
Social needs include ... List, features and description of needs

People constantly feel the need for certain living conditions, material benefits, and society. All this they need for a comfortable existence. But from our article you will learn what relates to the social needs of a person.

Briefly about what are the needs

In general, there are many classifications of needs. Consider one of them:

  1. Material. Associated with the receipt of certain funds (goods, money or services) that are necessary for the normal functioning of a person.
  2. Spiritual needs. Help in the knowledge of oneself and the world, being. This is the desire for self-improvement, self-realization and development.
  3. Social. Everything related to communication. This includes the need for friendship, love, and so on.

Needs - this is the engine through which the development of mankind and the progress of society.

social need for communication

Maslow Pyramid

American psychologist Abraham Maslow created his own theory of the hierarchy of needs, on the example of which we can briefly go over seven steps, get acquainted with the needs of the individual and their significance in life.

So, let's start from the bottom:

  • physiological needs are primarily important: food, drink, shelter, and so on;
  • the need to feel safe;
  • the need to love and be loved, meaningful to certain people;
  • the need for success, recognition, approval;
  • the need for special skills and abilities, self-improvement, knowledge of the world and oneself;
  • the need for beauty, namely: comfort, cleanliness, order, beauty and so on;
  • peak in self-knowledge, the evolution of abilities and talents, self-realization, the search for one’s own path, the implementation of goals and objectives.

Now we have an understanding of people's needs. They force to move forward, to develop each individual individually and society as a whole. Next, we learn in more detail what relates to social needs.

need for food

What is their importance?

Maslow noted that an individual who did not satisfy biological needs simply could not live and function as a healthy person. The same picture is with social needs. Without their satisfaction, a person begins to doubt his own significance. Becomes weak, helpless, vulnerable and even humiliated.

This condition makes a person commit immoral acts, splash out aggression. Therefore, social needs, namely the need for self-esteem, self-recognition as a person with self-esteem, reinforced by interpersonal relationships, lead to successful self-realization and gaining confidence. Let’s see what social needs are.

Classification by attribute

Among social needs there are three categories:

  1. For myself. This is the need for self-realization, finding one's place in society, as well as the need to have power.
  2. For others. The need for communication, protection of the weak, altruism. Its implementation is due to overcoming the selfish category of "for yourself."
  3. Together with others. This group of needs is characterized by bringing people together in a community to solve problems together. This is a need for security, freedom, pacification of the rebel, change of the current regime, in a peaceful environment.

The development of an individual without satisfying needs is impossible. Let's talk about them in more detail. So, what about the social needs of the individual?

sense of security

All needs are divided into two types

Consider them:

  1. Natural needs: food, drink, shelter, and so on.
  2. Created by society: the need for work, social activity, spiritual development and development, that is, in everything that will be the product of social life.

It is thanks to the first that social needs are formed and realized that act as a motive for incentive action. As soon as physical needs are satisfied, according to Maslow's theory, the need for security comes to the fore.

security need

What is its essence?

So, the need for security also applies to social needs. Indeed, almost every person thinks about the future, analyzes the present and predicts events in advance in order to remain calm and confident in the future. It is because of this need that a person is drawn to stability and constancy. He accepts everyday routine and life better than spontaneous changes and surprises, because his calmness and sense of security are violated. Thus, the social needs of a person include the need for security.

For most people, it is of great importance in life. Because it has a strong influence on behavior, disposition, sensation and well-being. By it is meant:

  1. The main thing is physical security (the situation in society, the imperfection of the legal sphere, unpreparedness for natural disasters, poor ecology).
  2. Secondary - social insecurity in health and education.

This need does not always play the role of an active force. It predominates only in situations with a critical level of danger, when mobilization of all forces to fight evil is required. For example, during hostilities, natural disasters, serious illness, economic crises, that is, during any circumstances that threaten adverse conditions. Go ahead. The social needs of a person include the need for communication.

need for communication

Why is it necessary?

Through communication is the formation of personality. A person learns the world, learns to evaluate actions, analyze situations, master moral standards, rules of behavior, which he will then use. Gets an undeniable life experience in society. And in this way creates its own attitudes and moral principles, socializes, forms a legal and political orientation. Therefore, the need for security and communication are the most important conditions for the normal development of a person.

Why is it still valuable?

We already know that communication relates to a person’s social needs. It is thanks to him that the individual fulfills other needs, the main of which is obtaining support. After all, having felt that one belongs to significant people in society, a person gains confidence that he is recognized. In this case, the person is completely satisfied with the communication and the provided social support. Especially if they include the following aspects:

  • positive emotional assistance, which gives confidence that a person is loved and respected, is sincere towards him;
  • informational assistance when there is access to all necessary data about the world around;
  • evaluative support, allowing to analyze what is happening, to learn the opinions of others, to draw conclusions about their own judgments;
  • physical and material support;
  • an exchange of emotions, because if a person is deprived of communication, he will not be able to share his problems, will not receive support, as a result of which deep depression can occur.

It is through communication that personality forms such qualities as reliability, a sense of duty, strength of character. And also humanity, responsiveness, tact, honesty, kindness. An equally important function of communication is the formation of new interests of the individual. This is an impetus for self-improvement and development.

lack of communication

What is terrible lack of communication?

A person has a feeling of uselessness.A person suffers, feels unattractive, feels a sense of fear, anxiety, which often have no foundation. Some people feel uncomfortable in society because of bad relationships with others when they are isolated from certain social groups and contacts.

But this does not mean that to meet this need, a person needs to communicate constantly. A mature person who has strong friendships, is not devoid of a sense of emotional support, has a significant social status, may be at rest for several hours. Therefore, it is important to learn competent communication, realize your desires through it and become a holistic, successful personality. Now we know that the need for communication relates to social needs, while it is no less important than the rest.

need for self-expression

Self expression

This group includes needs that are manifested in a person’s desire to fulfill themselves, put their skills and abilities into practice, and find a worthy embodiment of talents. They are more individual.

So, the need for self-expression also applies to social issues. It is important, when satisfied, to show individual character traits, to reveal the inherent potential. This need rationalizes the remaining needs of the individual, filling them with new meaning. In this case, the individual gains social significance.

Why is this need valuable?

Free expression gives you a ticket to a reliable future, in which there will be no room for doubt and problems. So, why reveal the talents laid down by nature:

  • the need for self-expression brings moral satisfaction, joy, positive emotions and a positive charge of energy;
  • this is a great opportunity to get rid of chronic fatigue and negativity;
  • it expands the boundaries of self-knowledge, due to which positive character traits develop;
  • raises self-esteem, gives confidence and strength for the next undertakings and conquering new peaks;
  • helps to find like-minded people with common interests, which facilitates and makes the relationship with other people full.

The need for self-expression plays an important role in the life of an individual. After all, if a person fails to fulfill his potential, he becomes trapped, notorious, with low self-esteem.

Self-expression is also important in the profession. Especially if work coincides with a hobby and brings a decent income. This is just a dream of any person.

Self-expression in creativity gives a tremendous positive charge. Do what you love in your free time, realize your talents, get recognition. This can be dancing, writing songs, poems, modeling, drawing, photography, anything. If you find the artist’s talent in yourself, experiment, try your skill in different directions.

You can also express yourself in emotions, appearance. This need allows you to find your place in life, your destiny, to reveal and realize the hidden talents and potential inherent in nature.

So, from our article you learned what relates to social needs, and figured out their significance during the formation, development and formation of the individual.

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