
Does the teacher have the right to pick up the phone from the student - rights and obligations

Does a teacher have the right to pick up a student’s telephone? What should the teacher do if the child is constantly distracted by calls or messages during class and thereby interferes with the rest of the children? Read the answers to these questions in this article.

What you need to know

teacher and pupil

So, does the teacher have the right to pick up the phone from the student? A teacher cannot legally do this. Moreover, the teacher should be able to explain to the child that it is not necessary to use the phone during the lesson, because he is distracted by himself and interferes with other children.

Nevertheless, in practice, there are various situations that even come to a serious conflict with the teacher. In addition, parents themselves must explain to their child that the phone should only be used during breaks or after school.

Is it possible to understand the teacher

girls with smartphones

Only in certain situations. Of course, not a single teacher will like that at his lesson the children do not listen to what he tells them, but go about their business and play on smartphones. Therefore, if the teacher makes an initial remark and asks to put the phone in the briefcase during the lesson, it is best to follow his advice. Otherwise, the student simply will not learn the new program, will not be able to fully understand the topic and learn the given lessons.

You can understand the teacher in the situation when he takes the phone from the child during the lesson for the reason that the latter does not release the device from his hands and is constantly distracted. Nevertheless, to begin with, the teacher is obliged to make a remark to such a student during the educational process, and not to resort to active actions and immediately take the smartphone from the student.

If recorded in the school charter

the teacher wants to pick up the phone

At present, school leaders do not want to have any conflicts with the parents of the students. But very often it happens that a teacher takes a child’s phone because the child rang at his lesson and keeps it, referring to the fact that according to the school’s charter, you cannot use the means of communication and distract other children from the educational process. Is this rightful? With such a question, many parents who have faced a similar problem turn to the school principal.

According to the charter of the educational institution, teachers should not pick up phones from children, because this thing is the property of the child and his parents. The teacher can only warn the children that they are obliged to clean up their smartphones or turn off the sound on them during the lesson, so as not to be distracted from the learning process.

All other actions of teachers in this case will be illegal. Moreover, the charter of the school cannot say that the teacher has the right to take the property of students during the educational process. This is a gross violation of the law. Teachers can be held accountable for such actions. All parents need to know this.

Main rule

teacher and students

The teacher is obliged to conduct lessons with children at school and give them new knowledge on the subject, and students must listen to him carefully and remember everything that he tells them in the classroom. This is the main rule of the educational process.

Does the teacher have the right to take the phone from the child, if he uses it during the break, call the parents to school and return this thing to them? Firstly, if a student uses a gadget during a break between classes, then there is simply no need to take his device from him. He does not bother anyone.If, for some reason, the teacher goes to commit such actions, then we can safely say that he exceeds his authority and violates the law. In this case, parents should contact the school principal and report the incident. The teacher is obliged to return the phone to the student himself.


Each teacher should be able to convey to the child that he needs to receive knowledge in the lesson, and not play on a smartphone or tablet. After all, the main function of a teacher is the quality implementation of the educational process. This includes both upbringing and the educational process itself.

When answering the question of whether the teacher has the right to pick up the phone from the child during the lesson, one can immediately say no. Because in this way the teacher himself will show the students that he is not able to organize the educational process so that it is really interesting for children to listen to the latter, and not to engage in extraneous matters. In addition, the teacher is obliged to respect the students, and not to intimidate them with such actions, because otherwise the students may completely lose interest in a particular subject.

Parent Questions

parents and teacher

Conflicts at school are quite serious. In most cases, they occur due to the fact that the teacher did not behave correctly with the student.

Many parents wonder if the teacher has the right to pick up the student’s phone or other personal items, such as a tablet, toys, or house keys. The answer will be no. Moreover, it must be said here that it is even illegal to deprive a small citizen of his property. Nevertheless, many teachers do not think that such actions violate the law.

Can a teacher pick up phones during a test or translation exam? It is also necessary to give a negative answer.

The teacher should only warn students that they put the phones in briefcases and do not use them during the test.

Small characteristic

child with tablet

During school, various situations may arise. It often happens that a teacher treats a student unfairly and gives lower grades than the latter deserves. Moreover, sometimes such teachers are found in schools who do not always respect the children and can afford rudeness during the educational process. But is a teacher entitled to take a phone or tablet from a child? Is this legal?

As mentioned earlier, the teacher has no right to do so. Moreover, by virtue of the law, the teacher cannot take away his property from the student, since the phone or tablet is the thing of the student, and not the educational institution. Therefore, no teacher has the right to encroach on the property of the child.

This rule applies to all persons working in education. Only a judicial authority can deprive a person of property. Therefore, the teacher’s actions when taking the phone away from the child will be illegal.


Modern children, coming to study at school, do not always listen in class what the teacher talks about. Most often, students sit on their own phones, especially if the subject seems uninteresting to them. Much in this case depends on the teacher and his ability to explain to the child that he needs knowledge for further education. But is it possible for the teacher to pick up the phone during the lesson? No you can not. The teacher should simply explain to the student that in the lesson you need to get knowledge, and there is a change for using the phone. This is what a competent teacher will do.

Moreover, all parents need to remember that the teacher has no right to pick up the phone during or after classes. Otherwise, he will break the law and will have to bear responsibility for it.

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