
How to apply for a social scholarship? Who is eligible for a social scholarship?

Full-time students who study at universities and have good academic success can rely on academic scholarships. In addition, some citizens can receive a social scholarship, which is awarded only if there are good reasons, for example, in case of poor financial situation of students or loss of a breadwinner. Each student applying for such a payment must know how to apply for a social scholarship. The procedure is considered quick and easy, as it is enough to collect the necessary documents, which are proof that the student really has the right to this payment.

Social Scholarship Concept

It is represented by a special payment assigned only to university students or secondary vocational schools. A social scholarship for students can be issued only when the following requirements are taken into account:

  • the student must study in an educational institution on a full-time basis;
  • he must go to college on a budget;
  • he has good reasons for making a payment.

Cash is paid from the state budget. They are transferred to the student’s bank card or issued in cash through the university’s cash desk.

Social scholarships are paid exclusively to students who are in a difficult financial situation. It has a fixed size, and when it is received, the student can count on other types of scholarships.

social scholarship

Who can receive?

Only preferential categories of citizens can count on receiving such a payment from the state. They must have evidence that they really need government support. The list of students who can receive such a payment is compiled by a special commission created at the university. During this process, the material condition of each student is assessed. The following citizens are assigned a payment:

  • children without parental care;
  • Orphans
  • students who lose one or two parents during their studies;
  • disabled people of the first two groups;
  • citizens who have received disabilities during the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl accident or as a result of participation in various military operations;
  • poor students.

Each person applying for this payment must prepare certain documentation confirming his right to help from the state.

how to apply for a social scholarship

Destination Features

Students should know who is entitled to a social scholarship in order to process this payment if possible. For this, certain conditions must be met, but the registration procedure itself is considered quick and easy. The features of the scholarship transfer include:

  • social scholarship for students is appointed on the basis of a special closed list formed by the commission of the university;
  • even first-year students can apply for payment, but they must be trained on a budget;
  • in addition to social benefits, citizens can rely on an academic scholarship if they have only good grades in the grade book;
  • payment is assigned only if there are documents confirming that the student is in the preferential category;
  • the most frequently claimed are people who have lost their breadwinners, as well as children living in poor families;
  • any student who is eligible for numerous requirements can count on payment, while not taking into account in which region he has a permanent residence permit, so even a nonresident student can seek help;
  • the scholarship is listed not only during the period when the student is studying, but even while he is on academic leave or parental leave.

Most often, funds are issued in cash at the box office of an educational organization.

Scholarship size

Children who are left without parental care or other students who are in preferential categories can rely on monthly social benefits, the amount of which is determined by the leadership of the educational organization. This amount is necessarily consistent with the union and student council.

When determining the described payment, the amount approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the current year is taken into account. The leadership of the educational institution can only increase this payment, and not reduce it. But at the same time, the excess amount is paid from the organization’s funds, and not from the country's budget.

The minimum scholarship for students graduating is 2010 rubles. If a citizen receives secondary vocational education, then for him the payment is reduced to 730 rubles. These minimum values ​​increase if studies are carried out in areas of the Far North.

social scholarship for students

How to apply for a social scholarship?

The procedure for processing this payment is considered quite simple. To do this:

  1. Initially, apply to the social protection authorities of the region of residence to receive a certificate of social scholarship, which confirms that a citizen has the right to help from the state.
  2. Next, you need to prepare documents for processing payments, which are transferred to the dean.
  3. Make an application for a scholarship, in which it is necessary to indicate the reasons for which material support will be provided to the student.

The decision on the purpose of payment is made promptly, so from the next month a citizen can receive funds if there are no grounds for refusal. If you understand how to apply for a social scholarship, then this procedure will not take much time.

What documents are required?

To make a payment it is important to understand what documents are needed for a social scholarship. They are transferred to the dean of the educational institution where the student is trained. The following papers are referred to these documents:

  • a certificate from social security authorities confirming the possibility of receiving a payment;
  • passport of a citizen;
  • correctly written statement;
  • certificate of training;
  • certificate of the amount of academic scholarship for the last three months of study;
  • documents confirming that the applicant really needs support, and this may include income statements of all family members, a certificate of a disabled person or other documentation.

It is on the basis of these documents that a social scholarship is awarded. Who is paid? It is assigned only to people who really belong to preferential categories, and therefore need the support of the state.

social scholarship to poor students

How are funds paid?

Preferential categories of citizens can expect to receive a social scholarship only after its proper execution. The documentation received by the dean is registered with the organization, after which the rector issues an order for the appointment of a monthly scholarship. This order is transmitted to the accounting department. But this payment has the following features:

  1. Based on the prepared documentation, a scholarship is awarded only during the next year.
  2. For further payment, you will have to re-prepare all documents if the student’s living conditions do not change.
  3. The scholarship is canceled upon the identification of violations by the student, as well as upon termination of his studies.

A social scholarship to poor students will be paid even if they arrange academic leave.

preferential categories of citizens

Important points

Before you apply for a social scholarship, you need to study some important information. These include:

  • a student studying in absentia will not be able to qualify for this payment even if he has a registered disability group;
  • the transfer of funds begins only after the issuance of a special order by the rector;
  • only Russian citizens can apply for such support, so foreign students will not be able to receive such a scholarship;
  • the payment is transferred monthly for one year;
  • you must first have to take a certificate from the social protection authorities, which contains information about which preferential category the student belongs to.

A citizen must independently deal with making payments.

children left without parental care

Reasons for denial of appointment

Many students who are poor or orphans want to improve their financial situation, so they rely on material support from the state. To do this, they draw up a monthly social scholarship, if they study at a university full-time on a budget. But they may face a denial of this assistance. There may be various reasons for this:

  • a citizen studies for a fee, therefore, cannot rely on funds allocated from the state budget;
  • all necessary documents are not prepared;
  • university leadership does not believe that a particular student really needs support;
  • it is revealed that the submitted documents are fake.

If a student deceives the leaders of the educational institution, wanting to receive a social scholarship, then this can lead to negative consequences. For example, if fake documents are transferred, according to which a citizen is ranked among the poor, then if the fact of fraud is revealed, all previously received funds will have to be returned. Additionally, the university leadership may decide on the need to expel such a student. Often, for such deception, citizens are brought to administrative responsibility.

social scholarship

Can I combine with other payments?

If a student is studying full-time, then, as already mentioned, he can apply for a regular academic scholarship. Its size depends on the learning outcomes. If a student receives only “excellent” grades in a semester, then he can apply for an increased scholarship, the size of which is determined separately by each university.

Even if a student receives such a payment, he can still apply for a social scholarship. In this case, he will receive monthly two scholarships. Money can be transferred to a bank account or issued in cash through the cash desk of an educational institution. In the latter case, it is necessary to sign each month in a special statement.


Social scholarship is represented by a certain type of material support assigned to university students or secondary professional institutions. It is paid only to citizens who need support and are ranked among vulnerable categories of the population.

To make such a payment it is necessary to prepare a certain package of documents. To do this, you will have to take a certificate in social security authorities in advance. If a student stops studying, then he loses the right to receive such a scholarship.

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