
Complaint against a kindergarten teacher: a sample and legal advice

The percentage of parents who take care of their children on their own until the age of seven, without giving it to the Kindergarten, is small. This is due not only to the need to go to work after parental leave, but also to the issue of better socialization and adaptation of a beloved child among their own kind.

complaint to kindergarten teacher sample

Therefore, the most acceptable option in both cases is the definition of a child in kindergarten.

What concerns do parents have before sending their children to preschool

In general, in this case, five main questions arise for moms and dads:

  1. How much will it cost?
  2. Will safety in the kindergarten be adequately secured?
  3. What will the children be fed with?
  4. Will there be a relationship within the group with other babies?
  5. How will staff, especially the caregiver, treat the child?

collective complaint against kindergarten teacher sample

The last of the above issues has been especially relevant recently, when cases of unfounded filing complaints against a kindergarten teacher have been heard from the media. Indeed, the psychological and physiological health of our children sometimes depends on the competence, humanity, and attentiveness of this adult.

"Calls" from the child - an occasion to take a closer look at the teacher

It is generally accepted that all babies are divided into two categories according to their attitude to visiting the kindergarten. The first is those who happily rush to their favorite group in the morning, have a great time in it during the day, and in the evening they can be taken home with great difficulty. The second category of children categorically do not want to go to a preschool educational institution, and at the end of the day they cannot wait until they are taken away from there.

The reason for this behavior of the latter may well be the poor attitude towards the child on the part of the local educators. It is possible that a complaint against a kindergarten teacher will be far from groundless. Tears and tantrums, unwillingness to join your group, the child’s nervousness, and sometimes even bruises on the child’s body and direct answers to the questions posed: “Who, son / daughter, offended you?”, “MaryVanna, mommy ...” can be proof to bring serious complaints to your child's caregiver.

collective complaint against kindergarten teacher

But after all, our little children are big dreamers, therefore we should not, at the mere instruction of a small finger, run and scandal with this very worker of the kindergarten. Although a closer look at it should nevertheless immediately.

How can I check my assumptions before filing a complaint with the teacher

As a complaint to the kindergarten teacher - this is not a comic matter, which can affect both the attitude towards your child by the staff and the denigrating of an undeserved employee, you should thoroughly check all the facts of inappropriate and incompetent behavior and give the appropriate arguments:

  • Observe from the side how the teacher reacts to the wards on a walk, does not leave them unattended.
  • Observe how children are punished, and which and how they use pedagogical methods to reassure those who cried or hooligan.
  • Ask your child and other children, by hints or neatly directly.
  • Talk with other parents, perhaps they also have similar suspicions. Then it will be possible to think about a collective complaint against the kindergarten teacher.

Sometimes even a simple conversation with the teacher directly face to face is enough to see the features of aggression, rudeness, and irresponsible attitude to one’s duties.

The main causes of claims arising from parents in relation to the teacher

To delve into the various nuances of each particular complaint is the matter of who will consider this document. But all the main complaints of parents about kindergarten teachers can be divided into the following subgroups for reasons of their occurrence:

  • The educator, instead of keeping an eye on the children, is mostly busy with his own affairs. Inattention to pupils poses a threat to their health or even life. An example is the situation when, due to the lack of a teacher for a while, one of the children may fall from a children's slide.
  • Creating the conditions for the comprehensive development and upbringing of the child is a direct responsibility of kindergarten staff. But many neglect it. For example, instead of reading books, developing games, cartoons are included for children for several hours or they are taken out for a long walk for a long time.
  • Non-pedagogical and crude methods of education can serve as a weighty reason for filing a complaint against the kindergarten teacher. This includes swearing and swearing at children, closing a child in the bedroom with one for any wrongdoing. This exerts a very serious psychological pressure, up to trauma of the psyche of babies.
  • A more serious version of the previous paragraph will be inflicting beatings or other bodily harm on the child. Also, refusal to help him with this will be an occasion not only to file a complaint, but also to open a criminal case. A medical examination and conclusion will be required.
  • A complaint against a kindergarten teacher should also be filed if certain financial frauds are noticed - the teacher collects money for repairs or needs of the kindergarten personally, although he does not have the right to do so (the collection is conducted by the parent committee), or the nutrition menu and the products are not up to standard (there may be theft together with the cook).

Where to file such claims

The action algorithm is very simple. To begin with, you should carefully talk with the teacher of the preschool educational institution himself so as not to aggravate the existing conflict. If the conversation did not bring the desired results, or if such circumstances are repeated (for example, beatings of the child), then it makes no sense to talk with the teacher about anything else. The next step is to go directly to the manager with the appropriate statement.

complaint about kindergarten teacher

If this appeal was ignored by the head or the wrong decision was made that the parent demanded, then the question arises: where to go next and how to make a complaint about the kindergarten teacher to the competent authorities?

Many lawyers advise in parallel with a statement addressed to the manager (s) to immediately send a copy to a higher authority (for example, to the department of education). In more serious cases requiring special verification, it is best to go with a complaint directly to the prosecutor.

Complaint to the head of the kindergarten

Parents, understanding that it’s not worthwhile to “take dirty linen out of the hut,” initially try to resolve the conflict peacefully inside the DOW. To do this, they make claims to the head. Verbally expressing your requirements is not effective. It is best to do this in writing, setting out all the details and complaints to the caregiver on paper.

 complaint about kindergarten teacher finished sample

An example of a complaint about a kindergarten teacher presented above is a document drawn up in simple written form (by hand or printed on a computer) with an address to the head of the department:

  • On an A4 sheet (illegibility of handwriting and blots should be avoided).
  • At the top right “in the headline” of the complaint is F. I. O.head, as well as the name of the DOE. Here, the parent applicant is required to provide their personal data.
  • In the center of the sheet in the middle is the word “Complaint” with a capital letter.
  • The following describes the essence of the claims with a description of the facts, situation, dates and times. It is not superfluous to rely on documents (an agreement with a kindergarten) and provide links from legislation.
  • Then, the requirements regarding the teacher (verification, dismissal, removal, etc.) should be described.
  • Under the text of the complaint is the signature of the applicant with a transcript (name and initials) and date.

If there are any difficulties with drafting, then you can resort to the help of professional lawyers. Or on the Internet you can easily download a ready-made sample of a complaint to a kindergarten teacher. You should only enter your data into it and change the text of the claim, as applicable to your specific situation. This document is drawn up in two copies, one of which remains in the hands of the parents.

The manager (s) must respond to the complaint, at least by talking with the teacher, conduct an audit, or even remove him from his duties until all circumstances are clarified.

Higher Complaint

Due to violations by the administration of the preschool institution or the failure of the appeal to the head, you should write a complaint about the kindergarten teacher to higher authorities in a similar manner by changing the addressee in the header:

  • To the Department of Education.
  • To the Ministry of Education (regional, republican, regional).
  • Complaints are also accepted by the service for supervision in the field of education and science - Rosobrnadzor.

But even these authorities do not always effectively check the fact of the complaint of the parents. In this situation, there remains one option for the development of events - a direct path to the prosecutor's office. As well as writing a complaint about the kindergarten teacher to the head, the appeal to these authorities should be made in two copies. Be sure to attach the already filed previous complaints.

Appeal of parents to the prosecutor

Usually, such violations by the kindergarten teacher come to the prosecutor’s office, in which criminal cases are subsequently opened. The prosecutor’s office itself does not have the competence to initiate such cases. But the plus of such a statement is that the prosecutor’s office will conduct an audit, and its materials will be transferred to the relevant committees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Also, an appeal to the prosecutor’s bodies will help bring an official to justice and, if cases are brought to court, parents can count on compensation for material and moral harm.

complaint about kindergarten teacher example

There is also no special complaint about the kindergarten teacher at the prosecutor’s office. But the text should carefully indicate F.I.O., violations, dates, details, give maximum arguments and evidence.

Should a parent remain anonymous when filing a complaint

Everyone knows that complainants are not liked anywhere. Therefore, when a problem with the kindergarten teacher arose, it is necessary to solve it, but there is a chance that the attitude of the institution's employees to the child worsen, then some parents prefer to state their complaints anonymously.

Such a complaint is drawn up against the kindergarten teacher according to the model presented above, but with some nuances:

  • The data of the applicant are not indicated.
  • It is not logical to mention the name of your child in the text (it will become clear who sent the complaint).
  • A specific case also cannot be anonymously described; the essence of the claims will be stated in general phrases.

An example of an anonymous complaint text about a kindergarten teacher.

“I ask you to conduct an audit against the NN teacher in connection with repeated gross violations in relation to the pupils, namely, NN does not pay attention to children on walks, but instead of performing duties regularly communicates at the workplace by cell phone.”

One of the biggest disadvantages of this form of treatment is that it may not be considered at all. In fact, there is no one to report to anyone, because anonymity does not imply a feedback form. Therefore, parents should not be surprised if no complaint is conducted on their complaint. Although a competent leader of a preschool institution will definitely pay attention to such claims, after all, in the future, they will no longer be followed by anonymous appeals to higher authorities, which will entail serious checks and problems.

Single or collective complaint

Compiling a complaint from the parents of one pupil takes place in the event of dissatisfaction with the educator on only one of their sides. If claims to the kindergarten teacher are voiced by several people at once, then it would be advisable to write a collective complaint.

 complaints of parents to kindergarten teachers

The form of both options is approximately the same, with the only difference being that all parents sign the complaint text in the second case.

A sample of a collective complaint against a kindergarten teacher is similar to a single one:

  • F. I. O. and the position of the person to whom the complaint is being addressed.
  • The title of this document (ie, “Complaint”).
  • F. I. O. of an employee (educator) whose actions / omissions led to the preparation of claims by several parents.
  • A specific description of the violations and their evidence.
  • Requirements and time frames during which the drafters want to receive an answer to their complaint.
  • F. I. O. compilers of the complaint.
  • Date and signature of all parents.

Lawyers recommend that parents combine their efforts, because according to statistics, collective complaints have a more effective effect on officials, compared with sole appeals. And as a result, checks on such complaints are carried out as soon as possible, and the requirements are almost always satisfied.

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