
How to write a nurse resume: step-by-step instructions

The nurse is a responsible and important position. As a direct assistant to the attending physician, a nurse or nurse is involved in the execution of the procedures prescribed by him. What is important to know when compiling a nurse’s resume, what skills should be focused on, and what nuances are better not to point out? Learn from this article.

nurse resume

What items does the resume consist of?

There are certain criteria that should be followed when creating a resume for any profession. First of all, there is simply no generally accepted form for a document. You can either fill out the standard form or create your own structure, filling it with original content.

Nevertheless, candidates for the position are selected according to certain parameters. Based on them, the structure of the resume is formed. So what should be indicated in this document?

  • Name and surname of the applicant, address, contact details. Sometimes marital status is also indicated.
  • Information about the education received. Educational institutions and specialties with dates are listed.
  • Next comes the section with work experience, which is often the determining and most important. As a rule, places of work are indicated starting from the last. If relevant, you can also write in the resume what functions you performed in your past work.
  • An important point is the list of professional skills.
  • It is worth indicating your personal qualities, especially if they are relevant to the position for which you are applying.

As you can see, the summary of the nurse, a sample of which you will find in this article, consists of several standard sections. It’s good if an actual photo is attached to it, which will play an important role in your self-presentation.

nurse resume sample

Nurse Summary: Fill Features

The nurse is a paramedical staff. Thus, she can give instructions to the junior medical staff, but at the same time she obeys the instructions of doctors who are higher in office. Choosing the right candidate, any employer will first of all pay attention to the level of education and available skills.

Minimum nurse must have a secondary medical education. As a rule, in the diploma the specialty received is called "Nursing". If you have a higher, not secondary education, this will be only a plus. In the “Education” section, you can also indicate completed courses, specialized seminars in which you took part, etc.

resume nurse sample fill

Professional skills: what to indicate in this section?

In fact, the terms of reference of a nurse can be very extensive, and even her position may be called differently, depending on the specialization of a particular medical institution. The set of professional skills also varies. Therefore, based on profile requirements, an emphasis should be placed on a specific group of skills.

Head nurse

For a senior nurse, such qualities as good communication skills, the ability to organize administrative activities and give assignments to junior staff are important. As well as knowledge of relevant legislation.

Guard nurse

For a nurse on guard who is assigned to a ward or a specific ward, the key functions will be the organization of accounting and monitoring of the implementation of doctor's appointments by each patient, strict adherence to the regimen, organization of treatment measures and patient care. The nurse on duty also deals with filling out magazines, medical records and other documents of the department.

sample nurse job resume

Treatment nurse

If you are applying for the position of a procedural nurse, you should prove yourself as a true professional in the field of performing basic medical procedures. Unlike the previous one, this position does not provide for responsibility for the patient's condition. But you have to perfectly know all the intricacies of injecting and setting droppers, dressings and other manipulations.

Operating nurse

The main function of the operating nurse is to assist the surgeon or anesthetist during the operation. She must prepare the patient and the appropriate tool, be able to work in a team and know the main stages of various types of surgical operations.

District nurse

This position is inextricably linked with the position of the district doctor, the duties are to keep records, fill out cards and fill out sick leave. A district nurse sometimes must have highly specialized skills for successful work in a particular branch of medicine. If you plan to work in a children's clinic, get ready to have to visit newborns at home often and consult with their parents. An undoubted plus in the summary of a nurse of such a plan will be knowledge of childcare.

resume nurse for work in Moscow

Experience in resume

In general, as in any other job, experience will be a huge advantage over other job seekers. If you have one, focus on it, describe the functions performed as much as possible, and indicate your own achievements. Do not forget about the acknowledgments received and the initiative shown.

What should you do if you are looking at the ideal nurse job resume and understand that you have no similar experience? Do not despair. You can focus on past practice - you did it anyway. Indicate the name of the institution, dates, acquired skills. And then you can add that you are prone to fast learning, that is, grasp everything literally on the fly.

General rules and criteria

When compiling a nurse’s resume, of course, you should be as truthful as possible. But still, the real state of affairs can be slightly embellished. For example, add a few advantages and keep silent about minor flaws. Of course, this does not apply to experience and education, these data will have to be documented.

Literacy, accuracy, consistency in thoughts and a single structure of the text - these are the criteria that you should adhere to when compiling a nurse’s resume. A sample of the filling can be found on the Internet and put into service, but blindly copy other people's resumes should not be.

Try to state your thoughts clearly and as briefly as possible. The nurse should be organized, and if the employer notices this quality from your resume, the chances of getting the desired position will be higher. In addition, imagine how many different CVs an employer has to look through every day! It is unlikely that he will be delighted with a too voluminous document, and there is a great chance that he will not even finish it to the end. So stick to a volume of 1, maximum 2 pages.

how to write a nurse resume sample

When compiling a resume of a nurse to work in Moscow or any other city, is it worth indicating your own requirements? On the one hand, it is better not to set ultimatums, but on the other, the employer will certainly appreciate clearly expressed wishes regarding working conditions and the amount of the desired payment. This will be a clear sign that the applicant is a serious person and knows his worth.

What is better not to write about?

When compiling a nurse’s resume, it’s best not to focus on bad habits, professional flaws, committed disciplinary offenses. Do not include unnecessary personal information here, such as height or weight.

If you have extensive experience, limit yourself to the most important milestones and omit the minor points.It is also not worthwhile to talk about why relations with former employers were broken.

No need to explicitly embellish yourself and write too many positive qualities. And also indicate a clearly overstated level of expected salaries, this is unlikely for the employer to like it.

Now you know how to write a nurse’s resume. You have a sample before your eyes, you also have an idea of ​​the structure, so now this task will probably seem not so difficult!

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