
Cadastral certificate of the cadastral value of the land - where and how to get it? Cadastral value of the property

A cadastral certificate of the cadastral value of a land plot is a document that every owner should be familiar with. Without it, it will not be possible to conduct legally significant transactions with land. In Russia, such documentation is treated very carefully. Only not everyone knows where and how it can be issued. What is generally called cadastral value? Why was it invented? Answers will be found later. As practice shows, recent changes in the legislation of the Russian Federation have greatly simplified the life of land owners regarding this topic.cadastral certificate of the cadastral value of the land

About the cadastral type price

What is the cadastral value of a property? It plays an important role in transactions with property.

So called the market price of the object, established as a result of state valuation. In other words, we are talking about the state value of real estate.

Cadastral statement

And where can I see the price of an object? There is a cadastral certificate for this. The cadastral value of the land or apartment will be learned from this document. It is often called a cadastral statement.

This paper writes all the cadastral type information about the selected property. For example, here you can see the assigned cadastral number, plan of the property, cost and detailed characteristics. In fact, it describes the property of interest to a person.

Why is it needed?

The cadastral value of the property will be taken into account in any transactions with property. Especially if not relatives are involved in the operations.cadastral value of the property

For example, when selling a home, you can’t greatly overstate or underestimate the value of the property relative to the cadastral valuation. This action will entail a fine. In addition, sometimes they focus on this component when paying taxes. This is a completely normal, legal phenomenon.

The cadastral certificate itself on the cadastral value of a land plot can be useful to each owner. It is used for:

  • sale and purchase;
  • exchange;
  • giving;
  • inheritance;
  • drawing up a will;
  • litigation;
  • drawing up allowances and other state aid.

Wherever the selected property appears, you must have the mentioned paper. She often not only describes the property, but also points to all owners.

Changes in Russia

As we have already said, in Russia there have been small changes regarding cadastral data. What is this about?

Since 2016, the owners ceased to issue most of the documents from the state real estate cadastre. For example, now it is impossible to issue certificates of ownership or order a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot. This documentation was replaced by an extract from the USRN.

Accordingly, now in the certificate from the real estate registry you can see certain data about the object. Such a document is issued indefinitely, but in real estate transactions it still needs to be updated.order a certificate of cadastral value of the land

Help Types

Obtaining a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot or apartment is a matter that everyone can handle. An extract of the established form can be requested by every citizen. Data from the real estate registry is open, they are actually in the public domain.

Extracts from the Unified State Register are different. For example:

  • indicating ownership rights;
  • incapacity;
  • talking about encumbrances, arrests, restrictions;
  • extended;
  • with the characteristics of the property.

The last 2 points are what you need. An extended statement is issued only to the owner of the property, it contains a maximum of data on the property. Here you can see not only the characteristics of the object, but also all its past owners. A statement with the usual data on the property can be received by everyone. The main thing is to know how to act.

Where to go for help?

Now consider the process of requesting a certificate of cadastral value (land, house, apartment) in more detail. As we have already found out, you have to deal with extracts from the real estate registry. Where are they issued?

Such a service can be provided by a large number of organizations. For example:

  • Rosreestrom.
  • Cadastral Chambers.
  • Multifunctional centers.
  • Single window services.
  • BTI.
  • Rostekhin inventory.

Where exactly to go? Everyone decides for himself. The main thing is to contact the organization at the location of the object.obtaining a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot

For advanced citizens

But that is not all! Thinking about how to get a cadastral certificate, you can prepare for the fact that you can do this without leaving your home. Internet technology will come to the rescue.

The bulk of modern citizens have mastered the Internet without any problems. These skills will help you order an extract from the real estate registry.

The service is provided by the Rosreestr website and the State Services portal. On the network you can find many third-party services that offer clearance statements in the shortest possible time. Some of them really work, but it is better to avoid unverified portals. No one is safe from fraud.


To order a certificate of cadastral value of a property, people will have to prepare. Especially if you plan to issue extended statements. You need to bring some documents with you to the issuing authority.

Individuals to implement the task will come in handy:

  • passports or other identification papers;
  • written request;
  • receipt with duty (paid in advance).

If there are documents on land, the applicant will have a chance to issue an extended certificate. No more papers will be required.

request for a certificate of cadastral value of a land plot

Another set of documents is needed by organizations and legal entities. Practice shows that they must bring:

  • documents of constituent type for the company;
  • applicant's passport;
  • power of attorney;
  • a check with a paid state duty;
  • written statement of extract.

Nothing incomprehensible or difficult. The power of attorney must be executed and certified by a notary. Otherwise, the applicant will simply be denied the service.

Waiting times

How long should I wait for the discharge? It is impossible to answer unequivocally. Indeed, many factors influence the speed of paper supply.

The average waiting period is 3-5 days, especially if you order electronic statements or when submitting a request to the Federal Registration Service. A certificate on the cadastral value of the land plot will be prepared with the MFC up to 10 days. And nothing more.

As noted earlier, third-party sites offer a few hours to issue an extract with information from the real estate cadastre. This is also possible. But it’s better to wait a bit using proven services than to be deceived.

Price tags

How much is the state duty in our case? Information on the cadastral value of the land will not cost too much. In any case, to individuals. Organizations pay more for a document.

The sources indicate different prices for the document. Some say that an electronic form of paper costs 150 rubles, and a paper analogue costs 200 rubles. Someone assures that individuals pay 350-450 rubles, and legal entities pay 600-1,200. In electronic form, they will have to pay 200 and 300 rubles, respectively. An extended statement will cost 1,500-2,500 rubles at all. The information is very mixed.

certificate of cadastral value of the state duty land plot

What should a conscientious citizen do? It is recommended to contact the MFC or the Federal Registration Service in order to clarify the price of the statement. The state duty often depends on the type of certificate. And this fact must be taken into account.

Order instruction

To order a cadastral certificate of the cadastral value of a land plot is not difficult. Let's start by considering the most common situation - when a person personally addresses one or another body for a service.

In this case, you will need:

  1. Collect documents.
  2. Write an application for a certificate. It must indicate the type of document.
  3. Make a state duty.
  4. Get ready information with your passport at the appointed time.

If you order paper through the MFC, the applicant will be issued a receipt on acceptance of the request. It will write the approximate date of issue of the paper.

Network Action Guide

An extract from the Unified State Register can, as we have said, be ordered online. "State services" are rarely used for this task. Indeed, on this portal you will have to first register. And this is not convenient for everyone.

Therefore, we consider the implementation of ideas into practice on the example of the site of Rosreestr. It does not require mandatory registration, which greatly simplifies the process.

MFC certificate of the cadastral value of the land

The manual is as follows:

  1. Open the website rosreestr.ru in an Internet browser.
  2. Click on the words "Public Services". You can go to "Services" - "Extract from the USRN / USRP".
  3. Set the parameter "Land".
  4. Enter the data requested by the system. This is usually about information about the applicant.
  5. Specify the type of help received.
  6. Choose a presentation form for the document.
  7. Depending on the previous step, either specify an e-mail, or select an authority in which it will be comfortable to receive a certificate.
  8. Confirm the request. The application number will appear on the screen. It needs to be saved.
  9. Go to the state duty payment page.
  10. Enter the code with captcha, as well as indicate the number of the application.
  11. Choose a method of payment for the service.
  12. Write the details of a bank card or selected electronic wallet.
  13. Complete the process by confirming operations.

Done! Now it remains only to wait until the statement is issued.

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