
How to make a return of goods to Eldorado

Eldorado is one of the largest distributors of household appliances in the CIS. Despite the widespread distribution of chain stores, Eldorado earned a dubious reputation. Among consumers there are a lot of rumors and legends about the low quality of goods, as well as about a high percentage of marriage. However, these speculations today are not confirmed by any research.

One thing is certain - Eldorado is trying to avoid returning goods. How to turn this situation in your favor? Let's try to figure it out.

eldorado store

What are the rights of the consumer

To begin with, it is worth noting that the Eldorado has the same laws as any other domestic store, despite the fact that at first glance the opposite might seem. In all stores, including Eldorado, the conditions for returning the goods are the same.

Consumer rights in the Russian Federation are established:

  • Civil Code of the Russian Federation.
  • Government decisions governing more detailed issues.
  • Comments of Rospotrebnadzor.
  • The law of the Russian Federation on consumer protection.

The problem with these documents is the fact that the legislative norms established in them are simultaneously specific and abstract, and their details require detailed consideration.

Return quality purchase

Current legislation established that the buyer can return the goods of good quality if the purchase did not fit for any reason, whether it be dimensions, color, smell or design features and so on.

If you suddenly realized that the purchase is not suitable for you and you no longer want to use it, you must return the goods to Eldorado within 14 days. Skipping this period exempts the seller from the obligation to accept the goods.

So, you came to the store with the just purchased goods, as well as with a strong desire to refuse it. At the same time, the acquired item did not break, but simply ceased to be liked. What you need for the store to accept the goods:

  • The item has retained its consumer properties, as well as its pristine appearance. That is, this thing should not have visible defects and damage.
  • The product was not in use (more precisely, it should not have any signs of operation).
  • The seals of the manufacturer are preserved.
  • The buyer presents a sales receipt.

Such requirements apply not only to Eldorado, returning goods within 14 days is the legal right of the buyer.

What to do if the cash receipt is not saved

The current legislation also clarifies that the presence of a cashier's check is rather desirable than necessary, since the buyer has the right to refer to the testimonies of witnesses present when purchasing the goods.

In general practice, you can write an application to restore a copy of a check in a store, but this is also not necessary. It is enough to bring two witnesses with you, who will confirm the fact of the purchase being made on time. However, in modern realities this method does not always work, since often the employees of Eldorado themselves are not aware of the existing legislative standards.

bad seller

What products can not be returned

There are categories of purchases for which no refund is possible. However, in Eldorado, from this long list, only three types of goods are sold:

  • dishes made of polymeric materials;
  • technically sophisticated product without flaws;
  • books and periodicals.

Return of household and office equipment

Still, Eldorado sells mainly household appliances. And she, as a rule, is a technically complex device.

Here the legislation is on the seller's side.If the technically sophisticated device is in good condition, and a warranty period has been set for the purchase, then you can return it only if you find any defect.

The deadline for making a claim is 15 days. If it did not work out on these dates, then Eldorado will return and exchange the goods only if there is a significant shortage.

A significant drawback of the product is a breakdown, the elimination of which requires a disproportionate cost of time and money in comparison with the cost of the product. In other words, if you cannot use the purchase for more than 30 days in 12 months, then you can safely demand a return of the goods, Eldorado will have to put up with the requirements.

Note that the list of technically sophisticated products is reflected in the relevant resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation. This normative act is changed and supplemented quite rarely. A few years ago, one could notice some analog radio station or something like that. Today, this list includes most household appliances, as well as cars, motorcycles, snowmobiles and so on.

What you can demand

Modern legislation establishes two types of rights of a buyer who does not fit the goods:

  • exchange of goods for another, closer to the heart;
  • in the event that a product similar in price and technical characteristics is not available, the buyer has the right to demand the return of funds.

Naturally, sellers will try to dissuade you. Even on the Eldorado portal it is written that the buyer has the right only to exchange the purchase for the same or for a more expensive one, but with a surcharge. Do not believe anyone, the consumer’s right to receive funds is established by law and inalienable.

The buyer's request for a refund must be satisfied no later than 3 calendar days.

Return defective goods

We figured out what to do if the goods just stopped liking us. But what if the purchase fails? Most importantly, do not worry, since the law in this case is on the buyer's side.

If you bought a product and found a defect in it that the seller did not mention, then you can choose one of four ways of development of events.

In this case, the buyer is available:

  • replacement of goods with another of appropriate quality;
  • repairing a defect;
  • reduction in the price of goods;
  • getting your money back.

The main thing to remember: the choice of the development of events is the right of the buyer. There is a known situation when a consumer wants to receive money by making a return of goods, Eldorado, in turn, insists on repair. In this case, their rights must be defended.

angry shopper

In this case, the seller has the right to conduct an examination, which will establish through whose fault the breakdown occurred. This right is guaranteed by the same Consumer Protection Law and the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. If the examination determines that the product has become unusable due to improper operation, the seller will receive the right to demand compensation for the cost of the examination from the buyer.

Warranty period

It is worth noting that not everything is as rosy as it might seem at first glance.

The above requirements can only be made if a defect in the product was discovered within the warranty period. If the warranty period is not established, then the goods can be returned within a reasonable time, not exceeding two years from the date of sale.

If the goods did not break through your fault, and the warranty period expired, then there is only one thing left - to make a complaint to the manufacturer and prove that the breakdown occurred due to marriage.

defective goods

Easy change

Not so long ago, the Russian market flinched because of the sudden action "Easy Change." The essence of the Eldorado promotion is the return of the goods within 30 days, without difficulties and delays. Let's take a closer look at the conditions and pitfalls.

Firstly, this action is more likely temporary than permanent. And it will end on February 28, 2018.Naive buyers will look back for longer periods, but there it was.

Secondly, many categories of goods are not subject to exchange and return:

  • disks with films, software, music, audio books;
  • goods in disposable packaging;
  • bulky equipment;
  • computers, laptops, smartphones, if they were turned on at least once, as well as if the operating system was activated;
  • digital and SLR cameras and equipment for them.

Thirdly, the goods must be purchased exclusively by an individual and paid in cash.

Fourth, the promotion does not apply to goods for which a discount or markdown has been made.

Fifthly, the goods should not be in operation, and the safety and appearance of the box should be in perfect condition.

And most importantly, the rules of the promotion can be changed at any time. And it’s not necessary to notify buyers for this. Therefore, the return of goods within 30 days, of course, is possible. But this will not be as easy as it might seem at first glance.

hardware store

Step-by-step instructions for returning goods "Eldorado"

If we talk about the specifics, then the step-by-step instruction will look like this:

  • A detailed study of the product’s user manual to ensure that the malfunction did not occur due to improper operation.
  • Contacting the store with a request for return of goods.
  • Filling in the application form for the return of the goods (the passport data is indicated in this application, so bring your identification document with you).
  • Waiting for the end of the examination and transfer of funds to your account.

If the goods are refused

Eldorado, like most domestic distributors, has no desire to take the purchased item back. Sellers either do not know about the norms of existing legislation, or deliberately mislead buyers.

bad idea

Even on the company's website it is indicated that it is better for a dissatisfied buyer to first contact a service center, and only then return to the store with a conclusion. We assure you that this is not so.

If the purchased goods broke during the warranty period, and the seller refuses to accept the goods, a number of effective steps must be taken immediately:

  • Send a complaint to the store in writing. In the claim, describe in detail the current situation, indicate the date of purchase, check numbers, product name, and also state in detail what the breakdown is. Do not hesitate to remind the seller about the possibility of collecting a legal penalty, as well as compensation for non-pecuniary damage. Also, an unpleasant fine may be imposed on the store, which will be collected in favor of the buyer.
  • The claim must be sent with a valuable letter. This form of shipment ensures that the seller does not later tell the court that he has received an empty envelope from you, since a shipment list will be compiled, certified by an employee of the Russian Post.
go to court

As a rule, this action is sufficient for the seller to reassess the values ​​and begin to act within the legal framework. If no response has been received, then two options remain:

  • A complaint to the territorial body of Rospotrebnadzor demanding protection of violated consumer rights.
  • Appeal to the court with a request to terminate the contract of sale, compensation for non-pecuniary damage, payment of forfeit and payment by the seller of a fine.

The main thing to remember is that the law is on your side. Do not be shy to assert your rights, because only in this way stores will finally begin to pay attention to consumer requirements.

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