
Specially protected natural areas include which lands?

Our planet over time is becoming more susceptible to human impact. The number of cities is increasing, their area is expanding. The consumption of natural resources, the economic use of the planet is growing. To maintain the balance of the biosphere, a rich variety of animate and inanimate nature is necessary. And the richer the nature, the more stable the ecosystem.

Why is the creation of protected areas important?

Under the influence of the human factor, some components of ecosystems may be lost. This leads to a weakening of the stability of the system of nature. For example, northern areas show us greater vulnerability compared to tropical areas. A small number of species of animals and plants must be protected with special care. With the extinction of one species, the main food object of another representative of the animal kingdom may completely disappear.

In connection with the understanding of the need to care for the biosphere, people have taken steps to preserve and even restore natural resources. Of course, there is no way to restore a completely lost look. But mankind is able to return the former number of extinct species.

In order for the diversity and beauty of the nature of our planet to be preserved for many years, the states have created specially protected natural territories (SPNA). These are territorial areas and water areas where the economic activities of people are mostly prohibited. In some of these areas, work is underway to increase the number of extinct species of organisms to preserve the planet's gene pool. For this, it is often necessary to restore biotopes altered by human activities.

World Conservation

The area of ​​protected areas in the world began to grow particularly rapidly since the 1960s. Under the influence of the anthropogenic press, nature began to collapse at a rapid pace, which forced responsible people to take more active actions. The greatest success in creating protected areas has been achieved in North America, especially the United States. The system of protected areas is developed in Australia, Canada, Germany, China. Russia's performance in recent years has been catching up with world numbers. So, in the area of ​​protected areas they occupy 11% of the entire territory of the Russian Federation. The global rate is 15%. Specially protected natural areas in our country include more than 12,000 objects. This is taking into account all protected areas of various values. Specially protected natural territories of federal significance include 217 objects. The state continues to expand the existing protected areas and create new protected areas.

territory protection

History of protected areas in Russia

Since ancient times, people have guarded the lands that were considered sacred. This was due to the people's faith in tradition and the performance of rites in certain areas.

In the era of feudalism, many territories belonging to the nobility remained almost unchanged, since there was a ban on hunting and sometimes visiting other people's possessions.

At the end of the nineteenth century, reserves were created in Russia. These were private facilities. State began to appear in the twentieth century. The first was organized by the Barguzinsky Reserve (1916). National parks appeared in the second half of the last century. The programs for their arrangement are borrowed from the West.

At the moment, in all regions of Russia there are protected areas, if not federal, then regional.

Types of protected areas in Russia

Protected areas include areas of the earth’s surface where people’s activities are forbidden.In some areas, work is completely prohibited, in others tourism or recreation is allowed. Depending on the possibility of using natural resources and types of work inside the facility, all protected areas are classified into the following categories:

  1. Nature reserves. Any change of nature is prohibited. Here, felled trees are not cleaned, they do not contribute to the restoration of the number of species artificially. In the reserve, everything flows in its natural course. Only local residents can afford to use natural resources to the extent specified by law.
  2. National parks. On the square there are plots with access for the population. In the national park you can enjoy the virgin nature or conduct your scientific research to anyone who wants, carefully following the hiking routes and without changing the appearance of the park.
  3. Natural parks. At such facilities, working groups strive to fully preserve nature in conditions of people's access.
  4. Also belong to specially protected natural areas wildlife sanctuaries. They are organized with the goal of not only preserving ecosystems, but also restoring already lost wealth artificially. Landscapes, species of animals and plants are being restored. Geological objects or territories with objects of the past preserved to the present day can be protected. Sometimes excavations are not carried out immediately, archaeologists expect the time when new data from untouched sites will be needed.
  5. Lands of specially protected natural areas include natural monuments. These are small territories or water areas with valuable components. Objects are both of natural origin, and created by man. Ancient parks or rock groups can also be protected areas.
  6. Arboretums and botanical gardens also belong to the lands of specially protected natural territories. In these areas, workers collect plant collections. These works are carried out in order to preserve the gene pool of the plant world. It is possible to transplant plants from parks and gardens to any corner of the planet.

Not only land areas, but also water areas can belong to specially protected natural areas. Water basins store no less wealth of living and inanimate natural resources.

environmental protection

Types of protected areas of Kazakhstan

The legislation of Kazakhstan introduced its types of protected areas, which are most suitable for the device of this state.

Specially protected natural territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan include:

  1. Nature reserves.
  2. National parks.
  3. Reserves.
  4. Reserves.
  5. Protected areas.
  6. Monuments of nature.
  7. Zoological parks.
  8. Botanical Gardens.

As we can see, the categories of protected areas in Kazakhstan are somewhat different from the introduced types of protected areas in the Russian Federation.

Reserves belong to the PAs of Kazakhstan. In such areas, natural resources are maintained and restored, and historical objects are protected and restored.

Protected areas are classified as specially protected natural areas. These areas are reserves, national parks and reserves. Nature is protected by variously organized services.

Zoos in Kazakhstan also belong to specially protected natural areas. Because in zoological parks, offspring are preserved and reproduce not only common, but also small animals listed in the Red Book.

specially protected natural territories of federal significance include

Protected area values

The federal law on protected areas states that all reserves and national parks are of federal importance, that is, federal authorities take care of them. Nature reserves and national parks are of great importance for the conservation of the nature of the entire state.

Natural parks. Such specially protected natural areas belong to objects of regional significance. That is, the bodies of the republics and regions of the Russian Federation organize the order at the facility.

Nature reserves, natural monuments, arboretums and botanical gardens can have both national significance and significance within the republic or region.

Specially protected natural areas of local importance include the territory of sanatoriums, as well as resorts. Such sites belong to municipalities. They are in charge of local government organizations.

Differences arboretums from botanical gardens

Specially protected natural areas include arboretum parks. Small species of plants, especially tree species, are collected and continue to be delivered to the site. Scientific work is underway. Plants can move outside the park to ennoble buildings and streets.

Botanical gardens have huge collections of plants. It conducts research in the field of botany and gardening. Botanical gardens have their own library, laboratories. Gathering herbarium.

To the specially protected natural territories of the Republic of Kazakhstan include

National Park Zones

Specially protected natural areas include national parks. They have the most complex structure among protected areas. The territory is divided into zones for the careful use of resources while preserving nature in a holistic way.

  1. Conservation area. The most rigorous attitude to the ecosystem on the site. Any use of nature by man is prohibited. Only the security service can cross the site to maintain order.
  2. Especially guarded. Visits by passes are possible. Knowledge of the rules of conduct on the territory is required.
  3. Tourist. There are hiking trails on site.
  4. Sports and recreation area.
  5. Zones with historical objects located on them. The protection of cultural property is carried out.
  6. Visitor service area. Visitors get acquainted with the rules of the national park, consumer services are carried out, there is the opportunity to spend the night.
  7. Zone for park workers. Work is underway that requires the operation of the facility.

For example, the National Park Belovezhskaya Pushcha has 4 working zones: reserved, regulated use zone, recreational, economic. At the same time, in the recreation area, visitors not only relax, but also get acquainted with the national park. Hiking trails are laid here.

Protected area

Most protected areas have a protected zone, a visit to which is possible subject to the rules of conduct at the border of the protected object. The security zone performs the function of limiting the anthropogenic impact on protected areas. It is not wide and can represent, for example, a meadow strip between the virgin forest of protected areas and the highway.

The largest protected area

Greenland National Park is the largest protected area in the world: more than nine hundred thousand square kilometers. The national park occupies more than a third of the island. The facility was founded in 1974. Almost immediately became a biosphere reserve. This means that the value of the ecosystem is so high that its conservation is required to maintain the balance of the entire biosphere. In recent years, 27 people have lived in the park. These are the facility workers. In the summer, a small number of visitors arrive.

Musk oxen (about 40% of the total livestock in the world), polar bears, walruses and some other mammals live on the territory. There are also birds nesting on the island. The vegetation is represented by lichens, mosses and bonsai.

specially protected natural areas of local importance include

Northern nature must be carefully preserved, aware of its vulnerability.

Reserve Selous

Large Protected Area Selous is located in Tanzania. Area - 54,600 square meters. km It was founded in 1905 as a hunting reserve. Fauna and flora are typical of the African savannah and have a rich species composition.

lands of specially protected natural areas include

Serengeti National Park

In the same state of Tanzania, the very popular Serengeti National Park is located. He is known for migrating herds of wildebeests and zebras. Subject to instinct, mammals go south in the fall, and north in the spring. The number of animals exceeds one million heads.Overcome by them about 3 thousand kilometers. It is interesting to observe the process of transition of rivers by herbivores. They know that water is fraught with danger in the form of crocodiles.

belongs to specially protected natural areas in our country

Great Arctic Reserve

The largest protected area in Russia is the Big Arctic Reserve. It is a set of isolated territories (islands, archipelagos and the mainland), and it also includes part of the Kara Sea. The reserve area is 42 thousand km2. Various species of organisms are protected here, including polar bears listed in the Red Book. The territory passes the migration route of these mammals.

Protected areas include parks.

Marine reserve

A marine reserve is organized in the Ross Sea. It is as necessary to protect the water area as mainland biotopes. In the Ross Sea, penguins, whales and shrimp are especially protected.

specially protected natural areas are categorized

In the world there are already 200 thousand specially protected natural areas. And also about 15 thousand marine waters. It is planned to increase both the area and the number of protected areas. This is necessary to maintain the health of the biosphere - the living shell of the Earth. The population of the planet is growing, and the volume of economic use of resources is increasing. This means that it is necessary to increase the scale of nature conservation, without which human life is unthinkable.

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