
Quality Engineer: job description. Quality Engineer: Responsibilities

An engineer who is responsible for checking the quality of products in production, and is also responsible for the compliance of products with established quality standards and the technical level, is called a "quality engineer."

Place of work

In the modern industrialized world, it is difficult to imagine a large company, whose organizational structure does not include the position of a quality engineer. This employee works at manufacturing enterprises, as well as at state standardization centers. Establishes his authority job description.

A quality engineer works for a large manufacturing or construction company. A firm can produce both large volumes of various goods and services, and be a supplier of small exclusive goods.

job description quality engineer

The employee belongs to the category of "specialist". Management functions in the job description are indicated depending on the category of engineer.


The job description of an engineer for quality in production contains a list of requirements that are mandatory for a candidate for this position.

quality engineer job description

A document is prepared in accordance with generally established requirements. The job description of the quality engineer, the QMS system in the company or not, should outline the field of activity.

Person who is appointed to the position of quality engineer:

  • For the 1st category, it is obligatory to receive a professional (technical) education, necessarily higher. Work experience in positions in 2 categories - at least 3 years.
  • For the 2nd category, higher technical education is also required. Work experience in positions of quality or in any other technical position - from 3 years.
  • Without a category, education of an appropriate level and profile is mandatory. There are no requirements for work experience, if higher education, if secondary education is professional, then experience should be from 3 years for a position of a category 1 technician, and also from 5 years for specialists with secondary education.

The most important document for the employee is the job description. A quality engineer is no exception.

Required knowledge

The necessary knowledge is described by the job description. A quality engineer should know:

  • production modes;
  • technological processes used in production;
  • design features of the products manufactured by the production, as well as key technological data;
  • standards, conditions that apply to the enterprise and the industry as a whole;
  • varieties of marriage in production, ways to eliminate it;
  • methods and control methods by which the state monitors the quality of products;
  • the basics of working with complaints regarding the quality of raw materials, semi-finished products, materials, as well as components for products and finished products;
  • labor legislation, the fundamentals of the organization of production, the economy, labor, as well as management, the norms and rules of labor protection;
  • normative documentation, decisions, decisions regarding product quality management;
  • the rules according to which products are tested at the production stage, and then adopted after release;
  • the rules according to which industrial products are prepared for certification or certification;
  • rules and deadlines for organizing accounting, deadlines for reporting on products, as well as their quality.

Main responsibilities

An engineer of a quality management system, the job description of which contains all the basic requirements, must be able to perform a list of functions that are important for production.

job description of a production quality engineer

The main responsibilities of the engineer, which he should deal with:

  • take part in the development and creation of quality management standards that will be applied at the enterprise;
  • engage in work on the preparation of manufactured products for certification and certification;
  • development and preparation of necessary actions aimed at the implementation of standards for manufactured products;
  • develop and then implement control methods and methods that provide for the maximum automation of control operations;
  • provide non-destructive testing;
  • to develop methodologies and instructions regarding the ongoing quality control of work in the production process;
  • testing of finished manufactured products, as well as documentation, which confirms their quality.

Engineering Responsibilities

The job description of an engineer on quality in mechanical engineering is slightly different from the instruction of the same specialist in construction. The differences are based on the specifics of the industry itself. For example, in mechanical engineering, a specialist should:

  • ensure the fulfillment of tasks aimed at increasing the quality of products that are produced, works, services, services that are provided;
  • control the activities of the organization’s departments, ensuring that products meet the current level of technology development, as well as consumer requirements or requirements for export or the domestic market;
  • carry out the development, as well as the organization of measures based on the results of state supervision, monitoring compliance with standards, technical specifications for quality, preparation of products for certification and certification;
  • participate in the development or improvement, as well as the introduction of a quality management system, as well as in the creation of standards and normative indicators, monitor compliance with standards;
  • analyze the information collected at different stages of production, as well as the quality indicators that characterize the products;
  • take the necessary measures to prevent the release of defective products that do not meet the necessary requirements;
  • analyze incoming complaints or complaints about the quality of products, services or work performed, prepare opinions and conduct correspondence to consider them;
  • to investigate the reasons that caused the deterioration in the quality of products (reduced quality of work, services, the appearance of marriage)
  • take part in the implementation of measures aimed at eliminating problems, as well as develop them;
  • engage in accounting and reporting on the work of the enterprise in the field of quality management of products;
  • to study the development of domestic and foreign manufacturers and make the most of suitable innovations for your industry.

What is QMS

QMS - quality management system. In order for the enterprise to function as efficiently as possible, it is necessary to manage it systematically and structured. “Sudden management”, so widespread in our country, is categorically not suitable for creating a structured and successful business.

Leading Quality Engineer

In order to build in the QMS company, it is necessary:

  • identify what the main processes will be in the company;
  • determine in what sequence, what structure the processes will interact;
  • identify the criteria and methods that are necessary in order to ensure operational efficiency and process control;
  • to ensure the availability of resources, as well as information that is necessary for the organization of work and quality monitoring of the established processes;
  • measure, analyze, observe processes;
  • troubleshoot in advance, as well as prevent such;
  • measures that are necessary in order to achieve the set results, apply on time.

Responsibility in the QMS

The job description of the quality engineer with the QMS system in the company will allow you to get better results.

quality management system engineer job description

In the instructions, in addition to rights and obligations, responsibilities are mandatory. The quality officer is responsible for:

  • Material damage. In the amounts stipulated by the Criminal Code, as well as labor law and the Civil Code.
  • An offense that occurred during the performance of immediate duties in accordance with the legislative framework of the Russian Federation.
  • Inappropriate fulfillment of their direct duties or failure to fulfill in principle.

The quality engineer, whose job description is kept at the factory, must monitor the fulfillment of all points of his duties. Turning to the management with suggestions for improving product quality or making proposals for the introduction of new technologies, this specialist should be aware that the introduction of even small changes in production is a global cost to the company.

Quality in construction

The job description of an engineer for quality in construction contains several distinctive points that are not in the instructions of a specialist in the field of engineering or in production.

job descriptions engineer QMS quality

Engineer in this industry:

  • on behalf of the customer is obliged to oversee the implementation of construction and installation works, as well as for the reception of facilities that have been completed;
  • must monitor the implementation of the planned volumes of capital construction projects, as well as the compliance of the volumes, quality of work and deadlines;
  • controls the quality of materials used for construction.

Participation in changes

A quality engineer, whose job description strictly regulates all areas of his responsibility, takes part in deciding on the application of changes in projects, the introduction of advanced technologies and methods, design solutions that will help reduce the cost and improve the performance of the facility. In addition, in his work he is obliged to take part in the consideration, as well as the coordination of changes in projects that arise during construction.

Career prospects

Manifesting himself as a high-level specialist, an engineer, having worked for several years in a large company and gained rich diverse experience, he can be promoted to the position of “Leading Quality Engineer”.

The job description of this specialist, in addition to the points indicated above, also contains the right to manage personnel. In order to get a job opportunity for this position, you must have experience in managing the team, as well as experience working simultaneously with several projects of different plans.

job description of a quality engineer in mechanical engineering

Rights, duties, responsibilities are clearly regulated by the job description. The quality engineer must comply with all the requirements set forth in it.

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