
What is grooming? Grooming tools

Sometimes it seems that in the twenty-first century, people are completely crazy because of their pets. Clothing, psychologists, SPA-salons - the list of services that are offered to maximize the "humanization" of pets is really huge. One of the newfangled areas is grooming. This is a professional pet body care. What do the services of dog and cat (most often) masters include, why is this necessary in principle, and is it possible to do without outside interference?

What is grooming

To begin with, from a biological point of view, grooming is the actions performed by animals to maintain the cleanliness of their own bodies. So the cat does not wash, but engages in grooming.

grooming is

In today's sense of the word grooming is a haircut (both hygienic, necessary for a dog’s comfortable life, and a model to amuse its owner), clipping, clutching ears and teeth, shaving wool on the legs and so on. Naturally, such manipulations are carried out using special tools, which are very expensive, which affects the cost of procedures for pets. Depending on the complexity of the operation and the professionalism of the groomer (the so-called people engaged in grooming) you can pay from 300 to 3000 rubles for one manipulation.

What do you need? Combs

Let's move on to what tools for grooming exist. The most primitive and common, even among non-professionals, are brushes for combing the undercoat, they are also slippers. Such combs are suitable for combing tangles in pet hair.

Oblong brushes are suitable for permanent use by owners of long-haired dogs, which have to be combed out almost daily.

Professionals use similar to human pintail combs (with a long needle-shaped handle) to create fleeces for their pets (dog grooming is a prerequisite for the participation of the four-legged in the exhibition, so that owners who want to draw attention to their pet invent the most incredible styling for their companions) .

dog grooming


Scissors are needed for groomers to cut their hair and to cut their nails. In the first case, the haircuts are, as already mentioned, hygienic (long-haired dogs are usually trimmed in the fall so that they do not carry all the dirt from the street home) and model (the most common example is a typical haircut of poodles, with shaved legs and a clipping of a mane on the head). As for nail cutting, it is better to use special nippers, which is usually done by those who prefer grooming at home on their own. Clipping of claws is necessary in the winter, when the pet does not grind them on the asphalt. Long claws cause inconvenience to the animal itself, whose gait even changes due to them, and to its owner, whose pet sometimes accidentally scratches.

What is necessary for washing a pet?

Tools for grooming are impossible without means for washing the animal. Choosing the right shampoo for wool is not such an easy task. The choice of detergent depends on what kind of pet hair should be. Separately, there are shampoos to give shine to the hair, separately those that wash fleas from the fleece. It is also worth highlighting special towels that some professional dog breeders use. These towels perfectly absorb water, and the more water they collect, the softer they become (even at the very beginning of wiping it is recommended to moisten them slightly, since a dry towel will be completely solid).Of course, no one forbids the use of large bath towels.

Grooming table

If you choose the services of a professional groomer, in his office you will certainly see a grooming table, folding or stationary. The table has an anti-slip coating, so that even the most obstinate pet will not fall from it. In addition, it is much easier to remove wool from it than from home furnishings.

grooming tools

Tables have special tripods to which the animal can be attached if it does not allow manipulations with itself. Most tables have the ability to adjust the height: tidying up the hair of a spitz and a royal poodle at the same table height is very difficult. Some more advanced models also have a backlight, which will help to illuminate the “field of activity” as much as possible, which will greatly simplify the departure procedure.

Home grooming

Those who choose grooming at home usually carry out all the manipulations on ordinary kitchen or coffee tables, fixing pets with the help of other people. This is not the most successful way, which is dangerous not only for the person holding the animal, but also for the pet itself, which can easily be injured if it falls from such a “table”.

grooming at home

When carrying out all procedures, the use of professional tools is mandatory, because "human" scissors and combs, even in skilled hands, can harm the health of the pet.

Grooming training

Grooming just like that, without any training, is impossible. Firstly, minimal knowledge about the anatomy of animals, the structure of their hair, claws, ears is necessary at least in order not to harm the four-legged client. Secondly, groomers are usually taught to calm the nervous during pet care procedures, so the passage of appropriate courses is necessary to preserve the health of the master himself. Traditionally, the grooming school is engaged in the training of specialists. The courses teach the right choice of tools, teach the basics of zoopsychology, talk about the latest grooming trends (such as dyeing dog hair), demonstrate individual haircut options. It is worth noting that there are courses for domestic groomers aimed at working with a specific breed of dog or cat (after all, care depends on the size of the pet, and on the length and density of its coat, and on the nature inherent in certain pets). Of course, the courses tell about the choice of cosmetics, without which it is impossible to properly care for the skin and coat of dogs and cats.

folding grooming table

Therefore, if you decide to engage in professional grooming or want to learn how to properly care for your own pet, you should take specialized courses. In the first case, they will give you a certificate, without which you will not be able to engage in professional activities in this area. In the second - professional knowledge of how to handle your pet during grooming.

Dog grooming

Well, now let's dwell on the features of such a concept as dog grooming. Of course, the owners of shorthair dogs were much luckier than the owners of their furry counterparts. The usual universal shampoos and comb brushes are enough for them, but if the owner wants his pet to participate in the exhibition, then you will have to buy special shampoos. As for the long-haired dogs, they must be combed constantly to avoid tangles in the coat, which, most likely, will have to be cut. The procedure for washing a shaggy pet is also much more complicated: the wool needs to be washed more thoroughly, and making sure that the dog does not get fleas is much more complicated. However, usually the owners of such dogs know what they are doing when choosing fluffy breeds. Dogs with hard hair several times a year should undergo the procedure for removing dead hair with special forceps. Manipulation, of course, is unpleasant, but it is it that allows you to remove excess, not lost hair.

cat hair care

The ears of the dogs should be cleaned regularly, because the accumulation in them will not have the best effect on the hearing of the pet. To do this, use special sprays that soften the dirt, or cosmetic wipes for animals. Dirt is removed with the same wipes.

For cleaning teeth, you can use both special toothpastes and brushes, and goodies. Not all dogs allow using third-party tools, therefore special bars, sticks and cookies will definitely please the pet and protect its oral cavity from the occurrence of tartar.

And the last thing I would like to pay attention to is the eyes. Brachycephalic dogs, bulldogs, Pekingese, pugs and other eyes will have to be wiped daily because of the allocation of a special secret, because of which the dog’s eyes are said to “sour”. This is done with special napkins or just a clean cloth.

Cat grooming

It is time to move on to what includes grooming a cat's hair. It would seem that these independent pets do not need such procedures, but at the same time regular care is the key to the health and beauty of even such a wayward pet.

To begin with, a long-haired cat needs to be combed out almost daily, from tail to head. If the pet has nevertheless appeared tangles, you need to unravel them with double-sided combs or combs with rare teeth. Smooth-haired cats do not need such frequent combing, just twice a week, but they should be combed in the opposite direction, from head to tail. Do not touch the area around the eyes - cats perceive this as a danger signal and can easily scratch you.

grooming school

The ears are cleaned two to three times a month with cotton pads, while it is necessary to use sprays to soften the sulfur, which was already mentioned just above. Discharge from the eyes is removed with soft napkins, but you should not abuse it - cats do not like such procedures.

Brushing teeth for cats is very important - it avoids the occurrence of tartar and diseases of the oral cavity. It is made with the help of special toothbrushes and pastes for cats, and if the pet categorically does not want to undergo such manipulation, you can use liquid toothpaste, which must be added to the pet’s drinking water.


In most cases, grooming is not a tribute to fashion, but a necessity. Perhaps the introduction of a special term to refer to the procedure for caring for pets gives this complex of manipulations some pathos, but no one canceled their obligation. Caring for six, trimming claws, brushing teeth and ears - all this will help preserve the health and beauty of the four-legged friend for many years, giving joy to himself and his owner. Therefore, do not forget that grooming is a very important component of your pet's life.

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