
Hearing impairment: criteria for how to apply and receive

Obtaining disability pension benefits is the right of citizens who have sustained, limited or unlimited in time health problems provoked by a chronic, congenital or acquired disease. Disability is prescribed by medical and social expertise in accordance with established legislation, rules and regulations.

The list of diseases for which people with disability pension is provided is quite extensive. The group is appointed not only for diseases that manifest obvious physical abnormalities. It is given for deviations and problems associated with vision and hearing. That is, if a person has deafness, then, subject to all the rules and requirements, a hearing impairment group is established for the patient. How it is installed will be described later. Features of this process for adults and children will also be considered.

When is the group given? Disability determination

Hearing impairment is established in two cases:

  • Deafness on both sides, which is detected at an early age.
  • The third category of hearing loss with more developed audibility at any age of the patient.

Why does hearing loss occur? Possible reasons

The most common causes of hearing loss, if it is not a pathology since childhood, are:

  • ear infections
  • complications after diseases of the nasopharynx;
  • damage to the nerve responsible for hearing;
  • head injuries during labor and postpartum activities.
hearing disability group

People whose deafness arose before the development of speech skills are called deaf and deaf. The process of their training and rehabilitation is aimed at maximum adaptation and integration into the environment. Unfortunately, most of these people are limited in their employment, and hearing disability is the only possibility of self-sufficiency.

Categories of the deaf. What are the forms?

Those who have partially lost hearing are classified as deaf. Depending on the complexity of the problem, there are:

  • light form;
  • moderate
  • significant form;
  • heavy.

These parameters can determine the possibilities for mastering speech and easier adaptation to the social environment.

The last category is those who have lost their hearing ability while maintaining speech skills. They are considered to be late-deaf. To preserve the current level of speech and develop other opportunities for communication, rehabilitation and support of the teacher is necessary.

In establishing disability, the medical and social examination focuses on specific criteria defined by law.

Hearing Impaired: Criteria

When determining the disability group, the main document for assessing the patient is the Order of the Ministry of Labor No. 1-24n dated 12/17/2015. It determines that, in order to establish the category, hearing loss must steadily limit the activity of such items:

  • orientation in space;
  • communication with others;
  • educational opportunity;
  • independent movement;
  • self-service;
  • the opportunity to carry out labor activities;
  • control of their own behavior.
disability pension

Determining the degree of limitation of a comfortable life is individual in nature, taking into account age. The following categories are identified today:

  • the absence of restrictions is characteristic of minor dysfunctions of the ear;
  • to the 1st degree include disorders of a moderate nature;
  • for the 2nd degree, pronounced signs of hearing loss are characteristic;
  • 3rd degree is considered the most serious and affecting the quality of life and working capacity.

It is important to understand that if a person falls into the first category, then there should be at least two criteria, and if the case is severe, then one is enough to establish a hearing disability.

What is needed so that the legitimacy of an application to receive a group is not called into question?

hearing disability documents

The establishment of a disability, regardless of its causes, is possible only if the need is identified and proven. Obtaining a hearing disability is possible only if all the documentation requirements that are presented at the bureau of medical and social examination are met. To legitimacy of the appeal is not called into question, you need:

  1. To apply officially, it is even better to register with an otolaryngologist. Only he is able to identify the need and refer to such a specialist as an audiologist.
  2. After conducting a set of studies, an audiologist will be able to give an opinion on the severity of the problem. It will be attached to the package of documents for examination.
  3. To refer to the determination of disability, it is necessary to bypass all specialists, starting from the surgeon, ending with an ophthalmologist on a bypass list.
  4. General blood and urine tests must be taken.
  5. After completing all the requirements, you need to submit all the documentation to the attending physician, who will prepare it for referral for examination. The latter must be certified with the seal of the head physician and the registry.
  6. After the documents for the diagnosis are prepared, you need to go to the bureau of medical and social examination and write a statement.

That is, for the transition to the direct establishment of disability by ear, you will have to go through the preparatory stage.

how to arrange a hearing disability

Know that when it comes to the child, the preparation for the examination is no different. The hearing impaired child can get. No groups are assigned in this category. And when you switch from a child category to an adult, a record about the problem from childhood is made in the final certificate.

Disability clearance. Stages and features of this procedure

How to make a hearing disability? Note that the registration procedure is phased. You need to know about everyone. Stages of the procedure:

  1. Preparation for medical and social examination (described above).
  2. Submission of an application and a package of documents to the ITU Bureau.
  3. Consideration of an application with diagnostics by ITU specialists on the day of the examination.
  4. Making a decision and obtaining a certificate of established disability.

In addition to documents from a medical institution, the patient must have an identity card with him. If the child is examined, then also:

  • original and copy of birth certificate;
  • child guardian's identity card;
  • certificate of family composition.

After consideration of the submitted documentation and communication with the members of the commission, a disability group is appointed. According to rumors, this is mainly the 3rd. With rare exceptions, the 2nd group, which is appointed for a certain period:

  1. If the 2nd group is appointed due to the onset of an ailment in an acute form and suddenly, and correction with the help of the device does not give a result, then the period is determined for two years. After the necessary rehabilitation, it is reduced to the third category.
  2. If the group is assigned to the student in a special institution, then the period is equal to the period of study.
hearing disability groups

In order for the hearing impairment group to have a lifelong form, the third group should:

  • be confirmed for at least fifteen years;
  • be replaced with a heavier category;

This also happens if the patient is a pensioner.

After ITU’s work is completed, the next step will be to apply to the Pension Fund, where the appropriate payment of a hearing disability pension is established, the groups of which are indicated in the certificate from the bureau if it is an adult.

Receipt of payments

All citizens with a group are entitled to preferences. The benefits of hearing disability are the same as for other types of diseases.But there are some additional ones. These include: hearing aids, a TV, a smartphone, a sound vibration system and trips to sanatoriums all the way to the Black Sea (up to eighteen years old with an accompanying, all-inclusive). However, in order to receive compensation for such expenses, it is necessary to apply to the FSS at the place of registration. An essential condition for compensation is the absence of compensatory payments, that is, the disabled person does not receive EDV.

Making payments. What documents should be submitted to the Pension Fund?

how to get a hearing disability

We have already figured out how to get a hearing disability. Now let's talk about how to make payments. For this purpose, the following is provided to the pension fund:

  • appeal filled out in the form that is available at the RF PF branch;
  • applicant's passport;
  • SNILS;
  • a pink certificate from the examination bureau, which describes in detail the parameters of the group and its duration.

Submission of papers must be carried out by the applicant. Otherwise, you need to attach a copy of the power of attorney from the notary and a copy of the passport of the trustee. Confirmation is also required by the presence of minor children and disabled persons dependent on the applicant. These circumstances increase the size of the pension.

Making payments for a child. What other documents will be required in this case?

how to make a hearing disability

If the pension is issued to the child, then the following documents are required:

  • copy of the passport of the parent or guardian;
  • birth certificate of a child;
  • document confirming kinship and cohabitation;

If the guardian does not work anywhere, then, having enclosed a certificate from the employment service, the parent (guardian) has the opportunity to apply for the care of a disabled child.

Disability pension categories. What are the payouts?

Today, the state defines several categories of disability pensions:

  1. An insurance pension granted on the basis of a certificate from a medical and social examination, taking into account the fact of employment of a disabled person, regardless of his length of service. To certify the latter, it is necessary to submit documents, that is, a copy of the work book. It is important to know that the pension is paid to those who work.
  2. A social disability pension is granted to persons who do not and have not had official employment.

Obtaining a pension is only possible with permanent residence within the country. Each disabled person decides on the receipt of one-time cash payments himself. It should be borne in mind that it will not work to take advantage of benefits for free, and their inclusion in the amount of the pension is possible only with a complete rejection of all services. The amount of benefits depends on the established disability group. For refusal, it is enough to contact the PF, where they will prompt the necessary list of documents for submission.

Little conclusion

Now you know when hearing impairment is prescribed, on what grounds. We also examined her criteria. In addition to this, all hearing disability groups are considered in the article, and it is told when and which is established. The topic of children with this problem was also raised. After reading the article, everyone will understand where and with what documents should be applied to receive a hearing disability group. We hope that the recommendations given above will help you.

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