
The complaint to the Central Bank about the actions of the bank: a sample of writing

Today it is quite difficult to find a person whose rights have not been violated even once. But everyone can react to such situations in different ways. Some do not want to get involved and waste time, others do not know how to protect their interests, and someone has a great desire to fight for justice.complaints about banks to the central bank

The main function of the Bank of Russia is to control the activities of commercial banks, in addition, the Central Bank monitors all operations of credit and financial institutions and monitors compliance with legislative standards in the banking sector. Of course, in most cases, employees and management of banks comply with all the rules of the law, because otherwise you can lose your license. However, there are situations in which the rights of clients are violated. These cases will be discussed in this article.

How to file a complaint with the Central Bank? This is a frequently asked question.

What could be customer complaints?

Most complaints from bank clients to the Central Bank relate to the following situations:

  • in cases where the bank does not comply with the requirements of the client, put forward legally, during the provision of any financial services;
  • when imposing additional paid services in order to increase profits;
  • when conducting financial transactions on customer accounts without obtaining their consent;
  • in case of unilateral amendment of deposit or loan agreements;
  • with an increase in the interest rate on a loan already issued;
  • in case of incorrect actions of bank employees;
  • in the case of transferring personal data to third parties without the consent of the client, violation of the bank secrecy law;
  • upon assignment of rights to claim debt obligations in the absence of the written consent of the debtor.

Of course, this list may not be limited. But more often than not, people make a claim precisely for these reasons.bank complaint to the central bank

Verify Infringement

It should be noted that before filing a complaint with the Central Bank, it is worth making sure that your rights are violated. That is, you need to know the legislation confirming this fact well. Since there are often situations in which bank employees act within the framework of the law. Therefore, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer or independently read the text of the law that relates to your case.

Online Bank Complaints at the Central Bank

If you want a quicker review, you can send a complaint using the official online service of the Central Bank. First of all, you need to go to the official website. In the upper right corner of the main page you should find the link "Internet Reception" and click on it. You will find 4 tabs, you need to click on the one that contains the entry “File a complaint”. Click on it and proceed according to the following algorithm:

  • First you need to indicate the reason for your appeal, for this, from the drop-down list, you should select the bank whose employees violated your rights;
  • then you need to select the subject of the complaint, that is, to indicate the category of the issue requiring proceedings, namely: on issues of lending, servicing deposits or other banking services;
  • a drop-down list of typical violations will appear, select the one you need and click on it;
  • then fill out the form;
  • you must enter the name of the region in which you live;sample complaint to the central bank
  • Then you should fill in the columns about personal information and leave contact information;
  • after that, the text of the complaint is written directly, you describe the situation on the merits with reference to the details of the available supporting documents;
  • Also on the site there is the opportunity to attach scanned copies or photo documents if necessary.

It is worth considering the text of the complaint to the Central Bank in more detail. It should state in detail the essence of the problem with all the details that you consider necessary to report. In the application, not only photos or scans can be used, but video or audio files that are available and indicating a violation of your legal rights by employees of a financial institution.

The procedure for considering a complaint to a bank at the Central Bank

If you plan to send a complaint via the website, then information about the timing and procedure for handling such complaints by bank employees will be useful to you. This whole process is carried out in accordance with the rules of the Federal Law No. 59 “On the Procedure for Considering Applications of Citizens of the Russian Federation”. This law sets the time limits for the consideration of written applications, in this case it is a month from the moment the complaint was received by the Central Bank. The applicant also has the right to receive a written response to the appeal, but for this he must indicate his last name, first name and middle name and address. You can personally apply with a complaint to the Central Bank, which is located in Moscow at the address: Sandunovsky Lane, 3, bld 1. The schedule for the reception of citizens can be found on the electronic website of the bank.write a complaint to the central bank

Post claim

In the event that you do not want to use the services of an Internet reception, you can send a written complaint by registered mail. Actually, the essence of the process does not change much: you must describe the problem in detail and file a complaint with the Central Bank at the address that can be found on its website.

Bank employee complaint

You can complain both about the bank as a whole, and about individual employees, in the event that you are not satisfied with the quality of service, as well as if a bank employee behaves insultingly towards you. Sometimes it’s easier to send a complaint to the head of the bank in which you have problems. If the situation is not resolved, then you should already write a complaint to the Central Bank, while observing some rules:

  • the name and address of the financial institution where you were served should be indicated;
  • It is necessary to write the employee data (name) and position;
  • The essence of the problem situation should be described in detail.

The text of the complaint should be supported by a reference to the norms of the laws of the Russian Federation.complaint to the central bank about bank actions

How to make the text of the appeal?

The text of the complaint to the Central Bank of the Russian Federation should be drawn up as follows:

  1. The upper right corner usually contains the name of the body or official to whom you are going to send the appeal, as well as the mailing details of the organization.
  2. In the appeal text you must indicate the date and time of the appeal to the banking institution, as well as its address.
  3. Next, indicate the name, surname and position of the employee who provided the services to you.
  4. The complaint must contain an accurate description of the situation, listing the facts that took place.
  5. The text should contain links to articles of the law, according to which your rights are violated.
  6. The last paragraph of the appeal, as a rule, contains a request to take measures in relation to employees of the bank or to the financial and credit organization as a whole.

You must also indicate which method you prefer to receive an answer to your complaint. This can be a registered postal address at the address of residence or an email.

A sample complaint to the Central Bank is presented below.

complaint to the central bank

Supervisory authorities

Of course, in the life of every person a situation can happen in which it is necessary to turn to the Central Bank for help. However, customers of banks should be aware that they have the opportunity to send an appeal to other authorities that have the functions of control over banking activities in our country. For example, with poor service, you can send an appeal to Rospotrebnadzor.Do not forget that as a first instance you can always use the leadership of the banking institution in which something did not suit you. In case of improper attitude towards customers by a bank employee (rudeness, incorrect behavior), one should contact the head office in person or in writing. Most claims are resolved at this stage. If the cost of banking services is too high, you can send a complaint to the antimonopoly service. If unknown persons withdrew funds from your accounts or if the money simply disappeared in an unknown direction, and the bank employees do not want to solve this problem, you can write a statement to the prosecutor's office.

A sample complaint about the bank to the Central Bank will help in the preparation of the appeal.central bank file a complaint

Features of writing an appeal

When compiling documents of this kind, it is necessary to remember some rules:

  • the application form should be as correct as possible, but detailed, taking into account every small detail (date, time, position and employee data);
  • you must indicate your data, as you can receive a response to an appeal only if you leave your contacts and your last name, first name and patronymic, otherwise the messages are accepted as anonymous and in most cases are not subject to consideration;
  • the complaint must contain an indication of the result that you want to achieve (return the money, restore the terms of the loan agreement, punish the bank employee, etc.).

Thus, one can always and must protect one’s rights: return illegally debited amounts, punish unscrupulous employees, etc. In order for the result to be exactly obtained, you should send a claim to several different bodies that are involved in monitoring this activity.

We examined how to file a complaint with the Central Bank about the actions of the bank.

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