
Living Abroad: How to Get Japanese Citizenship?

How to get Japanese citizenship? This is a matter of paramount importance for those whose dream is to live in a country of superior technology. But, as in any other state, a number of conditions must be observed to resolve this issue.

Japanese Passport Privileges

Japanese citizenship is very difficult to obtain, but those who are lucky to become happy owners of a Japanese passport, in addition to it, have a lot of privileges. It is accepted all over the world, in addition, a passport guarantees a visa-free visit to many countries, including America.

Japan is a country of the latest technology and a developed economy. Here, medicine and infrastructure are at a high level. Citizens are law-abiding and educated, and financial independence and media freedom can only be envied. The Japanese government does not charge taxes to foreigners who have income abroad; there are no tax agents looking for documents in the mountains indicating that someone is trying to evade taxes and bank accounts can be kept in any currency.

How to get Japanese citizenship

What is needed to obtain citizenship?

Is it possible to obtain Japanese citizenship, but at the same time the privileges that follow? Theoretically, yes. To do this, you need:

  • To live in the country for at least five years. Clarification: to live - this means conducting continuous life activities in the country, having a job, a place of residence, and also being in good relations with the native Japanese.
  • Do not have debts and fines. The Japanese are very sensitive to compliance with the rules, therefore, during their stay in the country, a person should not have problems with law enforcement agencies, financial institutions, senior management and even the landlord.
  • Age. A person who wants to obtain Japanese citizenship must be over 20 years old.
  • Financial position. An important role in answering the question of how to obtain citizenship is played by the financial side. An individual is required to have about 25 thousand dollars on his account in order to prove his solvency.
  • Two citizenships. Unlike some other countries, Japan does not recognize two citizenships. A person who has received the status of a citizen of Japan, no longer belongs to his country.

How to get Japanese citizenship to a Russian citizen

Citizenship Process

So how to get Japanese citizenship? This process can take a long time. The first thing to do is write an application to the immigration service and provide the necessary package of documents.

Next is the interview process with representatives of the immigration service. One interview can take place directly in the service building and last about an hour (often a little longer). For another interview, the inspector can accidentally come to a person's house to talk in an informal setting, and at the same time talk to neighbors. The immigration service is important not so much information about a person as a working component of society, but the correspondence of his behavior to Japanese culture and mentality.

The third stage is to take a test that will determine the level of language proficiency, so you need to take care of this in advance - the Japanese language is difficult to learn, especially for Russian people.

Is it possible to obtain Japanese citizenship

What will simplify obtaining a visa?

Since it is difficult to obtain Japanese citizenship, there are several points that will contribute to achieving the desired:

  1. The property. The presence of real estate or other property that is located on the territory of the country is a “plus” when deciding on the issue of citizenship by the immigration service.
  2. Insurance. The Japanese are very careful about their appearance and health, and since the country has expensive medical services, the availability of medical insurance will benefit not only when obtaining citizenship status. The same goes for pension insurance.

Submission of documents according to these paragraphs is not a guarantee of citizenship, but will be a positive feature when making a decision.

Japanese citizenship

Additional requirements

In addition, the service may require the provision of the original birth certificate, as well as a document certifying the marriage of the parents. Moreover, parents should write a letter stating that their daughter or son will become a source of pride if they are Japanese citizens, and provide arguments why they consider Japanese citizenship so significant.

The Japanese are picky and scrupulous people. In their country, they accept those who meet their standards. Therefore, if a person has a criminal record or other “sins” in his country, the process of obtaining a Japanese passport can drag on indefinitely. It is important to know: after going through all the stages, you will need to abandon your previous citizenship. Also, a person may be required to take an oath of allegiance to Japan, but this is a simple formality.

How to obtain Japanese citizenship to a citizen of the Russian Federation

How to get Japanese citizenship to a Russian citizen?

The process of obtaining citizenship is the same for everyone. And a Russian citizen is no exception, he can become a legal resident of Japan, if he meets all the requirements.

In Japan, it is difficult to live legally for 5 years. The visa received by a Russian traveling to Japan is considered a guest and ends after 90 days. It is much easier to obtain citizenship for those people who have married with a native of another country. As well as those who receive higher education in a Japanese university and have an official job. As soon as a person marries or gets a job, he goes through the registration procedure in the migration service. From that moment, his time spent in the country begins to be recorded.

Since it is very difficult to obtain Japanese citizenship for a citizen of the Russian Federation or another country, more often than not people simply renew their visas and live in the Land of the Rising Sun as ordinary immigrants. No one can give a 100% guarantee that after going through the procedure for obtaining citizenship, the response of the immigration service will be positive, but it is definitely worth a try.

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