
The use of ODPU in apartment buildings

ODPU in an apartment building - these are meters with which you can get information about energy costs. In addition, this device distributes electricity. As a rule, it is installed in an apartment building, as it measures the amount of resources consumed by the residents of each apartment, and not just the building as a whole. ODPU work together with separate measuring devices, that is, counters in apartments and rooms.

The procedure for installing ODPU in an apartment building


Starting in 2018, payment for the general needs of the house is calculated according to the new rules. This innovation is associated with the need for calculations based on real consumption.

According to the information of the legislative body, changing the status of the service will allow you to charge only for actually spent resources. Gradually a new calculation algorithm is introduced. In preparation for the transition, owners and service companies have to prepare for changes in payment.

In particular, specialists should conduct an audit of each house, identify cases of abuse of communal resources and do work to increase the responsibility of residents.


What is ODPU in an apartment building? This is a counter for accounting used resources. It is advisable to install both types of measuring instruments, since together they can show accurate consumption data, find errors, leaks, analyze the state of the system, maintain the optimal temperature and pressure level. Counters in houses count the number of tenants at home and the resources spent for a given period. Usually this is one month. The scope of services, such as hot water for space heating, is calculated by the number of square meters of each apartment.

ODPU in an apartment building

Resource Types

Very often, household appliances are used to measure the consumption of hot and cold water, thermal energy and electricity. They are installed in technical rooms inaccessible to ordinary citizens, in order to avoid damage - in basements, utility rooms. Today, devices are installed on the following types of resources:

  • Thermal energy - an ultrasonic or electromagnetic tachometer. They began to be installed in Russia in 2009, when a law was passed on equipping buildings with heat meters. Rising prices also encourage people to take energy more accurately.
  • Electricity. There are individual devices with different options.
  • ODPU with different tariffs is an effective way to save on electricity. The principle of its work is as follows: at night the cost is much less than during the day.
  • Cold and hot water. The meter takes into account the amount of water consumed by all residents who actually live in the room, and not by those who are listed according to the documents.

Installation requirements

Residents of apartment buildings are required to install common measuring instruments within the indicated period. This rule applies to accounting for such resources:

  • Water.
  • Electricity
  • Thermal energy.

Although the law indicates the final installation date on 06/30/2012, today many more houses are not equipped with the necessary measuring devices. Since the beginning of 2015, a different rule has been applied. It reads as follows: if in a residential building it is technically possible to install a common measuring device, but the meter is not installed, when calculating the amount for payment, increase factors are used. The total amount is from 10 to 60%. It should be aimed at installing metering devices.

The purpose of ODPU in apartment buildings is to increase the saving of natural resources. Thus, if one person is registered in the apartment, he pays for the water for himself. If at the same time 5 non-registered citizens live with him, they will pay for the consumed resource upon the fact.

Who pays for the installation of odpa in an apartment building

Checking the operation of devices

General meters can be attributed to the joint ownership of all owners, therefore, they are responsible for checking and replacing devices together. All actions occur with the counters through the managing organization of the house. The installation of common meters for the consumption of resources in households can be carried out by any company that has the appropriate knowledge and documents confirming qualifications.

The content of the measuring devices in the house consists of several stages:

  • Inspection
  • Repair in case of malfunction.
  • Preservation from damage by individuals.
  • Check ODPU in an apartment building.

After exercising control, an act is drawn up. The document is signed by two parties: the management company, acting on behalf of the owners of the house, and the verifier.

The act should reflect the condition of the meters, the basis for the detected deviations from the specified requirements (if any), the possibility of eliminating them. It is mandatory to indicate who is specifically required to correct the violations discovered. Responsibility for maintaining a building-wide measuring device lies with the company that services the building.

The cost of maintaining ODPU in an apartment building is distributed to all residents as part of a monthly fee. If ODPU has an automatic system for recording readings, then the service provider company must pay for such an option. The system is installed by the supplier also at the expense of residents or independently. In many homes, registered citizens and property owners hold meetings to decide how the payment will be made. According to residents, the joint acquisition is much more profitable. Firstly, you have to spend a smaller amount of money. Secondly, joint responsibility for a common device disciplines irresponsible citizens.

ODPU in an apartment building who pays


You can highlight the main advantages of using ODPU in an apartment building:

  • Consumers pay only for the actually used heat, electricity, water.
  • There is a strict accounting of resource consumption.
  • Losses in the backbone networks can be distributed between the owners and the management company.
  • Setting the counter allows you to automate the collection of data so that they are quickly processed.
  • The management company cannot, without reason, increase the cost of its heat supply services.
  • Residents of apartments in the house with the appliance do not experience a lack of heat.

The law regulates the calculation of utility bills in homes without a device, according to which the multiplication factor is applied to heat standards for a specific area. Thus, the amount of payments will always be higher (when compared with the houses in which the ODPU works).

If there is no electric power distribution system installed in an apartment building, the supplier cannot see where the leak occurs.

Representatives of the heating supplier, the management company, can take the meter reading. They will ensure that payment for heat is legal.

ODPU in an apartment building check

Instrument Installation Location

The rules indicate the mandatory installation of the device in houses with a centralized heating system. This is a large part of the residential buildings of the modern city. If the apartment uses autonomous heating, individual meters regulate heat consumption.

Installation is carried out by responsible persons, but at the expense of residents (Article 13, Clause 5 of the Federal Law No. 261). The place where the device will be mounted is the limit of operational responsibility. Another point may also be indicated, but it must be fixed in the contract.

Who pays for repairs

The Federal Law "On Energy Saving" spells out all the nuances of installing an ODPU in an apartment building. The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 124 states that tenants should not impede the installation of new meters. Their repair is carried out at the expense of the Republic of North Ossetia, except in cases where the meter is damaged intentionally by unconscious citizens, for example, is broken.

Installation of ODPU in an apartment building

The procedure for installing ODPU in an apartment building

Utility organizations check the installation of heat meters or other measuring instruments and conduct educational work among the population.

The management company, whose specialists carry out maintenance of the residential building, must follow the installation procedure for the ODPU. They inform consumers that this action is a mandatory rule of law.

In order to install ODPU in an apartment building, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of the owners of the premises. A common house meter is part of internal engineering systems.

Before installation, each apartment must receive an invoice that indicates the amount of payment for the installation. Devices must comply with all requirements of the manufacturer. In this case, the operation of the device will be efficient and sufficiently accurate.

Payment calculations

There is a simple formula according to which the payment for the purchase and installation takes place. It is necessary to find out who pays for the ODPU in an apartment building. According to the formula, the total amount depends on the area of ​​real estate owned by the residents. The cost of the device and services is divided by the total area of ​​the house, and then multiplied by the number of square meters of the apartment.

Firms that install metering devices provide installment services. This minimizes the financial difficulties for the consumer associated with paying a common meter for households.

To reduce financial costs, residents can take advantage of ways that help save money. Now it becomes clear who pays in the apartment building in an apartment building.

Introduction of ODPU into operation

Professionals should follow the standard counter start procedure:

  • Before using ODPU it is necessary to seal it. Only a sealed device must read data.
  • Another requirement is the development of instructions for putting the device into operation. This document must be signed by the employees of the utility company, the management company and employees of the housing organization.

It is important that the installation and verification of the ODPU in an apartment building is carried out. Without an inspection certificate, the device will not be put into operation and is included in the dispatch system.

Legal regulation

Law No. 176 was adopted by the State Duma of the Russian Federation in the summer of 2015. The purpose of the law is to create conditions for more efficient work in the housing and communal sector and to improve payment discipline. The consequence of this law was the accrual of payments for the use of utilities used for common property, based on the actual cost of consumption, calculated according to special standards.

ODPU in an apartment building installation and verification


To calculate the payment for the installation of devices at the level of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, consumption standards must be approved. To determine the correct values, experts collect the testimony of hundreds of thousands of objects.

In particular, it takes into account the amount of resources received by the total meter (ODPU in apartment buildings) and spent on personal needs, which is recorded by individual measuring devices. Comparison of the results of all tested buildings allows you to determine the average rate and approve it as a single standard.

Meters for accounting for consumed resources by law must be installed in each residential building. If the appliance is not installed, the utility bills will increase.When there is no device that records only the actually used amount of resources, payment is charged at the general rate. Using ODPU is very convenient, because you do not need to pay for those services that were not used in full.

Such meters can be protected in frequent situations when utilities deceive residents who do not have a measuring device. The receipt often indicates the amount greater than the actual. Cases have been recorded where errors made in accounting are not corrected. To exclude such violations, a measure was introduced that obligated the installation of joint ODPU counters. As you can see, the installation of such equipment is beneficial primarily to the residents themselves. The money spent on the device is fully paid off.

The article examined the basic concepts and characteristics of devices for accounting for resources consumed by residents and tenants. An answer is also given to the question of who pays for the installation of the ODPU in an apartment building.

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