
IZHS or SNT: which is better? What is the difference?

Not all Russians have the opportunity to relax outside the city or live in their own home. But such a prospect is interested in an increasing number of people. Thinking about buying land, future landowners decide whether to purchase individual housing construction properties or SNT, which is the best of these two options.

Land classification

Owning a land allotment for the construction of real estate for living at the expense of citizens is an individual housing construction. Briefly, the abbreviation IZHS is used. An explanation of what SNT is is indicated below. Land for private housing is provided exclusively to individuals. They may be owned by citizens by right of ownership or leased for a long period of time.

At the same time, it is allowed to build capital structures, but there should be no more than three floors. An appropriate allotment can be issued both in the city and on the territory of the SNT. SNT is understood as an association of people to solve various issues of a country and horticultural nature. SNT, DNP, IZHS - decoding means the following: garden non-profit partnership, summer non-profit partnership and individual housing construction.

The difference between plots in SNT and allotments for individual housing construction consists in the categories to which the corresponding lands belong. If SNT is located on lands whose purpose is agriculture, then plots for individual housing construction are located on the lands of urban settlements.

Land allotment classification

Purpose of sites under IZHS

In order to have a clear idea of ​​how SNT differs from IZHS, you need to compare the status of one and the other allotment. All sites have a specific purpose. If we are talking about the land of urban settlements, the purpose of the plots will be as follows:

  • Construction of real estate for housing.
  • Providing the necessary communications.
  • The work of public transport.
  • Finding agricultural land.
  • Other possible tasks.

These sites can be purchased for different purposes, namely:

  • For private housing, that is, the construction of a capital structure in which accommodation is possible all year round.
  • For farming, namely: growing crops, raising livestock and so on.
  • For cottage construction, that is, a building intended only for summer living.
  • Construction in this case is allowed if there is a special document for this. All buildings must be in accordance with the urban development plan allotment.

Designation of sites in SNT

Unlike IZHS agricultural land serve:

  • For agricultural and subsidiary farming.
  • Peasant farming.
  • Gardening, horticulture, animal husbandry, as well as the construction of summer facilities.

Thus, construction on SNT lands is allowed. However, the buildings will not have central communications, and will not meet the requirements that apply to premises intended for year-round use.

Purpose of land

What is the allotment for?

As a rule, a land plot for private housing construction is bought for permanent residence and construction of such a property in which it will be possible. Agriculture, gardening, horticulture and animal husbandry are also available. However, this is not the main purpose of land acquisition.

I put it on the SNT, on the contrary, they buy it specifically for spending summer vacations and gardening. In this case, the construction of a house is a secondary task.

What's better

Before answering the question of whether individual housing construction or SNT - which is better, you need to understand in order to purchase your own plot of land. It is clear that if you want year-round living outside the city, you need to look for a plot for individual housing construction, where the necessary infrastructure is already provided, and there are also communications. If the main reason lies in the cultivation of crops in the summer and recreation from time to time, then the best choice is to buy land in SNT. The owners of those and other allotments have the same rights and obligations.

The difference between IZHS and SNT

The difference between IZHS and SNT

The following comparison will help to understand the difference between IHS and SNT:

  • Land for private housing is owned by a municipality or urban settlement, while SNT has only agricultural purpose.
  • Land for individual housing construction can be used for the construction of a residential building, which should have no more than three floors. And in the country only the construction of a summer house is allowed.
  • Permanent registration is easy to obtain on land under private housing construction, and registration in the SNT is possible, but for this it is necessary to recognize the house as a residential property, and also put it into operation accordingly.
  • Land for private housing development is being improved at the expense of the budget of the municipality, while the infrastructure of a summer cottage depends only on contributions from members of the SNT.

Advantages and disadvantages of sites for individual housing construction

In addition to resolving the issue of SNT and IZHS: what is the difference between allotments, it is important to reflect on the advantages and disadvantages of both options. This will help to make a more objective and correct choice.

The advantages of land allotment for individual housing construction are as follows:

  1. If a citizen belongs to the preferential category, then he has the opportunity to get a plot for free. Mostly such lands are in the municipality.
  2. The municipality is engaged in the improvement of the site and the roads around. For this purpose, appropriate funds are allocated.
  3. In the house it is possible to issue a permanent registration. Among other advantages, this will allow storing items for which special permission must be obtained (for example, weapons).
  4. Engineering communications in the municipality are already available. Thanks to this, the connection is simple and inexpensive.
Advantages of a plot for individual housing construction

In this case, you need to know about the disadvantages that are inherent in this allotment. These include the following:

  1. Buying land for private housing construction will be expensive, and, as a rule, you need to win a competition for this.
  2. Property tax is considered based on the cadastral value. And the price growth is influenced by the fact that the site belongs to an urban settlement.
  3. The allotment area has certain restrictions depending on the region (each of them has its own maximum and minimum sizes allocated for construction land).
  4. The capital structure on this site should be erected within 5 years. Otherwise, the land will be purchased by the state by force and resold to another owner.
  5. The site and facilities on it must comply with both the norms of housing law and urban planning legislation. If the buildings were erected illegally, they will be declared unauthorized and subject to demolition. And the owner will also be punished with penalties.

Advantages and disadvantages of sites in SNT

Sites owned by SNT also have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantages include the following:

  1. Low cost of land, it is not necessary to build a house.
  2. The tax is much lower than that of land under IZHS, and payment is made at one time.
  3. The site is located on agricultural land, where the environmental situation is often much better than in the city.
Advantages of the site in SNT

At the same time, disadvantages must be taken into account, namely:

  1. SNT is developed exclusively through contributions from all members.
  2. Permanent registration is almost impossible.
  3. Banks will not accept this land as collateral if the owner decides to take a loan.
  4. Any erected house will be considered a summer residence. And this will significantly reduce its price if you need to conduct an official independent assessment of real estate.

Plot translation

Despite the negative aspects of both one and the other categories, these sites are very popular. But nevertheless, if we summarize all the advantages and disadvantages, then once again asking ourselves the question of whether IZhS or SNT - which is better, the answer is likely to be this: IZH.

When buying land for individual housing construction, you can build a solid house, without fear of its devaluation due to the category of land (as in the case of a plot in SNT), register it without any problems, and so on.

But if there is already a site in SNT, and the owner wants to constantly live in nature, there is a solution. To do this, we transfer land from SNT to IZHS. Thus, the purpose of the land category is changing. Sometimes this is possible with virtually no problems. In some cases, it is difficult to resolve the issue. It depends on various factors, namely:

  • From the location of the allotment and the availability of communications.
  • From the degree of infrastructure development.
  • Other factors affecting the decision of the authorities to change the category of land allotment.

For this, the owner of the SNT site must contact the administrative body of the municipality to which the site belongs with a corresponding statement. It needs to state the request to change the category of the site (indicate which one needs to be changed).

Transfer of a site from SNT and IZHS

If several owners own one plot, it is necessary to submit written consent from each of them (with notary certification). Instead, all co-owners can submit documents to the administrative authority together. In addition to the application, the following documents are required:

  • cadastral;
  • technical;
  • establishing ownership;
  • relevant certificate or extract from the Unified State Register of Enterprises (depending on the period in which the site was registered in the property);
  • other papers related to land allotment.

Documents are considered within a month, after which the administration provides the applicant with a written response. If the transfer of SNT to IZHS is positive, then an act is issued that the site can be transferred to another category. But the answer may also be negative. In this case, the administration must argue its decision.


The reason that the SNT section in IZHS in a particular case cannot be translated can be as follows.

  1. This section is burdened with regard to the issue of changing the category.
  2. The allotment does not correspond with the plan for the development of education, and it is impossible to attach it to the village for one reason or another.
  3. Some documents need to be conveyed.
Refusal to transfer a category of land


It is impossible to give an unambiguous answer to the question of which is better - IZHS or SNT. Obviously, in many respects, IHS is a more attractive option than SNT. At the same time, if the buyer is limited in funds or the plot is needed mainly for summer holidays and farming, then it makes no sense to purchase an allotment for private housing.

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