
Group 1 disabled person how much gets in Russia?

In the article, we consider how much a disabled person of group 1 receives. Unfortunately, in our country the number of such people is only growing annually. Moreover, according to statistics, every fourth disabled person has the first group of disability. But it turns out that, according to a social survey, few of them know what payments they can claim. So, let's find out how much a disabled person of group 1 receives.

how much does a disabled child of group 1 receive


The first group is characterized by a complete inability to work. In this case, the patient cannot independently fully service himself - he needs the constant help of another person. Disability of this group is given for the following medical reasons:

  • as a result of progressive blindness;
  • due to the loss of limbs or parts thereof;
  • against the background of often recurring epilepsy;
  • in case of severe nervous and mental illness;
  • as a result of impaired brain performance;
  • against the background of paralysis of motor functions;
  • due to damage to the cardiac and vascular system, along with problems associated with blood metabolism;
  • against the background of oncology, which is at an inoperable stage;
  • in case of acute tuberculosis at the acute stage.

How much a child receives a disabled person of group 1, we will tell below.

Legal support

The provision of social benefits on the territory of our country is fixed both at the federal and regional levels. The first is the basic stage of providing assistance to people with disabilities. The second assumes the possibility of expanding the list of benefits by the municipal government.

People with disabilities should be aware of all their advantages and understand what benefits they are entitled to take. If you consistently uphold the rights, you can save money by raising the standard of living. Federal law provides that citizens who have the first group must enjoy the following benefits:

how much people with disabilities receive 1 pension
  1. Exemption from property taxes (some constituent entities of the Russian Federation provide a fifty percent discount on the amount of tax).
  2. Free use of social services.
  3. Monthly receipt of benefits, which is regulated by applicable laws and regulations.
  4. The allowance is constantly subsidized, it is influenced by state budgetary opportunities.
  5. Preferential transportation throughout the country (that is, an annual one-time trip to the areas of recovery).
  6. Benefits for using public transport.
  7. A fifty percent discount on the payment of transport tax, provided that the car has an engine power of less than 150 horsepower.
  8. Free receipt of medicines or their financial compensation from the state budget.

How has the material condition of citizens changed lately? How much has payment increased for this category of citizens? How much does a disabled person of group 1 in Russia receive this year? Is indexing foreseen? What is a pension made of? We will talk more about all this further.

Who is assigned 1 group?

In that case, if we talk about the state of the human body from the standpoint of his health, the most serious, of course, is the first group. This category includes citizens with severe dysfunctions of vital organs and systems of the body, when a person can no longer take care of himself, and at the same time take care of himself. Even in the most basic domestic issues, he will not be able to do without someone else's help. This group is assigned to people who:

  • they are completely incapacitated, they need regular care;
  • have functional serious deviations, but are able to cope with simple work, as a rule, at home;
  • not able to walk on their own;
  • unable to properly navigate in space or on the ground;
  • do not have the ability to fully communicate in a team;
  • cannot control actions; they are not responsible for their actions.

Disability Labor Pension

Quite often, citizens of our country are interested in how much people with disabilities of the first group receive a pension. And besides, it is always important what kind of surcharge is due. This year the government indexes labor payments to such persons twice: on February 1 - by six percent (increase was 500 rubles), and also in October.

group 1 disabled person how much gets

Social pension

Such payments were increased on April 1 by 2.5%. The increase today is from 100 to 250 rubles. This was the increase in pensions for people with disabilities since April 1 of last year.

Pension for children with disabilities and children with disabilities

So, how much do disabled children of group 1 get?

As for these categories of citizens, for them the size of payments was increased to 13,100 rubles. The order, on the basis of which this increase was made, began to operate on the first of April of last year.

Compensation payments for the care of disabled people from childhood and children with the first group

How many people with disabilities of the 1st group receive a pension are interesting to many. Starting from the first of January of the current year, the amount of the compensation payment has changed. Non-working parents raising their sick children under the age of 18, as well as those who have been disabled since childhood (regardless of the age of the person), are 5,500 rubles - as before. In that case, if we take into account the district coefficient, which is usually 1.2, the sum of 6,600 rubles comes out. If it is slightly higher and amounts to 1.3, then the amount in the region of 7,100 is obtained. Previously, these payments amounted to only 1,200 rubles.

How much does a disabled person of 1 group receive per month? Consider this issue.

Monthly cash payments

Indexing of such accruals was carried out on February 1. Growth at that time amounted to 5.7%. The increase in EDV (for monthly payments) for people who have the first group of disabilities is 190 rubles.

The amount of the set of social services

Since April 1, its cost is 1,050 rubles. Payout growth is equal to 57 rubles, when compared with the year before last. What makes up a set of social services? It consists of the following items:

  1. Spa treatment - 125 rubles.
  2. Drug support - 810 rubles.
  3. The possibility of free travel on intercity transport and in the commuter train to the place of therapy and back - 116 rubles.
    How much does a disabled person of group 1 in Russia

Providing one-time payments in the amount of five thousand rubles

How much does a disabled pensioner of group 1 receive? From the first of January last year, absolutely all disabled people (regardless of group) received the opportunity to receive a one-time payment from the state in the amount of 5,000 rubles. These funds are paid simultaneously with the pension. To receive them, there is no need to write any statement.

How much does a disabled person of group 1 get in Moscow?

The pension of the residents of the Russian capital has increased this year. Matters that concern her are constantly discussed and are subject to various changes. Mayor Sergei Sobyanin pleased the residents with the announcement that in 2017, according to statistics, a pension in the Moscow region and directly in the city itself was paid in the amount of nine thousand rubles. But further it is planned to make this payment even more. So the mayor said and promised that there would certainly be an increase.

Pensions for people with disabilities in Moscow are paid regularly. But this, unfortunately, does not determine the adequacy of financial assistance. Many pensions are not enough to ensure a normal standard of living.

For example, people with disabilities who have the first group and are completely disabled, often complain of an acute shortage of money. The fact is that they have huge needs for medicines that support their livelihoods. These drugs are quite expensive. In Russia, there are many people with disabilities of the first group - approximately 20%. But in no case should they be allowed to die. It is in connection with this that the relevant state bodies begin to think about resolving the problem of acute shortages of funds for people with disabilities.

disabled person of 1 group pensioner how much gets

The system promises to change in the near future. As promised today, the Moscow pension will change by about three percent in favor of the disabled. Indexed:

  • in April - pensions;
  • in February - social cash payments;
  • in August - a pension for unemployed persons with disabilities who are disabled.

Thus, the pension for Moscow pensioners will be increased. Assistance is also planned for those who need it no less. We are talking about families with low financial standing, in particular with many children.

Social pension in Moscow

Cash allowances are designed for disabled people. According to the conditions for receiving money, such people are regularly required to live in the country. These disabled citizens include children with disabilities and people with disabilities since childhood.

The allowances are calculated taking into account the group to which the disabled person is related. The larger it is, the higher the pension. But against this background, the person with the highest disability is completely, and at the same time, completely disabled. There are two types of pensions in Moscow: social and labor. In order to calculate the size of the payment, one can apply the following formula: divide the amount of capital of the (pensionable) person with disabilities by months (counting from the year in which the receipt of payments started) and the length of the insurance period, then the pension amount this year is added to all this (add need base value).

how much should a disabled person of 1 group

So, what is the pension for pensioners in Moscow today? Of course, the capital is dictated by higher amounts than in the provinces. But the problems of pensioners are relevant throughout Russia. It is in connection with this that in the current period, citizens are promised to solve pension issues, especially those related to payments for disabled citizens. How many disabled people of group 1 are currently receiving in Moscow?

  • This benefit for residents of the capital is paid in the amount of about eleven thousand rubles. It is these citizens who are in dire need of special therapy, which today costs a lot of money. Next year, another increase is planned.
  • Pension for disabled people of two other groups - 848 rubles. True, its size for each citizen of a particular category is different. It directly depends on the injury, illness, their development and other factors. In addition to pensions, people with disabilities of the first, as well as the second group, are paid extra allowance, the amount of which is 200-300 rubles.
  • This year already receive 577 rubles. people who have become disabled since birth or in childhood.
    how much does a disabled person of group 1 receive in Moscow


How much a disabled person of group 1 should receive is now clear. Thus, fully disabled citizens receive the largest pension. Sometimes the difference, for example, with the third group can reach 2.5 times. The social pension for people with the first group of disabilities at the moment is 9,900 rubles per month. For disabled people from childhood, 11,900 rubles are paid. The right to this type of pension payment is available to those who do not have seniority, or who, for some specific reason, do not want to transfer to an insurance pension.

We examined how much a disabled person of group 1 receives.

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