
Information on deposits for individuals at Alfa Bank

The Bank allows customers the opportunity to earn income, but at the same time use their own money without any restrictions. Below are Alfa-Bank deposits for individuals. In St. Petersburg, Moscow or any other city where Finnish branches are represented. institutions, you can open a savings account. This can also be done using the Alfa Mobile program.

Alfa Bank

Accumulative account "Alpha account"

Alfa-Bank deposit for individuals Alfa-Account allows customers to receive interest on the balance of the account. Moreover, the longer the funds remain in the account, the greater the percentage the client will receive. The maximum possible percentage on the deposit is 8%. At the same time, you can replenish the deposit balance and withdraw funds from the deposit without losing%. According to the terms of the Alfa Bank deposit for individuals, interest is accrued monthly.

Deposit Interest

Consider the value of% for the contribution in more detail. For deposits from 1 ruble during the first 2 months, the interest is 7%, from 3 months the interest rate is 5%. % are accrued monthly for min. account balance. Bank experts strongly recommend replenishing the account on the day of its opening. It is also worth considering that the maximum amount for calculating the increased interest in the first 2 periods (months) is 100 million rubles.

Customers with the “Premium” service package get the opportunity to have increased interest on Alfa-Bank deposit for individuals.

Savings account "Accumulator"

According to the terms of the deposit, customers are offered a high rate - up to 6% per annum on the minimum balance. In this case, the calculation of% is made for any amount. According to the terms of the Alfa Bank deposit for individuals, replenishment is possible only with the help of services such as Piggy Bank for Change and Piggy Bank for Salary. As part of the first service, replenishment of the deposit occurs when paying for purchases with a debit card of an Alfa Bank customer. The% specified in the agreement from each purchase is transferred to the savings account "Accumulator". In other words, customers can spend and save money at the same time. Interest on the deposit is accrued for all months, except the last - when the account is closed.


Bonuses for account balance

AeroPlan savings account is another way to save money. Bank customers can earn and accumulate miles under the Aeroflot Bonus program for placing funds in an account. According to the terms of the Alfa Bank deposit for individuals, 1 mile is accrued for every 200 rubles, 30 $ and 300 € placed. Fiz. Individuals can redeem accumulated miles for Aeroflot airline group tickets, as well as for SkyTeam partners' tickets.

The recommended amount for placement is from 50 thousand rubles, or 2000 $ or 2000 €. Deposits can be managed online with the help of online banking. Withdrawal of funds from the account and replenishment is possible at any time.

Deposit "Victory +"

A contribution with truly the highest percentage among all products of a financial institution. The interest on Alfa Bank deposits for individuals reaches a value of 8.01%. Moreover, the percentage depends on the package of services, in other words, the higher the level of service, the higher the received%. You can open a deposit in the amount of over 10 thousand rubles, or else $ 500, 500 €.

Bank branch

Clients get the opportunity to independently choose the method of calculating interest on the deposit. The term is from 92 days to 3 years inclusive. Auto renewal is also possible. Alfa Bank deposit rates for individuals depend on several factors. For example, if the deposit amount is from 10 thousand rubles to 300 thousand rubles and the deposit term is up to 92 days, then the interest rate will be 6.03%.If the deposit term is extended to 182 days, the interest rate will also rise and amount to 6.08%.

Deposit "Premier +"

The main condition of the deposit: the more money is in the client’s account, the greater the percentage is available to him. Income can be up to 6.7% per annum. Deposit term: not less than 92 days and not more than 1 year. There is a possibility of replenishment. Deposit amount: from 10 thousand rubles, or from 500 $, 500 €.

Automatic extension of deposit for this program is not provided. If the client has a deposit with a term of 92 days, his last replenishment can be made 20 days before the end. A complete list of% rates depending on the amount, term and other conditions can be found on the official website of Alfa Bank in the Deposits section.

Clients can always get additional information on the offered services and products of the bank in the support service of Alfa-Bank, as well as in any department.

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