  • F. I. O. of all persons registered in the territory;
  • degree of relationship with the applicant;
  • dates of birth and registration;
  • type of registration.

It is this kind of paper that is asked when registering a newborn for migration registration. Family composition certificate - a document confirming the registration of parents at the place of residence. Using it, you can prove that the minor is not registered with the second legal representative.

Important: this certificate can be requested from the management companies serving the house or at passport offices.

The validity period of the paper on family composition is not defined. In practice, it is from 10 to 30 days.

Help from the home book

The next document confirming registration at the place of residence / stay is a certificate from the house book. It can be requested at the MFC, the Criminal Code or the FMS.

According to its contents, the extract from the house book resembles a certificate of family composition. At the same time, several varieties of relevant documentation are distinguished:

  1. The usual statement. It prescribes information about people registered in the apartment at the time of applying for the document.
  2. Archive transcript. This is an extract in which all registered and discharged citizens for a given period are indicated.

To apply for the paper you will have to present a civil passport.

Family composition certificate

Extract from the personal account

Where can I get a document confirming registration at the place of residence? There is no single answer. Relevant extracts are often taken at management companies at the place of residence or in migration services. Increasingly, the population seeks help from the MFC.

Sometimes, to indicate the place of registration of a person, an extract from the personal account of the apartment may be required. Here are spelled out:

  • data on the owner of the property;
  • information about the apartment / house;
  • information about people registered on the territory;
  • details of payments received to the personal account of the apartment.

In fact, this version of the documents confirming the registration copies the extract from the house book. Only in it will the details of the apartment bill and payments received in the Criminal Code be recorded.

Property Rights Certificates

Sometimes a certificate of property rights may indicate the applicant’s registration.By law, a person is not required to register in existing housing, but often such an operation is not neglected.

Recently, property rights certificates have been removed. Now it is impossible to obtain the relevant certificates. They were replaced by other references.

Certificate of registration of property rights

USRN statements

We are talking about extracts USRN. This is a certificate that contains detailed information about the owners of real estate, citizens registered in housing, and about the property itself.

Often, the mentioned type of statements is used to confirm property rights. It is issued on average for 350-400 rubles through the MFC or the State Register.

Registration certificate

Need a document confirming the registration of the child at the place of residence? If we are talking about a minor under 14 years old, you will have to face a certificate of the established form. It is issued at the migration services and management companies at the time of registration of the child. The certificate should be kept in the hands of the legal representatives of the baby.

If people have temporary registration, they will have to take a certificate of temporary residence registration at the above-mentioned authorities. It is drawn up on a special form and resembles a certificate of registration of a child at a particular address. It is issued at the time of registration, after which it is stored in the hands of residents.

Where to get

Below are the codes of documents confirming registration at the place of residence. They can be useful to employees of the Federal Tax Service and other government agencies.

Summing up, we find out where you can get a residence permit certificate. Based on the foregoing, the conclusion follows that you can apply for relevant documentation at:

  • MFC;
  • UFMS;
  • migration services at the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • passport and visa centers;
  • management companies at places of population registration;
  • district passport offices.

USRN certificates are issued through:

  • "Government services";
  • Rosreestr (including through their official website);
  • multifunctional centers.


Now it’s clear how in Russia it is possible to confirm the place of registration in a particular case. In fact, everything is simpler than it seems.

Extract from the house book

In real life, it is best to use certificates of family composition and passports of citizens. These are the most common extracts from all existing in practice.

The validity period of all the extracts listed is not defined. Usually it reaches 1 month from the date of issue. Accordingly, in order to prove your registration, you must re-apply for the listed documentation. To obtain services, as a rule, they require a civil passport or birth certificate of a child.

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