
How and who can get into the traffic police?

“I want to become a general” - you can often hear from the lips of kids who dream of a courageous and proud profession. Time passes, and many dreams are erased along with childhood memories, and some only become fixed in the mind, slightly modifying and acquiring adult outlines. And if service in the army seems too difficult, but there is no desire to connect your life with a military topic, we suggest that you consider the option of a position in the State Inspectorate for Road Safety, or more simply the traffic police.

how to get into the traffic police after the army

Criteria for service in the traffic police

How to get into the traffic police and what needs to be done? Here is a list of eight requirements that will make this profession available:

  1. The presence of higher education, preferably technical or legal. Please note that this condition is mandatory.
  2. Age from 18 to 35 years. Alas, this is not only the work of the "brain", which requires only mental abilities. It also takes into account the physical condition. In addition, “young blood” is desirable for all works.
  3. The traffic inspectorate is somewhat similar to a military structure, so a military service that has not been completed may close the door to this profession.
  4. It is clear that at first, beginners in any field of activity are given “dusty work” - usually with a lot of physical activity and monotonous, which others do not really want to do. And there’s nothing to be done, the traffic police also have it - work “on the street”. However, if you prove yourself to be an excellent employee, it will help you to climb the career ladder.
  5. What do you need to get in the traffic police yet? A big plus will be the presence of a driver's license of category B and C. This is due to the fact that constant participation in raids forces each employee to deal with different cars.
  6. Clear business, physical preparation and excellent health, as this work contains standards for physical strength and endurance - when taking it, and then every six months.
  7. No fines during the year until the decision to go to work.
  8. The lack of suing you and close relatives.

Who can be denied a device?

In addition to the criteria for finding out how to get a job in the traffic police, there are others. They allow you to make sure that you definitely won’t be hired by the traffic police:

  • minor age;
  • prosecution or suspended sentence;
  • poor physical and psychological health, especially if there is a heart disease;
  • disability restricting movements partially or completely;
  • fines while driving;
  • lack of a driver’s license, especially in connection with a violation of the rules of the road.
how to get into the traffic police

How to get into the traffic police without the necessary requirements? Keep in mind that only a few conditions have been added in the interests of the traffic police, the rest are aimed at your personal interests, so do not lie about your age, professional suitability or driver’s licenses. Otherwise, it may affect the quality of work or, even worse, health.

You should also consider age criteria for certain titles, namely:

  • for lieutenant and lieutenant colonel - not older than 45 years;
  • for a colonel - not older than 50 years;
  • for a major general - not older than 55 years;
  • for Colonel General - not older than 60 years.

This does not mean that you can come in 30 years to (traffic police) without work experience and declare your desire to work as a lieutenant. Rather, it is age restrictions on promotion for those who have already found a job in the traffic police.

Is it possible to get into the traffic police without an army?

This question worries many tricks who do not want to spend a year serving the Motherland.However, we will disappoint you - without a red ticket you will be accepted only for the role of secretary, in other cases they will refuse you.

what you need to get in the traffic police

How to get into the traffic police after the army?

As mentioned earlier, there are several criteria for your device. And you have already completed one - congratulations! However, if before the army you did not graduate or did not start studying at a higher educational institution, then you should not hesitate with this, since this is an important requirement for admission. If you have fulfilled all the conditions, then the text below is especially for you.

Stages of the device in the traffic police

So how do you get a job in the traffic police? This is described below:

  • Typically, the traffic police do not publish information about finding new employees, even when they are needed. So it is advisable to call their office to get the personnel department number. There they will advise you on all issues, as well as tell you what vacancies are, and explain in detail how to get into the traffic police in your region or city.
  • If any of the proposed posts is to your liking, then take an interest in their work schedule. Please note that there are civilian and officer posts. Civil does not bring promotions.
  • Appear in the department with the necessary information: ID card, military card without category B, D or D (in other words, regular, not white), driver’s license and autobiography. A big plus will be the characteristics of the school / university, military service and from the place of previous work, as well as a bit book about achievements in sports.
  • Then you will be sent for a medical examination, which is no different from the military medical commission. Before this, you can go through your own dentist and ENT to reduce the time of the examination.
traffic police representative and traffic police
  • You will need to pass an aptitude test. Try to relax and answer honestly, even if the lies seem to you more beautiful than the truth. You will be checked by professional psychologists who will easily reveal your bluff, and in case of doubt will be sent to a polygraph.
  • Upon completion of the medical and psychological examination, you will need to wait for a call from the personnel department to invite testing of your sports training.
  • You can find the traffic police regulations on their website to be aware in advance. Do not worry about this - to be honest, these are the standards, as for high school students in a regular school.
  • Upon successful completion of sports testing, a three-month paid internship will begin, at which you and other employees will decide whether or not they are suitable for this profession.

Please note! That admission to the traffic police is free, and if someone persuades you to resolve this issue with money, immediately contact the fraud proceedings department and explain in detail where, who, when and on what conditions they offered you a paid version of the device to the traffic police.

The benefits of service in the traffic police

In addition to a salary for civil service, employees receive:

  • increase in a few years;
  • increase in rank;
  • bonuses for a job well done;
  • one-time reward for each execution of risky operations.
Is it possible to get into the traffic police without an army

To summarize, I want to say that getting a job in the traffic police is quite difficult, but the result is such an amazing and sought-after profession.

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