
Investment account, tax deduction: reviews

Law-abiding citizens of the country regularly pay the tax on "white" earnings to the treasury. As an incentive, the state allows reducing the taxable base by the amount of documented expenses for housing, study and health.

In a month, it will be three years from the moment the list of preferences expands. For citizens who have opened an investment account before December 31, 2014, a tax deduction in the amount of profit on securities transactions will be calculated at the time of the report for 2017. Provided that the papers were held by the taxpayer for the previous three years.

investment account tax deduction

How to get a tax deduction? Individual investment account - a mechanism for acquiring tax preferences through cash investments:

  • to federal and municipal debt receipts;
  • in the securities of companies;
  • in equity securities of Russian blue chips;
  • open mutual funds;
  • in shares and debt receipts of foreign companies trading in the market.

The legislative framework

The Securities Market Act has been in force since April 1996. The basis for the introduction in 2015 of a new tool to reduce personal income tax is enshrined in the Tax Code in article 219.

individual investment account tax deduction

Deduction amount

The tax deduction when opening an investment account is accrued on the amount of actually deposited funds, but not more than 400 thousand rubles.

The initial amount placed on the IIS was 400,000 rubles. In 2017, 1 million rubles can be placed on the account. But there is a difference in application.

If a citizen applies an annual income tax deduction, then this applies only to the amount of 400,000 rubles. The size of the deduction is 52 thousand rubles.

The entire amount of one million rubles is used for deduction if a citizen wants to reduce the financial result for three years of investment.


Not all banks open investment accounts. Since not every bank has a brokerage department. Sustainably operating institutions either have their own specialists for brokerage services, or they organize a management company for working with market products as part of a group or holding.

AI Accounts are not protected by the Deposit Insurance Agency. If the bank burns out, then the individual will not be reimbursed for a ruble placed on the IIMS.

Although, if something like the Belovezhskaya Pushcha happens, the DIA will not save any contributions.

individual investment account how to get a tax deduction

Account Opening Methods

The options are:

  1. Open IIS in the UK or bank.
  2. Become a broker client

In the first case, a person places his own savings on the IMS in trust management mode. An account is opened, but the client does not receive permission to conduct transactions with securities. For the whole period, the money management company or the bank that opened the IMS works with funds.

In the second case, the client opens two accounts - investment and brokerage. Since the last person has been conducting operations with securities, and IIS works as a piggy bank of tax benefits. If the user violates the integrity of the IMS, withdraws part of the funds, then the benefits are terminated, and the remaining deposits are transferred to the brokerage account.

You can open IIS as soon as you have registered with a broker. Opening an account is not accompanied by instant replenishment of the account immediately for the entire insurance amount. Money can be placed later. But the three-year countdown period will begin regardless of the availability of money in the account.

For people who have opened an investment account, tax deductions give rise to mixed reviews. A lot of human factor. One client was vaguely explained about the commission for the service; another did not understand the reimbursement procedure; the third chose a broker in the regional center and is not happy that I have to spend a day on trips.

Contributor Opinions

Legally obtained personal finances are not a topic for public discussion. Therefore, often, leaving feedback on the work of banks, users do not advertise their names.

About Alfa Bank, reviews often find information that advertising materials guarantee the preservation and increase of capital. Often, a person with a white salary at the opening of the IIM superficially studies materials, trusting the prospects of the New Horizons and hoping for a 37% growth in capital over three years. If everything is calculated without haste with a calculator, it turns out that the money is locked for three years, the declared income is guaranteed only after the specified period. The service fee is 2% of the amount deposited. That is, from 400 thousand - this is 8000 rubles. per year, and for three years it will be 24,000. The promised increase of 148 thousand rubles. Includes including a tax deduction of 52 thousand. Minus commission, minus deduction remains 72,000 for 3 years, that is 6% per annum. You can place on deposit with the same yield. And the protection in the DIA deposit is guaranteed. And IIS is not protected by anything.

In Sberbank, promises are slightly higher, the commission is 1% lower. The risks are the same - lack of state guarantee for IMS. Money goes to the management of the company. The result in three years.

The most reasonable were the conditions for FINAM holding customers. This can be seen by the number of people who applied to the city tax office from February to April. They do not wait for the weather by the sea, they receive deductions as they make money on the IIS: in the first year from 400 thousand, in the second year from the next 400 thousand and, similarly, in the third year from the amount of new replenishment.

There are also responses from people of retirement age. Married couples with convincing computer skills are often attracted by FINAM to simultaneously conduct IMS and trade on the exchange. If one of the family members continues to work, there is an opportunity to invest a monthly pension. In addition to the promised deduction, the company offers an additional bonus of 4.125% per annum on the amount of money invested. This is not 0 at Alfa Bank, not plus 1% at Sberbank. This is a good deposit appendage. Even taking into account the lack of insurance in the DIA. In money, the amount will be 16,500 rubles. in the first year, then it will only increase. The place of a financial institution in the top ten in the rating for significant indicators inspires confidence in customers.

investment account tax deduction documents

The procedure for registration and replenishment of the account

You can open a single IMS. It will not be possible to get rich at the expense of the state budget. If the tax service records with the payer more than two IIAs, then no deduction will be made on any account.

If the bank has a brokerage office, then depositing money to IIS is made through the bank's cash desk for free.

Two more methods - wire transfer via the Internet and transfer from bank to bank - are subject to a commission fee. Internet banking is a bit cheaper.

List of documents

Owners of an individual tax account are provided with a tax deduction on a personal statement, backed up by evidence.

Clients of the FINAM office in Miass in a private conversation note the convenience of working with the company, the speed of service, and openness to consultations on emerging issues. To open an individual tax account, it is enough to present a passport.

To obtain a deduction, you need to prepare a package of documents:

  1. A set of documents on an investment account. Recruitment is done by the company where the account is open. For example, until this year, FINAM ordered documents from the central Moscow office. Now the information is prepared in the city operational office. It is convenient for customers, waiting time is reduced.
  2. Payment document on the transfer of funds to IIS.
  3. Application for a deduction, which indicates the details of the account for crediting the deduction. Preferential money can be sent to replenish IIS. Then next year you can count on another benefit in the framework of newly contributed money.

When applying for a deduction, it should be remembered that a set-off of claims is possible if there is a white salary, and the employer withheld and transferred to the treasury income tax in a timely manner and in full.

tax deduction when opening an investment account

Rules for acquiring privilege rights

Suppose a person draws up an investment account by collecting documents. A tax deduction can be requested at the end of a fiscal year.

The discount on the invested amount is received only once.

Deductions are tied to wages as follows. Firstly, the employer himself is not related to deductions. A person needs to fill out a declaration in the form of 3-NDFL and bring it to the office of the desk audit.

The deduction amount cannot be higher than the white income tax.

Let's push off from the base - 52 thousand benefits for personal income tax from the amount of investment of 400 thousand rubles.

Suppose a person issued an IIS for 400 thousand rubles. and from January to December earned 500 thousand. Accrued and transferred tax of 13% on earnings amounted to 65 thousand. We apply the legal deduction of 52,000 rubles. Then 13 thousand rubles are due to the treasury. Tax deduction in the amount of 52 thousand rubles. will be transferred to the account indicated by the taxpayer upon application

In a conversation with one of the FINAM customers, it turned out that his annual white salary amounted to 316 thousand rubles. The employer accrued and transferred income tax in the amount of 41.08 thousand rubles from it. The same amount amounted to a tax deduction for investment. About the remaining benefits in the amount of 10.92 thousand had to be forgotten.

It is not burdensome to open an individual investment account. Getting a tax deduction can be difficult. Therefore, the client should immediately after the end of the financial period request a set of forms at his management company or at the bank where the IMS is open. Do not delay until April 30th.

individual investment account tax deduction

Comparative analysis of KFU regarding the opening of IMS

In large cities, the density of distribution of credit and financial organizations is higher than in peripheral ones. There it is easier to get advice directly from the company. In small cities, the situation is mixed. Not all local bank branches are ready to answer potential customer questions.

A KFU survey in the city of the Golden Valley in the Southern Urals showed the following picture. One financial company from an investment holding company, five branches of large and medium-sized banks and one branch from the regional center were included in the survey list:

  1. IR FINAM. Do not open remotely; draw up two accounts for the client at once - IIS and brokerage; immediately posting money is not required. A commission of 177 rubles per month is charged for servicing money accounts; until receipt of funds to the account, a commission is not charged from the client. Accumulative interest - ½ of the annual interest refinancing rate is charged; as of December 2017, it is 4.125%; the client receives an additional income of 13% of benefits + 4.125 bonus for the year, totaling 17.125% of the amount of money placed on IIS.
  2. PJSC Sberbank. Do not work remotely; in the head office of Sberbank Premier, IIS opens in two ways: without the ability to independently manage money or on a contractual basis with a broker; the minimum required deposit amount at the opening of the first type is 100 thousand rubles; when opening a brokerage account, the initial contribution to the IIMS can be omitted.
  3. "Alfa Bank". The space is organized for the convenience of the client. IIS opens Alfa Capital. Investing is available to a person in two ways:
      • open an investment account through Alfa Bank agent bank; the tax deduction at the end of the year will be provided by the tax office on the basis of a package of documents and a client’s application;
      • remotely through the state portal services.
  4. An initial amount of 10,000 rubles is required. The company offers the client three options for managing invested funds:
      • “Our Future” is an investment in OFZ.
      • “New Horizons” - bonds of corporate municipal companies.
      • Blue chip stocks.
  5. PJSC Chelyabinvestbank.The local offices do not draw up; An appeal is required to the regional center to the head office of the bank.
  6. JSC "Snezhinsky". Opening of IIS is not provided.
  7. JSC "Raiffeisenbank". The opening of IIS is possible through Raiffeisen-Capital. While IIS is available only to Premium DIRECT and Premium Banking customers. You can deposit the amount in parts.
  8. PJSC "Gazprombank". They do not work remotely with IIS. You can open an account either in the brokerage department on weekdays or in the operating room from Monday to Saturday. The sole employee of the brokerage department in Chelyabinsk, according to the European standard, fulfills duties, correctly and intelligently advises, timely notifies the entire division of dealers and traders about changes in the regulations.

investment account tax deduction reviews


  • It is prudent to study information about IMS on the sites of selected brokers. Then call the banks and management companies. Live conversation will give an idea of ​​the norms of communication with customers.
  • Some companies work remotely. But you can’t get the word out. In force majeure circumstances, a paper confirmation of the relationship will help solve the problem in favor of the client.
  • The amount of commissions for maintaining IIS at banks and CC may vary. Since IMS are not protected in the DIA, it is useful to estimate the percentage cost of the services of a financial institution.

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