
How to retire early? Documents for Early Retirement

Due to objective reasons in Russia, the retirement age will only increase in the coming decades. Most likely, the decision to raise the retirement age will be made before 2020. Therefore, the issue of benefits in retirement benefits, opportunities for retirement benefits up to the specified age, and preferential calculation of seniority becomes especially relevant.

What does the law on early retirement say?

how to retire early

Changes in the social security schemes of Russians and new ways of calculating benefits were established by the new law on pensions, which entered into force on January 1, 2015. The innovations include the mandatory linking of the possibility of early allocation of a pension to the presence of an individual pension coefficient in the amount determined by law for the insured citizen.

To improve the planning of their education and further career, the future generation should know who will be able to go on a well-deserved vacation ahead of schedule. In accordance with the law, the list of people who can do this is quite wide, and the conditions that make it possible to receive such benefits are different. The list of citizens who can retire ahead of schedule is provided in articles of Law 30-32 No. 400-FZ of 12.28.2013 on Insurance Pensions.

Most cases of going on holiday ahead of schedule for privileged categories of citizens provide not only the development of a certain length of service, but also the achievement of a certain age - 45-55 years. For some professions (teachers, doctors), such an opportunity was established according to the length of service, namely, after a certain length of service was gained. So who can retire early and how to do it?

Persons who may qualify for this benefit

Many people are interested in learning about the possibility of retiring ahead of schedule. It really exists, but only for certain categories of citizens:

  • For women with a minimum of five children. They can go on a well-deserved rest after reaching 50 years and if two important conditions are met - the term of their insurance period should be at least 15 years, and each child must be brought up at least 8 years. It will be a preferential early retirement pension.
  • Men from 55, and women from 50 years old, when they are considered the parents of a disabled child from childhood. A prerequisite is the presence of at least 20 years for a man and 15 for a woman with insurance experience. For this, it is necessary that the child brought up reaches the age of at least 8 years and has the skills of self-service. To fall under this norm can also include guardians raising children with disabilities. In addition, from one and a half years of raising such a child, only one year is counted for reducing the retirement age, and in total - up to five years.

For this relief, these categories of citizens are of great importance financial costs and increased emotional stress experienced in raising a sick child.

early retirement law

Who else is eligible for early retirement? Unemployed citizens who do not have employment opportunities after liquidation or reduction.

Getting to a well-deserved rest ahead of schedule after reduction is usually offered by an employee of the employment service. This will require the consent of the citizen and the fulfillment of certain requirements:

  • the reason for dismissal should not be professional skills of the employee (acceptable reasons: reduction in the total number of employees, staff or liquidation of the organization);
  • achievement by men of 57 years, and women of 53 years of age;
  • the inability of the employment service to provide a suitable job;
  • full development of seniority, which allows you to go on vacation in old age.

The same category also includes people with visual impairments. For such reasons, women can apply for a benefit from 40 years old, and men - from 50, in the case when they have already worked out experience corresponding to 10 and 15 years.

Also, the right to early prescription of a pension is granted to men who have worked for at least 25, and to women of 20 years and subsequently become disabled due to a military injury.

Citizens who are midgets or dwarfs due to the presence of rare diseases and have a working experience of 20 years for men and 15 for women. They can go on preferential retirement at 40 and 45.

People who have worked for at least some period of time in the Far North.

As well as 53-year-old women and 57-year-old men with an insurance experience of 20 and 25 years and able to confirm the performance of certain types of work:

  • underground work;
  • medical activities;
  • increased textile production;
  • pedagogical activity;
  • work with extremely difficult working conditions.

How to retire early and what documents are needed?

early retirement

    To apply for and start accruing benefits, you need to submit a number of documents. These include:

    1. Information about the average monthly earnings for the past 5 years.
    2. Passport with photocopies of all pages attached.
    3. Military ID, if there is a need for military service.
    4. Employment history.

    Additional documents

    Based on the circumstances that served as the reason for early retirement, it will be necessary to submit additional documents. It can be:

    • A certificate confirming activity in the Far North or belonging to the peoples of the North.
    • Disability certificate.
    • Birth certificate of a child up to eight years old.
    • Confirmation of the disability of a family member and his dependency.
    • Certificate of severe illness or visual impairment.

    early retirement right

    What needs to be done?

    So, how to retire early? Such a benefit is made out in accordance with the regulation of Article 32 of the Russian Law on Employment. Employees of the employment service make this decision. Each specific case is considered individually. If a citizen is entitled to an early well-deserved rest, he needs:

    1. Compose and send an application to the employment service.
    2. Get a referral and offer on applying for benefits.
    3. All these documents and a certificate of working periods, included in the length of service, are sent to the authority that deals with pension provision.
    4. The Pension Fund decides on the advisability of assigning an early pension and notifies the employment service about it.


    preferential early pension

    In the case of a positive decision, the person loses the opportunity to receive unemployment benefits. The Pension Fund takes on the responsibility of reimbursing costs associated with preferential payments.

    In the event that a citizen is employed for this period, old-age benefits are not paid, but renewed upon entry into retirement age.

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