
A grant is a grant for research. How to get a grant?

What is a grant? This is a subsidy that is paid to organizations, enterprises or individuals. Amount intended for a specific purpose. And the goals can be different: conducting research, getting an education, and completing an internship.

grants this


Before considering the meaning of the word “grant”, it’s worth understanding its origin. What language is this noun borrowed from? It’s easy to guess that “grant” is a word of English origin. Translated into Russian means "favor", "give".

A grant is an amount that is issued free of charge. This concept has nothing to do with credit or a loan. Granting is the financing of projects that can further benefit the community. Consider the features of obtaining such a subsidy.

Who gives out grants?

What is it and for whom are they needed? They are needed by young, ambitious, talented people. But who is willing to pay a large sum for the implementation of the project, without having received any specific guarantees? Grants are usually issued by non-profit organizations.

what is a grant

Grant Contests

We give an example. A group of graduates of one of the best metropolitan universities for several years engaged in research activities. One day, young researchers will learn about a contest that is being run by an organization (for example, the Council of Young Scientists). In order to become a member, you need to comply with a whole list of requirements. But the offer is quite tempting. After all, the winner will be able to get a prize, which is a pretty impressive amount. And this will continue to allow further research, which for a true scientist is the meaning of life.

What are the criteria?

Requirements for participants may vary. Selection of applicants for a grant for research is usually carried out according to the following criteria:

  • The head of the research team did not reach forty years.
  • All its participants are students, graduate students, doctoral students or employees of a particular university or research institute.
  • The team members published a number of scientific articles.

The list of publications, monographs written by team members is submitted along with other documents. In addition to the basic data on the participants of the competition, sometimes it is necessary to provide information on the participation rate. The team leader is engaged in this. That is, he introduces the following into a specific document: "Ivanov - 0.8, Petrov 0.15, Sidorov 0.25, etc." There is such a thing as an additional grant. This is a subsidy that a winner in a multi-stage competition receives.

During the first phase, a special commission selects several participants who have demonstrated the most pronounced upward trend. They receive grants, but the competition does not end there. In the second phase, the organizers hold a reporting conference, during which young leaders talk about the work of their teams. The second prize is given to the one whose story is most convincing.

meaning of the word grant

What is a training grant, and how to get it?

There are many talented young people among students and graduates of Russian universities. But not all of them are children of successful businessmen. Money is evil, but without it, unfortunately, it is difficult to achieve anything in this life. However, people inquisitive, stubborn and capable should not despair.After all, everyone has a chance to receive a subsidy for education at a foreign university. An international grant is an opportunity not only to acquire a specialty in a prestigious educational institution, but also to significantly increase knowledge of a foreign language. Such subsidies are issued by scientific foundations, universities, public organizations.

A training grant can be either full or partial. In the first case, all expenses are covered, including travel, accommodation and meals. But such grants are quite rare. A partial subsidy is much easier to get.

what is a training grant and how to get it

Who can get a grant?

For many years, a program has been operating, thanks to which capable students from Russia and other countries have the opportunity to study in the USA for free. A high school student may also win such a grant. After winning the contest, he goes overseas, lives in an American family for several months and studies at one of the local schools. The US government is responsible for all costs. This is a full grant. No tutors in the English language will not replace two to three months in the United States or Great Britain. Perhaps every schoolchild or student dreams of receiving such a subsidy. But to win such a contest is quite difficult.

Graduate students and young university professors are more likely to win an international grant. As a rule, the competition is open to participants no older than 30 years.

In international educational institutions, there are various training courses in the field of science, design, art. To receive a grant, you should first of all choose the country in which you would like to continue your education. After that, make a list of universities offering similar programs.

For example, in the framework of the German DAAD program, a competition is held annually, the winners of which are further trained at a university in Germany. Specialties such as architecture, restoration and urban planning are very popular. The duration of training is from ten months. For travel expenses, language courses and medical insurance, the exchange office monthly allocates 750 euros to the winner.

Where to start? First of all, you need to write a competent, informative letter. It is not necessary to be limited to one educational institution. It is better to send letters to various universities. In a summary list all your achievements, as well as talk about plans for the future. The leaders of such educational institutions each year have to choose from a variety of candidates only a few worthy (in their opinion). That is why the letter must be convincing, literate. Its spelling resembles in some way the compilation of an advertising text.

grants what are they and for whom are they needed

Competitions in Russia

Of course, not only in the West there are organizations that pay subsidies for training or research. You can take part in such a competition in Russia. Although winning them is not easier than international, because grants are given only to the most promising graduate students or students.

If your candidacy is rejected, do not despair. The reason for the failure lies, perhaps, in a limited number of grants. The one who possesses such qualities as perseverance and hard work wins. If your abilities and knowledge were left unattended this year, then perhaps next year they will interest the leadership of one of the prestigious foreign universities.

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